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The steps below is for creating symlinks in the system root, targeting the config files in this repo.

Specifically, it'll create these symlinks:

# In root: ~/
.bash_profile@   --> gitconfig/.bash_profile
.bashrc@         --> gitconfig/.bashrc
.git_aliases@    --> gitconfig/.git_aliases
.gitconfig@      --> gitconfig/.gitconfig
.vim@            --> gitconfig/.vim
.vimrc@          --> gitconfig/.vimrc

On Linux

git clone
cd gitconfig

On Windows

  1. Run Git Bash as administrator
  2. Execute export MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict
    (this will allow creation of symlinks used in
  3. Do the steps in the On Linux section above

Based on:

Git Aliases

git ab

Aborts the current rebase/merge/cherry-pick/revert command.

# Alias for:
in_prog_cmd="$(git get-in-prog-cmd)"
    && echo "Aborting $in_prog_cmd..."
    && eval "git $in_prog_cmd --abort"

git addn [file_paths]

Negative add. Adds everything except the specified file(s).

# Alias for:
git add -A
git reset [file_paths]

# Usage:
git addn ./file1 ./dir/file2

git branch-d-both [branch_name]

Deletes branch both locally and on remote.

# Alias for:
git branch -d [branch_name]
git push -d origin [branch_name]

git cane

# Alias for:
git commit --amend --no-edit

git clone-nonempty [-f] [github_repo_url] [clone_to_path]

Clones repo into a non-empty dir.
(Force flag force overwrites any local files that conflicts with the repo files)

# Alias for (w/o force flag):
mkdir -p [clone_to_path]
cd [clone_to_path]
git init
git remote add origin [github_repo_url]
git fetch
git checkout -t origin/master

# Alias for (force flag):
# Force overwrite any conflicting files
git checkout -tf origin/master

# Example usage:
git clone-nonempty -f .

git code-unmerged

Open all unmerged files in VSCode editor via the code command.

For example, if FILE1, PATH/TO/FILE2 and ../FILE3 are unmerged, this command runs:

code "FILE1"
code "PATH/TO/FILE2"
code "../FILE3"

git con

Continues the current rebase/merge/cherry-pick/revert command.

# Alias for:
in_prog_cmd="$(git get-in-prog-cmd)"
    && echo "Continuing $in_prog_cmd..."
    && eval "git $in_prog_cmd --continue"

git cone

Continues the current rebase/merge/cherry-pick/revert command while preventing the prompt for editing the commit message.
(similar to --no-edit flag for git commit)

# Alias for:
in_prog_cmd="$(git get-in-prog-cmd)"
    && echo "Continuing $in_prog_cmd (no edit)..."
    && eval "git -c core.editor=true $in_prog_cmd --continue"

git conea

Adds all unstaged changes, then continues the current rebase/merge/cherry-pick/revert command while preventing the prompt for editing the commit message.

# Alias for:
git add -A
git cone

git cum [flags/parameters]

# Alias for:
git add -A
git commit [flags/parameters]

git cumane

# Alias for:
git add -A
git commit --amend --no-edit

git delete-this

Deletes the current branch, checking out to previous branch.

# Alias for:
current_branch=$(git get-current-branch)
git checkout -
git branch -D $current_branch

git dump [-f]

Dumps any unstaged changes.
(Force flag dumps staged changes too)

:/ is to select all files, including files not in the current directory (eg. "../../file.ext")

# Alias for (w/o force flag):
git restore :/
git clean -df :/

# Alias for (force flag):
git reset
git restore :/
git clean -df :/

git f [commit_hash]

Commit-fixup targeting [commit_hash].

# Alias for:
git commit --fixup=[commit_hash]

git ff [remote]

Fast-forwards current branch to corresponding branch on [remote].

# Alias for:
current_branch=$(git get-current-branch)
git fetch [remote]
git merge --ff-only [remote]/$current_branch

git git [commands/flags/parameters]

For when you accidentally type git twice.

# Alias for:
git [commands/flags/parameters]

git link [-f] [github_repo_url]

Links local repo to [github_repo_url], by setting remote origin to url and set-upstream push.
(Force flag force-pushes local repo to remote)

# Alias for (w/o force flag):
git remote add origin [github_repo_url]
git remote set-url origin [github_repo_url]
git push -u origin master

# Alias for (force flag):
git push -uf origin master

git merge-this

Merge (no fast-forward) current branch (ie. [branch_name]) to master, and deletes it locally.

# Alias for:
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff [branch_name]
git branch -D [branch_name]

git pop [flags/parameters]

# Alias for:
git stash pop [flags/parameters]

git pull-all [-s [ignore_branch_name] [ignore_branch_name] ...]

Pulls all remote branches.
-s skip-flag skips pulling [ignore_branch_name] remote branches.

# Alias for:
git fetch -p    # Update + prune remote branches
echo "From $(git remote get-url origin)"
for remote_branch in `git branch -r | grep -v " -> " | grep "origin/"`; do

    git fetch
        --update-head-ok            # Allows changes to current branch/HEAD
        origin "$branch:$branch"    # Updates branch
        2>&1                        # Fix 'fetch' not outputting to 'grep'
        | grep -v "From"            # Removes repeated "From [REMOTE_URL]"

    git branch --quiet -u "$remote_branch" "$branch"    # Sets upstream, as 'git fetch' doesn't

# '-s' skip-flag implementation too complicated to show

git pull-force

Pulls and overwrite current local branch.

# Alias for:
git fetch
git reset --hard "origin/$(git branch --show-current)"

git pull-pr [username]:[branch] [optional_remote_name]

Pulls (and checkout to) a PR's branch. The [username]:[branch] is given in the GitHub's PR description.

If no remote with a URL containing [username] exists, create a new remote named [username] (or [optional_remote_name] if given) with a URL based on origin remote.
(eg. If origin then the URL will be[username]/repo)

If a remote exists, but it's name isn't equal to [optional_remote_name], then that remote is renamed to [optional_remote_name].

For example, for the PR description:
"afiqzu wants to merge 1 commit into CS3219-AY2324S1:assignment-5 from afiqzu:assignment-5"
[username]:[branch] = afiqzu:assignment-5

# Given this scenario:
$ git remote -v

Example usage 1:

git pull-pr EvitanRelta:pr-branch
# is alias for:
git fetch oldremote
git checkout -b oldremote-pr-branch oldremote/pr-branch

Example usage 2:

git pull-pr EvitanRelta:pr-branch newremote
# is alias for:
git remote rename oldremote newremote
git fetch newremote
git checkout -b newremote-pr-branch newremote/pr-branch

Example usage 3:

git pull-pr NewUser:pr-branch newremote
# is alias for:
git remote add newremote
git fetch newremote
git checkout -b newremote-pr-branch newremote/pr-branch

git pushu

Push (and setup to track) to the same branch-name on origin.

# Alias for:
current_branch=$(git get-current-branch)
git push -u origin $current_branch

git re [flags/parameters]

Alias for rebase.
But if no -i or --interactive is given, it will pass the interactive flag along with a noop editor.
(this is to force autosquash, which for some reason doesn't run without interactive)

# Alias for (if interactive flag given):
git rebase [flags/parameters]

# Alias for (if no interactive flag given):
GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=: git rebase -i [flags/parameters]

git rebase-from [inclusive_from_commit] [new_base]

Rebase the current branch onto [new_base] starting from (and including) [inclusive_from_commit].
(similar to git rebase [new_base] but only picking commits from HEAD up to [inclusive_from_commit])
(uses the re alias instead of rebase, to force autosquash)

# Alias for:
current_branch=$(git get-current-branch)
git re --onto [new_base] [inclusive_from_commit]~ $current_branch

git rebase-preserve [same-options-as-rebase]

Exactly the same as rebase, but preserves the author & committer dates of commits.

# Alias for:
git -c rebase.instructionFormat='%s%nexec GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=\"%cD\" git commit --amend --no-edit' rebase [same-options-as-rebase]

# Usage:
git rebase-preserve -i --rebase-merges @~5

git rebun [interactve_command] [commit_hash]

Rebases a single commit (with --rebase-merges flag) without opening interactive editor.
[interactive_command] is the pick/edit/reword/fix etc. command in the interactive editor.

# Alias for:
git rebase -i --rebase-merges [commit_hash]~
# Then replacing the 'pick' of the oldest commit to [interactive_command]

# Example ussage:
git rebun edit HEAD~3
git rebun e 2ea1622
git rebun reword HEAD~4

git redoc

Commit using the last undone (via undoc alias) commit's message.

# Alias for:
git commit -c [last_undone_commit] --no-edit

git replace-with [branch]

Resets the head of current branch to that of [branch], then force deletes [branch].

# Alias for:
git reset --hard [branch]
git branch -D [branch]

git show-stopped [flags/parameters]

Shows the changes of the commit that the current rebase has stopped at.

# Alias for:
stopped_commit_hash="$(git get-stopped-hash)"
git show "$stopped_commit_hash" [flags/parameters]

git show-stopped-unmerged

Shows the changes of the commit that the current rebase has stopped at, specifically only for the currently unmerged files.

# Alias for:
unmerged_paths="$(git get-unmerged-paths)"
git show-stopped -- "$unmerged_paths"

git spoof-dates [author-date] [committer-date]

Changes the author/commiter dates of the previous commit.

# Alias for:
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="[committer-date]" git commit --date="[author-date]" --amend --no-edit

# Usage:
git spoof-dates "Fri Dec 2 18:53:50 2022 +0800" "Fri Dec 2 18:54:09 2022 +0800"

git st [flags/parameters]

# Alias for:
git status [flags/parameters]

git stash-staged [flags/parameters]

Stashes staged changes, leaving behind unstaged changes.

# Alias for:
git stash-unstaged --quiet
git stash -u [flags/parameters]
git stash pop --quiet "stash@{1}"

git stash-unstaged [flags/parameters]

Stashes unstaged (and untracked) changes, leaving behind staged changes.

# Alias for:
git commit --quiet -m "TEMP (staged changes)"
git stash -u [flags/parameters]
git undoc

git undoc [-f]

Undo/Uncommit the last commit, keeping the commit's changes as staged.
(Force flag doesn't keep the commit's changes)

Also saves the last undone commit's hash to undoc_hash.temp to be used by the redoc alias.

# Alias for (w/o force flag):
git reset --soft HEAD~

# Alias for (force flag):
git reset --hard HEAD~

git unmerge

Must be on a merge commit.
Restore the deleted branch from the merge commit, and undo the merge commit.
(effectively undoing git merge-this)

# Alias for:
git restore-deleted-branch HEAD
git undoc -f
git checkout -

Helper functions

git branch-exists [branch]

Checks if branch [branch] exists.
(Used in conditional statements for other aliases)

# Alias for:
git show-ref --quiet "refs/heads/[branch]"

# Usage:
if git branch-exists my-branch; then

git get-current-branch

Gets current branch name.
(Used in other aliases)

# Alias for:
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

git get-current-hash

Gets current commit hash.
(Used in other aliases)

# Alias for:
git rev-parse HEAD

git get-in-prog-cmd

If is currently rebasing, merging, cherry-picking or reverting, outputs rebase, merge, cherry-pick or revert respectively. If not, exit with error, and output "Not currently rebasing, merging or cherry-picking" to stderr.
(Used to infer the continue/abort/etc. commands for rebasing/merging/cherry-picking/etc)

# Alias for:
if git is-rebasing; then
    echo rebase
elif git is-merging; then
    echo merge
elif git is-cherry-picking; then
    echo cherry-pick
elif git is-reverting; then
    echo revert
    >&2 echo "Not currently rebasing, merging, cherry-picking nor reverting"
    exit 1

git get-stopped-hash

Gets the hash of the commit that the current rebase has stopped at.
(Used in other aliases)

# Alias for:
cat .git/rebase-merge/stopped-sha

git get-unmerged-paths

Gets all the unmerged file paths, relative to the current dir.
For example, user is in /A/, unmerged file at /B/FILE, return ../B/FILE.
(Used in other aliases)

# Alias for:
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
# Then convert to be relative to current dir.

git has-unmerged

Checks if there's any unmerged paths, which somehow can occur when .git/MERGE_HEAD doesn't exist.
(eg. during merge conflicts after applying a stash)
(Used in git get-in-prog-cmd)

# Alias for:
git ls-files --unmerged | grep -q .

# Usage:
if git has-unmerged; then

git is-ancestor [older_commit/branch] [newer_commit/branch]

Checks if [older_commit/branch] is an ancestor of [newer_commit/branch].
(Used in conditional statements for other aliases)

# Alias for:
git merge-base --is-ancestor [older_commit/branch] [newer_commit/branch]

# Usage:
if git branch-exists origin/master HEAD; then

git is-cherry-picking

Checks if is currently cherry-picking, by checking if the .git/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD file exists.
(Used in git get-in-prog-cmd)

# Usage:
if git is-cherry-picking; then

git is-merging

Checks if is currently merging, by checking if the .git/MERGE_HEAD file exists.
(Used in git get-in-prog-cmd)

# Usage:
if git is-merging; then

git is-rebasing

Checks if is currently rebasing, by checking if the .git/rebase-merge folder exists.
(Used in git get-in-prog-cmd)

# Usage:
if git is-rebasing; then

git is-reverting

Checks if is currently reverting, by checking if the .git/REVERT_HEAD file exists.
(Used in git get-in-prog-cmd)

# Usage:
if git is-reverting; then

git restore-deleted-branch [merge_commit_hash]

Restores a locally-deleted branch from a merge commit, and returns [branch_name].

Infers the deleted [branch_name] from the merge commit's subject.
(expects the merge commit's subject to be in the form: "Merge branch '[branch_name]' ...")

# Alias for:
git branch [branch_name] [merge_commit_hash]^2
echo [branch_name]