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Bienvenue au workshop OpenCV

Have you ever seen facial recognition systems in movies and wanted to recreate them ? Well, it's now possible quickly and easily with OpenCV !

In this worshop, you will learn how to use OpenCV to recognize faces and maybe more... Remenber that in order to finish this workshop, you will need a webcam. Try intalling dlib before the workshop. Don't sign up for this workshop if you don't have a webcam

See here for the OpenCV / python documentation.

Before starting

Before you start your workshop, make sure that you have installed OpenCV for python.

pip install opencv-python

Step 1

Start by creating a file at the root of your folder. Import OpenCV using:

import cv2

Find how to open your webcam and display it in a new OpenCV window.

Step 2

Find how to change the settings of the window, like the FPS and size. Try to find how to quit the window by pressing the Esc key.

Step 3

Find how to take a screenshot from your webcam, when you press Enter, and save it as <your_name>.jpg in a photos folder.

Step 4

Find how to draw a green rectangle on your window.

Step 5

Install the face_recognition module and dlib with the commands:

pip install face_recognition
pip install dlib

Note that the dlib is quite long to install.

Load the face recognition model from OpenCV called haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml into a variable called face_cascade.

With dlib, create a variable called detector, to store the frontal face detector.

Step 6

With the detector, find a way to identify all the faces on screen. With what you did in the step 4, you should be able to draw a green rectangle around all the faces on screen.

Step 7

Load your photo from earlier with the function face_recognition.load_image_file() and encode-it with face_recognition.face_encoding()

Now compare the face(s) from the screen and the one from your photo. Try to write a certain text over your head, and another if the face isn't recognized.

To go further

Congratulation for finishing this workshop !

If you want to go further, you can learn how to recognize other body parts.

Mini project

Try to clean your code by making it smart. The goal here is to load every images from the photos folder, and check if they are on screen. If so, you should be able to write the name of each person on screen based on their picture. Feel free to experiment and don't forget to be creative !


This will be the repository for our Epitech workshop






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