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Releases: Evonofy/NeoExpensive

Release 1.0.1

14 Feb 22:42
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14 Feb 21:03
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1.0.0 (2022-02-14)


  • web: no footer


  • _aboutus.scss & _main.scss: improved the main and about us page (fe240d9)
  • _aboutus.scss: finished about us page (f305a43)
  • _aboutus.scss: finished mvp for about us (desk and mobile) (4cc2019)
  • _c-dropdown.scss: fixed a width to centralize console items (612e852)
  • _c-modal.scss: added scrolling with overflow: auto to modal (f0b8678)
  • _c-product-card.scss: made product cards be a components (f53983d)
  • _checkout1.scss: added content to the first checkout (88bb6bc)
  • _checkout1.scss: made the checkout base (67ba917)
  • _checkout1.scss: started the first checkout page (5e2d5c6)
  • _checkout3.scss: almost finishing the checkout page (0e9b56c)
  • _checkouts.scss: almost finishing checkout pages (8107c40)
  • _colors & _navigation: changed colors for navigation (adf307f)
  • _forgotpass.scss & index.html: finished forgotpass 2 (3af115a)
  • _forgotpass(es).scss: all steps to forgot pages has been finished (df7879a)
  • _forgotpass2.scss: added functionality to the logo (bea817a)
  • _header.scss: removed X from media query mixin (a03a87d)
  • _login.scss: added extras to the login page (e720b26)
  • _login.scss: changed login form options alignment (16df0d4)
  • _login.scss: finished login page on desktop (05bb2ab)
  • _login.scss: made mvp for the login page (both desk and mobile) (fbf81f6)
  • _login.scss: made some changes to the mobile ver (e5bb50f)
  • _login.scss: started new login page (f7d9f95)
  • _main.scss & c-product-card.scss: finished responsive for the main page (36b95b0)
  • _main.scss: added new offers section (6450401)
  • _main.scss: almost finnished default cards (57efb23)
  • _main.scss: buy from brand (cb85619)
  • _main.scss: changed main products margins (93b75ef)
  • _main.scss: fixed proportions in the main page (57ec264)
  • _main.scss: made some changes to the main page (4febf13)
  • _main.scss: started making the featured products (f5e8c78)
  • _main.scss: started the mvp for the mobile version (2caec1a)
  • _navigation.scss & _header.scss: x, now is absolutely centered (f9f9051)
  • _product-page.scss & product-template: finished product template (d5cd499)
  • _product-page.scss: changed media querys breakpoints (17897c1)
  • _product-page.scss: due to make the responsive page for products (1682cef)
  • _product-page.scss: made the base for the page (a90a46b)
  • _product-page.scss: started development for the product page (b21ee08)
  • _product-page: prepared terrain for next development (e549f7a)
  • _profile.scss: improved the profile page (aea6bcb)
  • _profile.scss: started the profile page (b2ebfbd)
  • _register.scss: body has now a class (4c39d79)
  • _register.scss: finished register mvp (43d5e29)
  • _register.scss: improved even more (ce837ad)
  • _register.scss: improved the register page (efc352e)
  • _register.scss: made some changes (b7e112d)
  • _register.scss: more changes (3af89f7)
  • _register.scss: mvp done for the register page (45e33cd)
  • _register.scss: register page progress (262ee55)
  • _register.scss: started mobile version and added the obviously missing register button (4ff17db)
  • _reset.scss: added smooth scrolling (55daad0)
  • _support.scss: 80% (f6570a8)
  • _support.scss: added the second section (e3e417d)
  • _support.scss: finished desktop support page mvp (4cae465)
  • _support.scss: fixed some css (e3c1b1f)
  • _support.scss: improved cards and started modal (812bb9e)
  • _support.scss: last options (ba14f6c)
  • _support.scss: made the responsive ver (d78530a)
  • _support.scss: progressed improving the support page (a0033f7)
  • _support.scss: started developing the support page (7b5aebb)
  • _support.scss: usded display grid in the suppport header (698bfac)
  • **...
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