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Julian Skupnjak edited this page Apr 30, 2017 · 3 revisions

Design Patterns used in this Project

1. Even-Driven Architecture

The overall achitecture is based on the "Event-Driven Architecture", which is a Software Architecture for the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events.


In the szenario overview we can see the different components of the Event-Driven Architecture:

  • Event-Generator: Protocar
  • Event-Channel: Watson IoT-Gateway
  • Event-Processing: Riddle
  • Event-Activity: OpenWhisk

2. Publish-Subscribe Pattern

The Publish-Subscribe Pattern is highly used in this project. Looking at the design overview of riddle...


...the pattern appear between the following componets:

  • Controller - IoT Gateway
  • Controller - Event-Handling components (Filter, Correlator)
  • Between all Event-Handling components

3. Model View Whatever

Described in the Cuisine documentation.

Author: Julian Skupnjak

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