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File metadata and controls

128 lines (108 loc) · 16.8 KB

HotPocket configuration reference

What is "hp.cfg" in HotPocket?

hp.cfg is a configuration file maintained inside each and every HotPocket node. It contains attributes necessary for smart contract execution.

Following is a sample hp.cfg file:

    "node": {
        "role": "validator",
        "history": "custom",
        "history_config": {
            "max_primary_shards": 4,
            "max_raw_shards": 4
    "contract": {
        "execute": true,
        "log": {
            "enable": false,
            "max_mbytes_per_file": 5,
            "max_file_count": 10
        "version": "1.0",
        "unl": [
        "bin_path": "/usr/bin/node",
        "bin_args": "index.js",
        "environment": {},
        "max_input_ledger_offset": 10,
        "consensus": {
            "mode": "public",
            "roundtime": 1000,
            "stage_slice": 25,
            "threshold": 80
        "npl": {
            "mode": "public"
        "round_limits": {
            "user_input_bytes": 0,
            "user_output_bytes": 0,
            "npl_output_bytes": 0,
            "proc_cpu_seconds": 0,
            "proc_mem_bytes": 0,
            "proc_ofd_count": 0
    "mesh": {
        "known_peers": [
        "msg_forwarding": true,
        "peer_discovery": {
            "enabled": true,
            "interval": 10000
    "log": {
        "log_level": "inf"


In the above sample hp.cfg file, the attributes are grouped under the following sub-sections:

  • node
  • contract
  • mesh
  • log

The attributes of each sub-section are as follows:

  • node

    This section contains attributes that are relevant to the node itself.

    Field Description
    role The role that is assigned to this particular node in the smart contract. The role can be either validator or observer.

    validator - Participates in consensus by sending stage proposals to the connected peers.
    observer - Does not participate in consensus and observes peer proposals and keeps itself up to date.
    history The history mode of the node. There are two mode types: full and custom.

    full - Keeps all the history without truncating.
    custom - Truncates history according to the limits given in the history_config section.
    history_config max_primary_shards : The maximum number of primary ledger shards that will be kept in history.
    max_raw_shards : The maximum number of raw data shards that will be kept in history.
  • contract

    This section contains attributes that are required in smart contract maintenance. In a particular consensus round, this block will be synced with the other nodes which are participating in the consensus.

    Field Description
    execute This denotes whether to execute the smart contract in the node or not.
    log enable : true or false denoting whether to log stdout/err of the contract process as files inside log/contract directory or not.

    max_mbytes_per_file : The maximum space allocation for a single log file.
    max_file_count : The maximum number of logs files, that can be maintained.
    version The version of the contract in the cluster.
    unl The UNL (Unique Node List) is the list of the hex public keys of the trusted nodes that are participating for the consensus. Only the stage proposals sent by these trusted nodes are accepted.
    bin_path The full path to the contract binary that is to be executed.
    bin_args The CLI arguments to be passed into the smart contract.
    environment The runtime environment variables to be used in the smart contract. This is specified as a JSON object. The values should be in string format. Example: { "VAR1": "value 1", "VAR2": "2" }.
    max_input_ledger_offset The maximum ledger sequence number offset that can be specified in the input.
    consensus mode : This denotes whether the consensus mode is private or public. If set to private - stage proposals are sent only to the UNL nodes. If set to public - stage proposals are broadcasted to non-UNL nodes as well.
    roundtime : The time duration between two consecutive consensus rounds. This value should be between 1 and 3600000 milliseconds inclusive.
    stage_slice : The percentage slice of round time that stages 0,1,2 gets. This value should be between 1 and 33 inclusive.
    threshold : The minimum percentage of votes for accepting a stage 3 proposal to create a ledger. This value can be between 1 and 100 inclusive. The default value for the cluster is set to 80.
    npl The NPL (Node Party Line) is a peer communication method used in HotPocket.
    mode : This can be used to configure the communication mode as private or public. Private and public in this instance behaves the same as the consensus.
    round_limits user_input_bytes : The maximum number of input bytes that can be allocated for a consensus round.
    user_output_bytes : The maximum number of output bytes that can be allocated for a consensus round.
    npl_output_bytes : The maximum number of NPL output bytes for a consensus round.
    proc_cpu_seconds: The maximum amount of CPU time the contract process can consume.
    proc_mem_bytes : The maximum amount of memory the contract process can allocate.
    proc_ofd_count : The maximum number of open file descriptors the contract process can allocate.
  • mesh

    This section contains attributes that are relevant to the peers in the node cluster.

    Field Description
    known_peers The list of known peers of this node. An element in this list should consist of the ip address and the port of the peer node in the format - <ip_address>:<port>.
    msg_forwarding true or false denoting whether the message forward option is enabled or not. If enabled, this node will forward the received stage proposals and NPL messages to weakly connected peers (peers not connected with all the peers in the UNL). This will be helpful to continue communication between two nodes even when their direct connection is broken.
    peer_discovery enabled : true or false denoting whether to enable or disable dynamic peer discovery. If the enabled node will request known peers from the other peers, then they will send the response with their known peer list. Then the node will update its known peer list upon receiving the response.
    interval: The time interval (in milliseconds) to send the peer list request. Dynamic peer discovery should be enabled for the time interval to have any effect.
  • log

    This section contains attributes that are relevant to the HotPocket logger.

    Field Description
    log_level The log severity level. (dbg, inf, wrn, err)


The smart contract 'mycontract' that you may have already created using the HotPocket Dev Kit contains a file called hp.cfg.override. This file can be used to bind attributes to the hp.cfg file that is used inside the node in your HotPocket cluster.