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Expose resignation of Master over HTTP. (Previously known as Maintena…
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…nce Mode) (#1982)

Add ability to issue a resignation of the master node over http.

Allow setting the priority for a node during runtime.
Add NodePriority to ElectionMessage.Proposal.

Add new ResigningMaster state. The node will enter this state when it is told to resign.
While resigning, the master will ignore any new write requests and wait until the request queue is drained.
Once the request queue is empty, the master will enter the Unknown state.

Broadcast the resigning master message to other nodes in the cluster.
This provides nodes with a hint to not re-elect the last master if it has signaled that it is resigning.
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321zer0 authored and hayley-jean committed Oct 23, 2019
1 parent 3eac15b commit d9e698a
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@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ServiceModel.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using EventStore.Core.Bus;
using EventStore.Core.Cluster;
using EventStore.Core.Data;
using EventStore.Core.Messages;
using EventStore.Core.Messaging;
using EventStore.Core.Services.Gossip;
using EventStore.Core.Services.TimerService;
using EventStore.Core.Tests.Services.TimeService;
using EventStore.Core.TransactionLog.Checkpoint;
using NUnit.Framework;
using SUT = EventStore.Core.Services.ElectionsService;

namespace EventStore.Core.Tests.Services.ElectionsService {
public class ElectionsServiceUnitTests :
IHandle<HttpMessage.SendOverHttp> {
private Dictionary<IPEndPoint, IPublisher> _nodes;
private List<MemberInfo> _members;
private FakeTimeProvider _fakeTimeProvider;
private FakeScheduler _scheduler;

public void Setup() {
var address = IPAddress.Loopback;
var members = new List<MemberInfo>();
var seeds = new List<IPEndPoint>();
var seedSource = new ReallyNotSafeFakeGossipSeedSource(seeds);
_nodes = new Dictionary<IPEndPoint, IPublisher>();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var inputBus = new InMemoryBus($"ELECTIONS-INPUT-BUS-NODE-{i}", watchSlowMsg: false);
var outputBus = new InMemoryBus($"ELECTIONS-OUTPUT-BUS-NODE-{i}", watchSlowMsg: false);
var endPoint = new IPEndPoint(address, 1000 + i);
var instanceId = Guid.Parse($"101EFD13-F9CD-49BE-9C6D-E6AF9AF5540{i}");
members.Add(MemberInfo.ForVNode(instanceId, DateTime.UtcNow, VNodeState.Unknown, true,
endPoint, null, endPoint, null, endPoint, endPoint, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, Guid.Empty, 0, false)
var nodeInfo = new VNodeInfo(instanceId, 0, endPoint, endPoint, endPoint, endPoint, endPoint,
endPoint, false);
_fakeTimeProvider = new FakeTimeProvider();
_scheduler = new FakeScheduler(new FakeTimer(), _fakeTimeProvider);
var timerService = new TimerService(_scheduler);

var writerCheckpoint = new InMemoryCheckpoint();
var readerCheckpoint = new InMemoryCheckpoint();
var epochManager = new FakeEpochManager();
Func<long> lastCommitPosition = () => -1;
var electionsService = new Core.Services.ElectionsService(outputBus,
() => -1, 0);

var nodeId = i;
outputBus.Subscribe(new AdHocHandler<Message>(
m => {
switch (m) {
case TimerMessage.Schedule sm:
$"Node {nodeId} : Delay {sm.TriggerAfter} : {sm.ReplyMessage.GetType()}");
case HttpMessage.SendOverHttp hm:
TestContext.WriteLine($"Node {nodeId} : EP {hm.EndPoint} : {hm.Message.GetType()}");
TestContext.WriteLine($"Node {nodeId} : EP {m.GetType()}");
_nodes.Add(endPoint, inputBus);

var gossip = new NodeGossipService(outputBus, seedSource, nodeInfo, writerCheckpoint, readerCheckpoint,
epochManager, lastCommitPosition, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

_members = members;

public void Handle(HttpMessage.SendOverHttp message) {
if (_nodes.TryGetValue(message.EndPoint, out var node)) {
TestContext.WriteLine($"Sending {message.Message} to {message.EndPoint}");

TestContext.WriteLine($"Failed to find endpoint for {message.Message} to {message.EndPoint}");

class ReallyNotSafeFakeGossipSeedSource : IGossipSeedSource {
private readonly List<IPEndPoint> _ipEndPoints;

public ReallyNotSafeFakeGossipSeedSource(List<IPEndPoint> ipEndPoints) {
_ipEndPoints = ipEndPoints;

public IAsyncResult BeginGetHostEndpoints(AsyncCallback requestCallback, object state) {
return null;

public IPEndPoint[] EndGetHostEndpoints(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
return _ipEndPoints.ToArray();

public class ChoosingMasterTests {
static IEnumerable<TestCase> CreateCases() {
//Basic cases
yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 2,
ProposingNode = 0,

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 0,
NodePriorities = new[] {3, 2, 1}

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 1,
NodePriorities = new[] {0, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 2,
ResigningMaster = 2

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 0,
NodePriorities = new[] {int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 0,

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 0,
CommitPositions = new long[] {1, 0, 1},
NodePriorities = new[] {0, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 2,
ResigningMaster = 2

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 1,
WriterCheckpoints = new long[] {0, 1, 1},
NodePriorities = new[] {0, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 2,
ResigningMaster = 2

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 0,
ChaserCheckpoints = new long[] {1, 0, 1},
NodePriorities = new[] {0, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 2,
ResigningMaster = 2

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 0,
CommitPositions = new long[] {1, 0, 0},
NodePriorities = new[] {int.MinValue, 0, 0},
LastElectedMaster = 0

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 1,
WriterCheckpoints = new long[] {0, 1, 0},
NodePriorities = new[] {0, int.MinValue, 0},
LastElectedMaster = 1

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 2,
ChaserCheckpoints = new long[] {0, 0, 1},
NodePriorities = new[] {0, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 2

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 0,
NodePriorities = new[] {0, int.MinValue, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 1,
ResigningMaster = 1

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 1,
NodePriorities = new[] {int.MinValue, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 0,
ResigningMaster = 0

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 2,
NodePriorities = new[] {int.MinValue, int.MinValue, 0},
LastElectedMaster = 1,
ResigningMaster = 1

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 2,
CommitPositions = new long[] {1, 0, 1},
NodePriorities = new[] {int.MinValue, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 0,
ResigningMaster = 0

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 2,
WriterCheckpoints = new long[] {1, 0, 1},
NodePriorities = new[] {int.MinValue, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 0,
ResigningMaster = 0

yield return new TestCase {
ExpectedMasterCandidateNode = 2,
ChaserCheckpoints = new long[] {1, 0, 1},
NodePriorities = new[] {int.MinValue, 0, int.MinValue},
LastElectedMaster = 0,
ResigningMaster = 0

[Test, TestCaseSource(nameof(TestCases))]
public void should_select_valid_best_master_candidate(TestCase tc) {
var epochId = Guid.NewGuid();
var members = new MemberInfo[3];
var prepareOks = new Dictionary<Guid, ElectionMessage.PrepareOk>();
Func<int, long> lastCommitPosition = i => tc.CommitPositions[i];
Func<int, long> writerCheckpoint = i => tc.WriterCheckpoints[i];
Func<int, long> chaserCheckpoint = i => tc.ChaserCheckpoints[i];
Func<int, int> nodePriority = i => tc.NodePriorities[i];

for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
members[index] = CreateMemberInfo(index, epochId, lastCommitPosition, writerCheckpoint,
chaserCheckpoint, nodePriority);
var prepareOk = CreatePrepareOk(index, epochId, lastCommitPosition, writerCheckpoint, chaserCheckpoint,
prepareOks.Add(prepareOk.ServerId, prepareOk);

var lastElectedMaster = tc.LastElectedMaster.HasValue
? (Guid?)IdForNode(tc.LastElectedMaster.Value)
: null;
var resigningMaster = tc.ResigningMaster.HasValue
? (Guid?)IdForNode(tc.ResigningMaster.Value)
: null;
var mc = SUT.GetBestMasterCandidate(prepareOks, members, lastElectedMaster, resigningMaster);

Assert.AreEqual(IdForNode(tc.ExpectedMasterCandidateNode), mc.InstanceId);

var ownInfo = CreateMasterCandidate(1, epochId, lastCommitPosition, writerCheckpoint, chaserCheckpoint,

var localNode = FromMember(0, members);

var isLegit = SUT.IsLegitimateMaster(1, EndpointForNode(tc.ProposingNode),
IdForNode(tc.ProposingNode), mc, members, null, localNode,


static ElectionMessage.PrepareOk CreatePrepareOk(int i, Guid epochId,
Func<int, long> lastCommitPosition,
Func<int, long> writerCheckpoint,
Func<int, long> chaserCheckpoint,
Func<int, int> nodePriority) {
var id = IdForNode(i);
var ep = EndpointForNode(i);
return new ElectionMessage.PrepareOk(1, id, ep, 1, 1, epochId, lastCommitPosition(i), writerCheckpoint(i),
chaserCheckpoint(i), nodePriority(i));

static SUT.MasterCandidate CreateMasterCandidate(int i, Guid epochId,
Func<int, long> lastCommitPosition,
Func<int, long> writerCheckpoint,
Func<int, long> chaserCheckpoint,
Func<int, int> nodePriority) {
var id = IdForNode(i);
var ep = EndpointForNode(i);
return new SUT.MasterCandidate(id, ep, 1, 1, epochId, lastCommitPosition(i), writerCheckpoint(i),
chaserCheckpoint(i), nodePriority(i));

static VNodeInfo FromMember(int index, MemberInfo[] members) {
return new VNodeInfo(members[index].InstanceId, 1, members[index].InternalTcpEndPoint,
members[index].InternalSecureTcpEndPoint, members[index].ExternalTcpEndPoint,
members[index].ExternalSecureTcpEndPoint, members[index].InternalHttpEndPoint,
members[index].ExternalHttpEndPoint, false);

static MemberInfo CreateMemberInfo(int i, Guid epochId, Func<int, long> lastCommitPosition,
Func<int, long> writerCheckpoint,
Func<int, long> chaserCheckpoint,
Func<int, int> nodePriority) {
var id = IdForNode(i);
var ep = EndpointForNode(i);
return MemberInfo.ForVNode(id, DateTime.Now, VNodeState.Slave, true, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep,
lastCommitPosition(i), writerCheckpoint(i), chaserCheckpoint(i), 1, 1, epochId, nodePriority(i), false);

private static IPEndPoint EndpointForNode(int i) {
return new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 1000 + i);

private static Guid IdForNode(int i) {
return Guid.Parse($"101EFD13-F9CD-49BE-9C6D-E6AF9AF5540{i}");

static object[] TestCases() {
return CreateCases().Cast<object>().ToArray();

public class TestCase {
private readonly string _name;
public int ExpectedMasterCandidateNode { get; set; }
public int? ResigningMaster { get; set; }
public int ProposingNode { get; set; }
public int? LastElectedMaster { get; set; }
public long[] CommitPositions { get; set; } = {1L, 1, 1};
public long[] WriterCheckpoints { get; set; } = {1L, 1, 1};
public long[] ChaserCheckpoints { get; set; } = {1L, 1, 1};
public int[] NodePriorities { get; set; } = {1, 1, 1};

private static string GenerateName(int expectedMasterCandidateNode, long[] commitPositions,
long[] writerCheckpoints,
long[] chaserCheckpoints, int[] nodePriorities) {
var nameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (commitPositions != null) {
if (nameBuilder.Length == 0) nameBuilder.Append("Nodes with ");
else nameBuilder.Append(" and");
nameBuilder.AppendFormat("commit positions ( {0} )", string.Join(",",
commitPositions.Where(x => x != 1).Select((x, i) => $"{i} : cp {x}")));

if (writerCheckpoints != null) {
if (nameBuilder.Length == 0) nameBuilder.Append("Nodes with ");
else nameBuilder.Append(" and ");
nameBuilder.AppendFormat("writer checkpoints ( {0} )", string.Join(",",
writerCheckpoints.Where(x => x != 1).Select((x, i) => $"{i} : wcp {x}")));

if (chaserCheckpoints != null) {
if (nameBuilder.Length == 0) nameBuilder.Append("Nodes with ");
else nameBuilder.Append(" and ");
nameBuilder.AppendFormat("chaser checkpoints ( {0} )", string.Join(",",
chaserCheckpoints.Where(x => x != 1).Select((x, i) => $"{i} : ccp {x}")));

if (nodePriorities != null) {
if (nameBuilder.Length == 0) nameBuilder.Append("Nodes with ");
else nameBuilder.Append(" and ");
nameBuilder.AppendFormat("node priorities ( {0} )", string.Join(",",
nodePriorities.Where(x => x != 0).Select((x, i) => $"{i} : np {x}")));

if (nameBuilder.Length == 0)
nameBuilder.AppendFormat("All nodes caught up with the same priority expect {0} to be master",
var name = nameBuilder.ToString();
return name;

public override string ToString() {
return GenerateName(ExpectedMasterCandidateNode, CommitPositions, WriterCheckpoints, ChaserCheckpoints,

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