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first batch of documentation changes, related also to MID-6943 fix
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virgo47 committed Sep 30, 2021
1 parent 85b291e commit 2a8907d
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Showing 3 changed files with 176 additions and 7 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion docs/repository/database-schema-versioning.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@

The following information applies to the SQL repository implementation (currently the only one).
The following information applies to the "Generic" (old) SQL repository implementation.
New Native repository uses different upgrade mechanism

_Database schema version_ is an indication of a version of the database schema, i.e. the structure of database tables, indices, constraints, and so on.
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions docs/repository/repository-database-support.adoc
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:page-upkeep-status: green

MidPoint was designed with a flexible implementation of its wiki:Repository+Subsystem[repository subsystem], which allows support for several types of storage technologies.
The only storage technology that midPoint supports currently supports is relational database.
The only storage technology that midPoint currently supports is relational database.
Relational database always was, and it still is, the reliable workhorse of many identity management solutions, including midPoint.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ PostgreSQL is the recommended database, but other databases are still supported
The other databases will be supported until there is a clear migration path to PostgreSQL.
There is no need to migrate your existing deployment right now.
*Please wait until midPoint 4.4*. MidPoint 4.4 would be an ideal point for you to migrate your database.
However, you can keep your existing database even a little bit longer.
However, you can keep your existing database even a little longer.
There is still time to prepare: both for you and midPoint.
However, please keep in mind that you will probably need to migrate to PostgreSQL eventually.

Expand All @@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ This implementation will work only for PostgreSQL and it will take advantage of
This will come with a new and more efficient database schema.
For now this is planned to be released in production-ready quality in midPoint 4.4.

. We will create a migration plan (and a guide) from all of the supported databases to the new native PostgreSQL repository.
. We will create a migration plan (and a guide) from all the supported databases to the new native PostgreSQL repository.
The migration path will most likely involve XML export/import of the data.

. Both the new native PostgreSQL repository and the old generic implementations will be supported in midPoint 4.4 LTS, planned for release in late 2021.
Expected lifetime of midPoint 4.4 LTS is until late 2024.
Therefore you will have at least three-year migration period to PostgreSQL if you stick with midPoint 4.4 LTS.

. The plans for database support beyond midPoint 4.4 LTS are still quite fuzzy.
We have already dropped database support for MySQL and MariaDB, as there was almost no interest for this support in midPoint community.
We have already dropped database support for MySQL and MariaDB, as there was almost no interest in this support in midPoint community.
There are no specific plans for dropping support for Oracle and Microsoft SQL, but it may happen eventually.

The new native PostgreSQL repository has a completely new database schema, designed to take full advantage of PostgreSQL capabilities.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ You have to install the database engine yourself.
You have to configure it.
We may have some recommendations for you, but database configuration is your responsibility.
There are lots of variables here, single-node databases, clustered databases, many performance and availability trade-offs.
Those depends on your environment, your requirements and workloads.
Those depend on your environment, your requirements and workloads.
We cannot possibly make such decisions for you.
We provide database schema that midPoint needs.
But fine-tuning of the database is up to you.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,4 +181,4 @@ Even though midPoint is tested in a variety of database configurations during de
If you happen to experience an issue with midPoint operation, we have to reproduce the issue in order to have any realistic chance to fix it.
Some issues can be reproduced in our testing environment.
However, presence of database clustering makes reproduction of issues much harder.
Therefore please be prepared that Evolveum team may request an access to your testing environment where the issue can be reproduced in order to diagnose and fix an issue.
Therefore please be prepared that Evolveum team may request access to your testing environment where the issue can be reproduced in order to diagnose and fix an issue.
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions docs/repository/repository-native-usage.adoc
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= Using Native Repository (new)
:page-toc: top

== Changes from old to new repository

What is similar and what is different when configuring midPoint for the new repository?

* New repository supports *only PostgreSQL database*, preferably version 13 or 14, 12 is possible too.
The database cannot be embedded and must be prepared
link:/midpoint/reference/repository/db/postgresq[as documented here] (the procedure is fully
described later in this document, no need to click).
* Different schema SQL files are used, so stop before the *Run database script* step.
* Basic repository configuration documented link:/midpoint/reference/repository/configuration[here]
is working as before.
* New repo doesn't use Hibernate, so any Hibernate related configuration is ignored.
* Main difference in `config.xml` is to use `<type>generic</type>` instead of
`<repositoryServiceFactoryClass>` element (which does not work with new repo).
Definitely don't try to use both `<repositoryServiceFactoryClass>` and `<type>` simultaneously!
* For audit replace old repository value in `auditServiceFactoryClass`
with `com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.impl.LoggerAuditServiceFactory`.

== Database setup

=== Installation

This guide does not cover the installation process as there are many possible combinations.
To install PG 13 on Ubuntu 20.04 one can use[these steps] for an inspiration.
Adjust the setup in `pg_hba.conf` to the real IP address of the server.
Setup can be different if PG is used only on localhost, but we assume host-to-host communication
which is typical for production setup.

The short checklist:

* Install PostgreSQL 13 on your OS or server or VM.
* Setup `listen_addresses = '*'` in `postgresql.conf`.
* While in `postgresql.conf` it's also good to add statements statistics extension and query logging
for better visibility (the latter may not be a good option for production and small disks).
See the snippet lower.
* Setup `host...md5` line in `pg_hba.conf`, otherwise you (and JDBC driver) will not be able to
connect to the database remotely.
* Restart PostgreSQL.

In short, this can all be added to the end `postgresql.conf` (then restart the server):

listen_addresses = '*'
# this is necessary for pg_stat_statements extension
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
# this is to log all the queries, just be aware of the free disk space
log_directory = 'pg_log'
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
log_statement = 'all'
logging_collector = on

Sizing the database server and adjust PostgreSQL configuration parameters is not part
of this document at this moment - but we plan to add it.
In the meantime rely on other online resources.
Be aware that default Postgres server sizing is rather small.

=== Database preparation

This roughly copies the link:/midpoint/reference/repository/db/postgresq[docs for old repository].

First command is to be executed in `bash` on the server with Postgres, the rest is executed inside `psql`:

sudo -i -u postgres psql

To initialize the database connect to `midpoint` database as `midpoint` user and execute
the content of the following schema files provided with the distribution package
under the `doc/config/sql/native-new` directory:

* `postgres-new.sql` is the content of the main repository schema without audit tables.
This file also creates `public` schema if missing - dropping the whole `public` schema is often
the fastest way to replace any previous schema (obviously, not recommended for production).
* `postgres-new-audit.sql` is the content of audit schema.
It can be applied on top of the main repository schema or separately to another database.
If both schemas are to be applied, first apply main repository schema followed by audit schema.

See link:/midpoint/reference/security/audit/configuration/[Audit configuration] for details how
to set it up in a database separate from the main repository.
Be aware that with new repository *both databases have to be PostgreSQL databases.*
It is possible to use different versions for each database as long as they are supported (12 or higher).

The location of the files will likely change, and it will be packed in the distribution as well.

You can use any client to do this, or we can download the file on the VM and use it like this:

wget -q
wget -q
# without this export psql will prompt for the password
export PGPASSWORD=password
# If you want to replace any previous tables in the schema, uncomment this drop too:
#psql -h localhost midpoint midpoint -c "drop schema public cascade"
psql -h localhost midpoint midpoint -f postgres-new.sql
psql -h localhost midpoint midpoint -f postgres-new-audit.sql

If you plan to use[statement statistics extension]
(not discussed here), initialize it like this:

psql -h localhost midpoint midpoint -c "create extension pg_stat_statements"

=== Quartz tables

Quartz scheduler in midPoint can be configured to use a database with `taskManager/jdbcJobStore`
option in `config.xml` set to `true`.
This is also the default if `clustered` is set to `true`.
See link:/midpoint/reference/tasks/task-manager/configuration/[Task Manager Configuration]
for further details.

In that case Quartz requires that its tables are ready in the database.
By default, the same database is used for repository and for Quartz, which can be changed by
using `jdbcUrl` and other options inside `taskManager` section (see the link above).

Let's simplify things and assume that we need the tables, and the same database is used.
Connect to the `midpoint` database with `midpoint` user and execute the commands stored in
from the midPoint sources.

The following commands can be used in the bash on the database VM:

wget -q
psql -h localhost midpoint midpoint -f postgres-new-quartz.sql

== Example `config.xml`

Example `config.xml` is[here].
The main difference is using the `type` element instead of `repositoryServiceFactoryClass` which does not work for new repository anymore.
Set the value of `type` element to `native`, values `sqale` or `scale` are also supported.
Do not use `sql` which indicates old repo!

Native repository comes with native SQL audit, so we need to change the audit factory class in
`auditServiceFactoryClass` element from old repository value containing
`...SqlAuditServiceFactory` to `com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.impl.LoggerAuditServiceFactory`.

With this `config.xml` you can start midPoint as usual.

== Versioning and upgrading

Long story short, just run the provided `postgres-new-upgrade.sql` anytime, it should be safe.
It always runs only the missing parts of the upgrade process.

// TODO details

== See also

* link:/midpoint/reference/repository/repository-database-support/[Repository Database Support]
descusses old and new repository and our support strategy.
* TODO: Migration guide
* link:/midpoint/reference/repository/db/postgresq[PostgreSQL - old repo], see parts about
separate audit and Performance tuning.
// TODO and migrate them here
* link:/midpoint/reference/repository/configuration[Repository Configuration]
* link:/midpoint/reference/tasks/task-manager/configuration/[Task Manager Configuration]

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