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2.1 Code Styling Guides

EwasWorld edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 1 revision

So I can call myself a liar when I don't follow my own decisions

Table of Contents


  • Max line length: 120 characters
  • Favour having as few indents as possible (for example, use if (condition) { return } \n <do something> over if (!condition) { do something })
  • Favour nullableItem?.let { } over if nullableItem == null { }.
    • The advantage with let is that everywhere inside the braces the nullableItem will be of a non-nullable type, whereas with the if statement, if nullableItem is mutable, it will require the addition of many !! to ensure nullableItem is still not null
  • Favour var list = listOf<Obj>() over var list: List<Obj> = listOf()

Styling Tools

  • Follow Android Studio's recommendations for redundant type declarations and such like
  • Use Android Studio's formatter (with the agreed settings), ensuring the option to format on commit and organise imports is enabled
  • Do not use the code rearranger (I don't like how it doesn't play fair with the version control system)


Suppression of warnings should be used only if absolutely necessary, in general the warning should be fixed not supressed

fun methodWithWarning() { }

fun methodWithTwoWarnings() { }

fun anotherMethodWithWarning() {
    //noinspection HardcodedText
    var warning = "hardcodedString"

xml warnings

<resources xmlns:tools="">
     <dimen name="largeTextSize" tools:ignore="SpUsage">123dp</dimen>


  • Each test should be testing ONE thing. To test several cases for one method, each case should have its own test
  • Sanity checks like check can and should be left throughout helper methods such as those in TestData.kt (in actual code, other than initial checks, this should be checked using a test)

Naming Conventions

Item Case Notes
Packages camelCase
Classes/ Enums/ Interfaces PascalCase
Methods camelCase
Variables camelCase
  • Shadowed variable names are only acceptable is shadowing a nullable `val` with the identical not-null `val` - note both are immutable
  • Variables containing lists from the database should only be named 'all' if they will contain all unfiltered rows from the specified table
XML and resource files snake_case
Packages camelCase
XML IDs formatted snake_case: element_type_file_ref__element_identifier
  • This ensures a unique name for all elements so that fragments can be reused without worrying about a name clash
  • Note double underscore between file_ref and element_identifier


    • XML of a fragment representing a full and complete screen should be prefixed with 'fragment_'
    • XML of a fragment representing only part of a screen should be prefixed with 'frag_'
    • Classes should end in Fragment
    • Class name must mirror XML name (other than Fragment coming at the end)


    • A section of code should in general only be extracted into a method if it is used more than once or if it is separating logic from ui
    • Separate any initial require and check lines from the rest of the code with a new line

    Parameters and Variables

    • All optional parameters should be at the end of a function definition
    • Parameters should in general be defined in the order: constants, val, var
    • Constructor parameters should be in the order: val, var, constructor-only
    • List should be used over Array. Reasoning Differences.

    SQL and DAOs

    • If the SQL statement gets too long, it should be wrapped in triple quotes for a multi-line string with each of the SQL parts (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, etc.) on new lines (examples below). Similar sections should be grouped together
    • SQL keywords should be in capitals
    • If a query contains a JOIN or multiple tables, in order of preference it should be placed in the DAO of:
      1. The main parameter (if there are any). The first example below would go in ArcherRoundsDao
      2. The majority return type (if there is one). The second example below would also go in ArcherRoundsDao as its return type is mostly ArcherRound
      3. The table that is most affected
                SELECT rounds.* 
                FROM archer_rounds INNER JOIN rounds ON archer_rounds.roundId = rounds.roundId 
                WHERE archerRoundId = :archerRoundId
    fun getRoundInfo(archerRoundId: Int): LiveData<Round>
                SELECT archer_rounds.*, rounds.displayName AS roundName, AS roundSubTypeName
                FROM archer_rounds LEFT JOIN rounds ON archer_rounds.roundId = rounds.roundId
                                   LEFT JOIN round_sub_types ON archer_rounds.roundSubTypeId = round_sub_types.subTypeId
                                                             AND archer_rounds.roundId = round_sub_types.roundId
    fun getAllArcherRoundsWithName(): LiveData<List<ArcherRoundWithName>>


    • If statements should ALWAYS use braces unless they can be completely contained on one line (including all else ifs and elses) e.g. val test = if (isAwesome) "yes" else "no"


    • Classes, methods, and member fields should be commented using KDoc /** comments
    • Any throws should be documented with @throws in the method comment
    • Methods with initial require and check should document these requirements in the method comment
    • Block /* comments should be used to introduce sections of code and split up larger methods
    • All other comments should be //


    • Should only be used when a specific piece of code needs to be highlighted for something that cannot be done now
    • There should always be a relevant card on the Trello so that the work is not missed