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深度学习 YOLO-V3 结合 orb-slam2 语义地图


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orb-slam2_with_semantic_label yolo-v2 语义-slam


主要就是 在 使用 关键帧的位姿 和 彩色图 、深度图时先使用 目标检测对彩色图进行检测
对彩色图对应物体的 矩形框上 填充不同的颜色 后在生成 点云,并加入到 总的点云地图中。

整合orbslam2-pc 和 yolov3-se



相比 orbslam2-pc 变动的地方

1. 头文件部分

  include/gco-v3.0   图割能量最小 software for energy minimization with graph cuts
  include/config.h   添加了一个参数配置类
  include/lsa_tr.h   基于图割方法的图像分割是一种重要的图像分割个方法  最大流-最小割 MAXFLOW-MINCUT
                     opencv实现了min-cut/max-flow代码在opencv/sources/modules/imgproc/src文件下边的gcgraph.hpp中include/pointcloudmapping.h    点云建图程序也有所修改    主要融合部分!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


class Config{

        Config():voxel_resolution(0.01f), // 类默认 构造函数  体素格滤波 尺寸大小
        color_importance (1.0f),      // 颜色重要性权重
        spatial_importance (0.4f),    // 空间重要性权重 
        normal_importance  (1.0f),    // 法线重要性权重
        use_single_cam_transform (false),
        use_supervoxel_refinement (false),

        // Default parameters for model fitting
        use_random_sampling (false),
        smooth_cost (0.001),
        min_inliers_per_plane (100),
        max_num_iterations (25),
        max_curvature (0.01f),        // 是否为平面的 曲率 阈值
        gc_scale (1e3){}


    float voxel_resolution;
    float seed_resolution;
    float color_importance;
    float spatial_importance;
    float normal_importance;
    bool use_single_cam_transform;
    bool use_supervoxel_refinement;

    // Default parameters for model fitting
    bool use_random_sampling;
    float noise_threshold;
    float smooth_cost;
    int min_inliers_per_plane;
    float min_plane_area;
    float label_cost;
    int max_num_iterations;
    float max_curvature;
    int gc_scale;

    Config& operator=(const Config& config) // 类 等号赋值操作符重载========

        voxel_resolution=config.voxel_resolution; // 体素格子大小
        seed_resolution=config.seed_resolution;   // 种子大小  超体聚类算法参数




lsa_tr.h 文件算法分析

pointcloudmapping.h 文件修改分析

#include "YOLOv3SE.h" // 增加目标检测类 yolov3检测

#include <pcl/filters/statistical_outlier_removal.h>// 在原有体素格滤波下,添加 统计学滤波 剔除外点
#include <pcl/filters/passthrough.h>                // 直通滤波器,剔除固定范围内的点

// for clustering
#include <pcl/filters/extract_indices.h>  // 根据索引(来自目标检测)提取点云
#include <pcl/ModelCoefficients.h>        // 模型聚类分割
#include <pcl/features/normal_3d.h>       // 法线特征
#include <pcl/kdtree/kdtree.h>            // 二叉树 点云搜索
#include <pcl/sample_consensus/method_types.h> // 相似性 方法
#include <pcl/sample_consensus/model_types.h>  // 相似性 模型
#include <pcl/segmentation/sac_segmentation.h> // 相似性 分割
#include <pcl/segmentation/extract_clusters.h> // 分割提取点云
#include <pcl/segmentation/region_growing.h>   // 距离区域增长算法分割
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
#include <pcl/search/search.h>                 // 搜索算法
#include <pcl/search/kdtree.h>
#include <pcl/segmentation/conditional_euclidean_clustering.h>// 欧式距离聚类分割算法
#include <pcl/segmentation/region_growing_rgb.h>// 颜色区域增长算法

#include <iostream>

typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBA PointT;              // 点类型
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloudT;   // 点云类型
typedef pcl::PointNormal PointNT;              // 点法线特征
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointNT> PointNCloudT; // 带有法线的点云
typedef pcl::PointXYZL PointLT;                // 带有标签label的点
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointLT> PointLCloudT;    // 带有标签label的点形成的点云
typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL> pointcloudL;

class PointCloudMapping
  enum cloudType
  {RAW = 0, FILTERED = 1, REMOVAL = 2, CLUSTER = 3}; // 增加点云类型的一个枚举变量
  std::vector<cv::Scalar> colors;// 图像颜色,图像个通道值。。。。用处大大滴。。。目标检测不同类别显示不同颜色
// 增添 一大波函数 ...

    void final_process(); // 最后处理======
//    void filtCloud(float leaveSize = 0.014f);
//    void removePlane();
//    void cluster();

    YOLOv3 detector;      // 目标检测对象======
    cv::Mat dye_gray(cv::Mat &gray);
    PointCloud::Ptr ECE(PointCloud::Ptr cloud);
    PointCloud::Ptr cylinderSeg(PointCloud::Ptr cloud);        // 圆柱体分割
    PointCloud::Ptr regionGrowingSeg(PointCloud::Ptr cloud_in);// 区域增长分割
    PointCloud::Ptr colorRegionGrowingSeg(pcl::PointCloud <pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr  cloud_in);// 颜色区域增长分割

    PointCloud::Ptr CEC(const std::string& filename);
    void PointCloudXYZRGBAtoXYZ(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>& in,
                            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& out);// xyzrgba 点云 转换成 无颜色的点云 xyz点云
    void PointXYZRGBAtoXYZ(const pcl::PointXYZRGBA& in,
                                pcl::PointXYZ& out);             // xyzrgba点 转换成 xyz点
    void PointXYZRGBtoXYZRGBA(const pcl::PointXYZRGB& in,
                                pcl::PointXYZRGBA& out);         // xyzrgb点 转换成 xyzrgba点
    void PointCloudXYZRGBtoXYZRGBA(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>& in,
                            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>& out);// xyzrgb点云 转换成 xyzrgba点云
    void PointXYZLtoXYZ(const pcl::PointXYZL& in,
                   pcl::PointXYZ& out);                          // xyzl点 转换成 xyz点
    void obj2pcd(const std::string& in, const std::string& out);
    void poisson_reconstruction(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr incloud);// 泊松重构
    void cpf_seg(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr incloud);

  PointLCloudT::Ptr lableMap; // 带有标签的点 形成的点云 地图
  pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<PointT> sor;// 创建统计学滤波器对象


segmentation.h 分割类头文件

// 重要头文件
// Graph cuts
#include "gco-v3.0/GCoptimization.h"

// LSA TR Optimisation
#include "lsa_tr.h"

#include <pcl/segmentation/sac_segmentation.h>
#include <pcl/segmentation/supervoxel_clustering.h>
// 超体聚类

#include "segmentation_helpers.h"
// Boost
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>       // 图 相关算法
#include <boost/graph/connected_components.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>

typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBA PointT;  // The point type used for input

    class Segmentation{
        void doSegmentation(); // 分割算法!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL>::Ptr getSegmentedPointCloud(){return segmented_cloud_ptr_;}// 
        Config config_;
        pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr input_cloud_ptr_; // 输入点云为 普通的xyzrgba点云
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL>::Ptr segmented_cloud_ptr_;// 分割算法输出类 输出点云 为xyzl点云,带标签

segmentation_helpers.h 分割类头文件 主要判断 两点的凸凹性 用于 点云分割

// 低层次视觉—点云分割(基于凹凸性)=====================================================================================
// 对于二维图像而言,其凹凸性较难描述,但对于三维图像而言,凹凸几乎是与生俱来的性质。
// LCCP是Locally Convex Connected Patches的缩写,翻译成中文叫做 ”局部凸连接打包一波带走:1.基于超体聚类的过分割。2.在超体聚类的基础上再聚类。
// ====== 超体聚类
// LCCP 凹凸性聚类 
// LCCP算法在相似物体场景分割方面有着较好的表现,对于颜色类似但棱角分明的物体可使用该算法。(比如X同学仓库里那一堆纸箱)。

// CPC方法的全称为Constrained Planar Cuts,出自论文:Constrained Planar Cuts - Object Partitioning for Point Clouds 。
// 和LCCP方法不同,此方法的分割对象是object。此方法能够将物体分成有意义的块:比如人的肢体等。
// CPC方法可作为AI的前处理,作为RobotVision还是显得有些不合适。
// 但此方法不需要额外训练,自底向上的将三维图像分割 成有明确意义部分,是非常admirable的。
// 和其他基于凹凸性的方法相同,本方法也需要先进行超体聚类。在完成超体聚类之后,采用和LCCP相同的凹凸性判据获得各个块之间的凹凸关系。
// 在获得凹凸性之后,CPC方法所采取的措施是不同的。其操作称为 半全局分割 。
// 在分割之前,首先需要生成 EEC(Euclidean edge cloud), EEC的想法比较神奇,因为凹凸性定义在相邻两个”片“上,
// 换言之,定义在连接相邻两“片”的edge上。将每个edge抽象成一个点云,则得到了附带凹凸信息的点云。
// 如图所示,左图是普通点云,但附带了邻接和凹凸信息。右边是EEC,对凹边赋权值1,其他为0。 此方法称作  weighted RanSac。
// 显而易见,某处如果蓝色的点多,那么就越 凹,就越应该切开(所谓切开实际上是用平面划分)。
// 问题就转化为利用蓝点求平面了。利用点云求一个最可能的平面当然需要请出我们的老朋友 RanSaC . 
// 但此处引入一个评价函数,用于评价此次分割的 优良程度Sm,Pm 是EEC中的点.

// 在PCL中CPC类继承自 LCCP 类,但是这个继承我觉得不好,这两个类之间并不存在抽象与具体的关系,只是存在某些函数相同而已。
// 不如多设一个 凹凸分割类 作为CPC类与LCCP类的父类,所有的输入接口等都由凹凸分割类提供。
// 由CPC算法和LCCP算法继承凹凸类,作为 凹凸分割 的具体实现。
// 毕竟和 凹凸分割 有关的算法多半是对整体进行分割,和其他点云分割算法区别较大。

// RGB-D Object Dataset :

bool isConvex(Eigen::Vector3f p1, Eigen::Vector3f n1, Eigen::Vector3f p2, Eigen::Vector3f n2, float seed_resolution, float voxel_resolution)
    float concavity_tolerance_threshold = 10;
    const Eigen::Vector3f& source_centroid = p1; // 源点云中心
    const Eigen::Vector3f& target_centroid = p2;  // 目标中心

    const Eigen::Vector3f& source_normal = n1;   // 源点云法线
    const Eigen::Vector3f& target_normal = n2;    // 目标点云法线

    if (concavity_tolerance_threshold < 0)		return (false);

    bool is_convex = true;  // 凸???
    bool is_smooth = true;// 平滑

    float normal_angle = pcl::getAngle3D(source_normal, target_normal, true);// 两法线 角度差值 true 表示 返回 度
    //  Geometric comparisons  几何比较 
    Eigen::Vector3f vec_t_to_s, vec_s_to_t;// 中心位置 平移量

    vec_t_to_s = source_centroid - target_centroid;// 目标 到 源 平移量(后面的向量 到 前面的向量)
    vec_s_to_t = -vec_t_to_s;// 源 到 目标 平移量
    // 两向量叉积 向量积
    Eigen::Vector3f ncross;
    ncross = source_normal.cross (target_normal);

    // 平滑检测======================================================================
    // Smoothness Check: Check if there is a step between adjacent patches
    bool use_smoothness_check = true;
    float smoothness_threshold = 0.1;
    if (use_smoothness_check)
        float expected_distance = ncross.norm () * seed_resolution; // 期望的距离 : 叉积向量 长度 × 种子点精度
        float dot_p_1 = (source_normal);
        float dot_p_2 = (target_normal);
        float point_dist = (std::fabs (dot_p_1) < std::fabs (dot_p_2)) ? std::fabs (dot_p_1) : std::fabs (dot_p_2); // 实际距离: 最小的一个为两个带有方向的点的距离
        const float dist_smoothing = smoothness_threshold * voxel_resolution;// 补偿距离

        if (point_dist > (expected_distance + dist_smoothing)) // 距离过大,不平滑!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            is_smooth &= false; 

// 凸凹关系判断=======================================================
// 点云完成超体聚类之后,对于过分割的点云需要计算不同的块之间凹凸关系。
// 凹凸关系通过 CC(Extended Convexity Criterion) 和 SC (Sanity criterion)判据来进行判断。
// 其中 CC 利用相邻两片中心连线向量与法向量夹角来判断两片是凹是凸。
// 显然,如果图中a1>a2则为凹,反之则为凸。
//            a2    |
//            ------|------                    ____|—— |
//           a1 |         |                        |   |
//          ____|   凸    |               __|______|凹 |
//              |_________|              |_____________|

// 考虑到测量噪声等因素,需要在实际使用过程中引入门限值(a1需要比a2大出一定量)来滤出较小的凹凸误判。
// 此外,为去除一些小噪声引起的误判,还需要引入“第三方验证”,如果某块和相邻两块都相交,则其凹凸关系必相同。

// 如果相邻两面中,有一个面是单独的,cc判据是无法将其分开的。
// 举个简单的例子,两本厚度不同的书并排放置,视觉算法应该将两本书分割开。如果是台阶,则视觉算法应该将台阶作为一个整体。
// 本质上就是因为厚度不同的书存在surface-singularities。为此需要引入SC判据,来对此进行区分。
// Sanity Criterion: Check if definition convexity/concavity makes sense for connection of given patches
// 如图所示,相邻两面是否真正联通,是否存在单独面,与θ角(中心点连线(x1-x2) 与两平面交线(n1-n2) 的 夹角)有关,θ角越大,则两面真的形成凸关系的可能性就越大。
// 据此,可以设计SC判据:

    bool use_sanity_check = true;
    float intersection_angle =  pcl::getAngle3D (ncross, vec_t_to_s, true); // 连线 和 交线 夹角 
    float min_intersect_angle = (intersection_angle < 90.) ? intersection_angle : 180. - intersection_angle;// 0~90

    float intersect_thresh = 57. * 1. / (1. + exp (-0.3 * (normal_angle - 33.)));// 阈值
    if (min_intersect_angle < intersect_thresh && use_sanity_check)// 夹角过小为  单独面 而不是联通面(形成凸/凹空间体)
        is_convex &= false;

// Convexity Criterion: Check if connection of patches is convex. If this is the case the two SuperVoxels should be merged.
    if ((pcl::getAngle3D(vec_t_to_s, source_normal) - pcl::getAngle3D(vec_t_to_s, target_normal)) <= 0)// a1 < a2 为凸关系
        is_convex &= true;  // connection convex
        is_convex &= (normal_angle < concavity_tolerance_threshold);  // concave connections will be accepted  if difference of normals is small
    return (is_convex && is_smooth);

// 在标记完各个小区域的凹凸关系后,则采用区域增长算法将小区域聚类成较大的物体。此区域增长算法受到小区域凹凸性限制,既:

// 只允许区域跨越凸边增长。
// 至此,分割完成,在滤去多余噪声后既获得点云分割结果。
// 此外:考虑到RGB-D图像随深度增加而离散,难以确定八叉树尺寸,故在z方向使用对数变换以提高精度。
// 分割结果如图:

2.源文件部分 修改

// 增添的一大堆都文件,和 pointcloudmapping.h 有部分重复,都可以放在,pointcloudmapping.h 头文件处

// yolov3 目标检测需要使用 GPU加速
#ifdef GPU
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "curand.h"
#include "cublas_v2.h"

// 主要修改函数 ======
void PointCloudMapping::viewer()
// 前面等待 关键帧更新 线程

// 后面遍例每一个关键帧先执行 目标检测
// 在彩色图上 按照检测结果画填充 不同颜色(和类别物体 有一一对应关系)的 矩形
// 按照 带有分类矩形框的 彩色图 和 深度图 产生 xyzrgba 点云,
// 后面的到 总的点云后根据 rgb颜色来区分不同种类物体, 形成 xyzl 带有标签的点云
} 点云分割算法

void Segmentation::doSegmentation()

  // Start the clock
  clock_t sv_start = clock();

  // Preparation of Input: Supervoxel Oversegmentation

// 步骤1,自底向上,超体聚类,过分割=====================================
  pcl::SupervoxelClustering<PointT> super (config_.voxel_resolution, config_.seed_resolution);
  super.setUseSingleCameraTransform (config_.use_single_cam_transform);
  super.setInputCloud (input_cloud_ptr_); // 输入点云
  super.setColorImportance (config_.color_importance);         // 颜色重要性权重
  super.setSpatialImportance (config_.spatial_importance);   // 空间重要性权重 
  super.setNormalImportance (config_.normal_importance);// 法线重要性权重
  std::map<uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr> supervoxel_clusters;// id:超体点云指针 对

  super.extract (supervoxel_clusters); // 执行超体聚类

  if (config_.use_supervoxel_refinement)
    PCL_INFO ("Refining supervoxels\n");
    super.refineSupervoxels (2, supervoxel_clusters);// 微调
  std::cout << "Number of supervoxels: " << supervoxel_clusters.size () << "\n";// 超体聚类后的到的 超体数量

  std::multimap<uint32_t, uint32_t> supervoxel_adjacency; // 超体链接关系 多对多 multimap
  super.getSupervoxelAdjacency (supervoxel_adjacency);    // 计算超体链接关系 
   // 计算超体中心 的法线 
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr sv_centroid_normal_cloud = pcl::SupervoxelClustering<PointT>::makeSupervoxelNormalCloud (supervoxel_clusters);
  clock_t sv_end = clock();
  printf("Super-voxel segmentation takes: %.2fms\n", (double)(sv_end - sv_start)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000));

// 步骤2 Constrained plane extraction   分割平面======================================
  /* Generate plane hypotheses using super-voxels  生成平面假设*/
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> planes_coeffs;
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> planes_hough;
  double min_theta = 360; double max_theta = -360;
  double min_phi = 360; double max_phi = -360;
  double min_rho = 100; double max_rho = -100;

  std::map<uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr>::iterator cluster_itr_c = supervoxel_clusters.begin();
  for (; cluster_itr_c != supervoxel_clusters.end(); cluster_itr_c++)
  { // 103
    pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr sv = cluster_itr_c->second;// 每一个超体
    pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud = sv->voxels_;            // 对应的点云团
    float curvature; // 面曲率 法线估计输出 
    Eigen::Vector4f plane_par;  // 平面参数 法线估计输出  nx,ny,nz,nc, 前三个表示法线向量
    Eigen::Vector3f hough_par;// 
    pcl::computePointNormal(*cloud, plane_par, curvature);
    if (curvature < config_.max_curvature) // 曲率较小的为 平面
      // Convert to Hough transform  霍夫变换
      double theta = std::atan(plane_par(1)/plane_par(0))*180/M_PI; // xoy平面投影 与y轴夹角 
      double phi = std::acos(plane_par(2))*180/M_PI;// 法线模长为1, 法线与z轴夹角
      double rho = plane_par(3);
      if (isnan(theta) | isnan(phi) | isnan(rho)) continue;
      hough_par(0) = theta;
      hough_par(1) = phi;
      hough_par(2) = rho;
      if (theta < min_theta) min_theta = theta;
      if (theta > max_theta) max_theta = theta;
      if (phi < min_phi) min_phi = phi;
      if (phi > max_phi) max_phi = phi;
      if (rho < min_rho) min_rho = rho;
      if (rho > max_rho) max_rho = rho;

  // Plane hypothesis generation using random sampling  随机采样一致性 生成平面假设
  if (config_.use_random_sampling)
  { // 149 
    std::cout << "Randomly sampling plane hypotheses...\n";
    int max_random_hyps = 1000; //
    int count = 0;
    int num_supervoxels = supervoxel_clusters.size ();
    pcl::SampleConsensusModelPlane<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr model_p (new pcl::SampleConsensusModelPlane<pcl::PointNormal> (sv_centroid_normal_cloud));
    while (count < max_random_hyps)
      // random sample 4 points
      std::vector<int> samples;
      int iters;
      model_p->getSamples(iters, samples); // 随机采样部分点
      Eigen::VectorXf plane_par;
      model_p->computeModelCoefficients(samples, plane_par);// 计算模型参数

      std::set<int> test_points;// 生成测试点集
      bool good_model = model_p->doSamplesVerifyModel(test_points, plane_par, config_.noise_threshold*0.5);// 验证模型
      if (good_model == false) continue;// 该采样的到的模型不好,跳过

      Eigen::Vector3f hough_par;
      double theta = std::atan(plane_par(1)/plane_par(0))*180/M_PI;
      double phi = std::acos(plane_par(2))*180/M_PI;
      double rho = plane_par(3);

      if (isnan(theta) | isnan(phi) | isnan(rho)) continue;

      hough_par(0) = theta;
      hough_par(1) = phi;
      hough_par(2) = rho;

      if (theta < min_theta) min_theta = theta;
      if (theta > max_theta) max_theta = theta;
      if (phi < min_phi) min_phi = phi;
      if (phi > max_phi) max_phi = phi;
      if (rho < min_rho) min_rho = rho;
      if (rho > max_rho) max_rho = rho;

  // Assign points to planes.
  uint32_t node_ID = 0;
  std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> label2index;
  std::map<uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr>::iterator cluster_itr = supervoxel_clusters.begin();
  for (; cluster_itr != supervoxel_clusters.end(); cluster_itr++)
    label2index[cluster_itr->first] = node_ID;
  uint32_t num_super_voxels = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->size();
  std::vector<int> sv_labels(num_super_voxels,0);
  int good_planes_count = 0;
  uint32_t outlier_label = 0;
  // Remove duplicated planes
  if (planes_coeffs.size() > 0)
  { // 384 结束
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> plane_candidates;
    double step_theta = 1;
    double step_phi = 1;
    double step_rho = 0.025;
    int theta_bins = round((max_theta - min_theta)/step_theta) + 1;
    int phi_bins = round((max_phi - min_phi)/step_phi) + 1;
    int rho_bins = round((max_rho - min_rho)/step_rho) + 1;

    unsigned char*** accumulator;
    accumulator = new unsigned char**[theta_bins];
    if (accumulator != NULL){
      for (int i=0; i<theta_bins; i++){
        accumulator[i] = new unsigned char*[phi_bins];
        if (accumulator[i] != NULL)
        for (int j=0; j<phi_bins; j++)
        accumulator[i][j] = new unsigned char[rho_bins];

    for (int i=0; i<planes_coeffs.size(); i++){
      Eigen::Vector3f hough_par =;
      int b_theta = floor((hough_par(0) - min_theta + 0.0001)/step_theta);
      int b_phi = floor((hough_par(1) - min_phi + 0.0001)/step_phi);
      int b_rho = floor((hough_par(2) - min_rho + 0.0001)/step_rho);

      if (accumulator[b_theta][b_phi][b_rho] != 1){
        accumulator[b_theta][b_phi][b_rho] = 1;
    // Free accumulator memory
    for (int i = 0; i < theta_bins; i++){
      for (int j = 0; j < phi_bins; j++){
        delete [] accumulator[i][j];
      delete [] accumulator[i];
    delete [] accumulator;
    std::cout << "Number of planes remained after hough-based filtering = " << plane_candidates.size() << "\n";
    // Compute plane unary costs
    float min_num_supervoxel_per_plane = config_.min_plane_area/(config_.seed_resolution*config_.seed_resolution/4/M_PI);
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> good_planes;
    std::vector<Eigen::VectorXi> planes_inliers_idx;
    std::vector<float> unaries;
    uint32_t num_planes = plane_candidates.size();
    Eigen::MatrixXi inliers_mat(num_planes, num_super_voxels);
    Eigen::MatrixXf normals_mat(num_planes, num_super_voxels);
    Eigen::MatrixXf point2plane_mat(num_planes, num_super_voxels);
    int count_idx = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j<num_planes; ++j){
      Eigen::Vector4f p_coeffs =;

      Eigen::Vector3f p_normal;
      p_normal[0] = p_coeffs[0];
      p_normal[1] = p_coeffs[1];
      p_normal[2] = p_coeffs[2];
      Eigen::VectorXi inliers_idx(num_super_voxels);
      Eigen::VectorXf point2plane(num_super_voxels);
      inliers_idx = Eigen::VectorXi::Zero(num_super_voxels);
      int inliers_count = 0;
      float plane_score = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_super_voxels; ++i){
        pcl::PointXYZ p;
        Eigen::Vector3f n;
        p.x = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(i).x;
        p.y = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(i).y;
        p.z = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(i).z;
        n[0] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(i).normal_x;
        n[1] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(i).normal_y;
        n[2] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(i).normal_z;

        // Distance from a point to a plane is scaled with a weight measuring the difference between point and plane normals.
        float p2p_dis = pcl::pointToPlaneDistance(p,p_coeffs);
        if (std::isnan(p2p_dis)) p2p_dis = config_.noise_threshold;
        float dotprod = std::fabs(;
        if (std::isnan(dotprod)) dotprod = 0;
        float normal_dis = dotprod < 0.8 ? 100 : 1;
        float data_cost = p2p_dis*normal_dis;
        plane_score += -std::exp(-data_cost/(2*config_.noise_threshold)); // -1 is best, 0 is worst
        point2plane(i) = data_cost;
        if (data_cost <= config_.noise_threshold) {
          inliers_idx(i) = 1;
      plane_score = plane_score/(min_num_supervoxel_per_plane*10);
      float confidence_threshold = -0.1f;
      if (plane_score <= confidence_threshold){
        inliers_mat.row(count_idx) = inliers_idx;
        normals_mat.row(count_idx) << p_coeffs(0), p_coeffs(1), p_coeffs(2);
        point2plane_mat.row(count_idx) = point2plane;
        double u_cost = plane_score;
    clock_t plane_sampling_end = clock();
    printf("Plane generation takes: %.2fms\n", (double)(plane_sampling_end - sv_end)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000));
    num_planes = unaries.size();
    std::cout << "Number of plane candidates = " << num_planes << "\n";
    if (num_planes > 1)

      inliers_mat.conservativeResize(num_planes, num_super_voxels);
      normals_mat.conservativeResize(num_planes, num_super_voxels);
      point2plane_mat.conservativeResize(num_planes, num_super_voxels);

      Eigen::VectorXi inliers_count = inliers_mat.rowwise().sum();
      //Eigen::MatrixXi ov_mat = inliers_mat*inliers_mat.transpose();
      //Eigen::MatrixXf dot_mat = normals_mat*normals_mat.transpose();

      Eigen::MatrixXi temp1 = inliers_mat.transpose();
      Eigen::MatrixXi ov_mat = inliers_mat*temp1;
      Eigen::MatrixXf temp2 = normals_mat.transpose();
      Eigen::MatrixXf dot_mat = normals_mat*temp2;

      Eigen::VectorXf plane_unaries = Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXf>(, num_planes, 1);
      Eigen::MatrixXf plane_pairwises = Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero(num_planes, num_planes);

      for (int i=0; i<num_planes-1; i++){
        for (int j=i+1; j<num_planes; j++){
          double ov_cost = (double)ov_mat(i,j)/std::min(inliers_count(i), inliers_count(j));
          //if (ov_cost > 0.75) ov_cost = 1.0;
          //else ov_cost = 0;
          double dot_prod = std::abs(dot_mat(i,j));
          dot_prod = dot_prod < 0.5 ? dot_prod : 1 - dot_prod;
          double angle_cost = 1 - exp(-dot_prod/0.25);
          double p_cost;
          //if (ov_cost == 0) p_cost = 0; // TODO: If the two planes do not intersect, we do not constraint them!
          //else p_cost = angle_cost; ;//0.5*angle_cost + 0.5*ov_cost;
          p_cost = angle_cost;
          plane_pairwises(i,j) = p_cost*0.5;
          plane_pairwises(j,i) = p_cost*0.5;

      Eigen::VectorXi initLabeling(num_planes);
      initLabeling = Eigen::VectorXi::Ones(num_planes);
      Eigen::VectorXi finalLabeling(num_planes);
      double finalEnergy = 0;
     // LSA_tr 算法 平面分割==============================================================
      LSA_TR(&finalEnergy, &finalLabeling, num_planes, plane_unaries, plane_pairwises, initLabeling);
      if (finalEnergy == 0)
        PCL_WARN("Optimization got stuck \n");
        finalLabeling = Eigen::VectorXi::Ones(num_planes);
      int num_selected_planes = finalLabeling.sum();
      std::cout << "Number of supporting planes detected = " << num_selected_planes << "\t";
      std::cout << "(Note: This is not the true number of planes in the scene.)\n";
      std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> selected_planes;
      Eigen::MatrixXf unary_matrix(num_selected_planes + 1, num_super_voxels);
      int sidx = 1;
      for (int i=0; i<num_planes; i++){
        if (finalLabeling(i) == 1) {
          unary_matrix.row(sidx) = point2plane_mat.row(i)*config_.gc_scale;

      // Outlier data cost  外点 数据损失 =====================
      int num_labels = num_selected_planes + 1;
      outlier_label = 0;
      unary_matrix.row(outlier_label) = Eigen::VectorXf::Ones(num_super_voxels)*((config_.noise_threshold*config_.gc_scale));
      Eigen::MatrixXi unary_matrix_int = unary_matrix.cast<int>();
      int *data_cost = new int[num_super_voxels*num_labels];
      Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXi>(data_cost, unary_matrix_int.rows(), unary_matrix_int.cols() ) = unary_matrix_int;
     //  图割算法计算损失==================================================================
      GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gc = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph(num_super_voxels, num_labels);

      for ( int l1 = 0; l1 < num_labels; l1++){
        for (int l2 = 0; l2 < num_labels; l2++){
          if (l1==0) gc->setSmoothCost(l1,l2,0);
          if (l1==l2) gc->setSmoothCost(l1,l2,0);
          else {

      std::multimap<uint32_t,uint32_t>::iterator adjacency_itr = supervoxel_adjacency.begin();
      float smooth_cost = config_.noise_threshold/2;
      for ( ; adjacency_itr != supervoxel_adjacency.end(); ++adjacency_itr)
        uint32_t node1 = label2index[adjacency_itr->first];
        uint32_t node2 = label2index[adjacency_itr->second];
        Eigen::Vector3f n1;
        n1[0] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(node1).normal_x;
        n1[1] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(node1).normal_y;
        n1[2] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(node1).normal_z;
        Eigen::Vector3f n2;
        n2[0] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(node2).normal_x;
        n2[1] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(node2).normal_y;
        n2[2] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(node2).normal_z;
        float w = std::fabs(;
        if (w < 0.5) w = 0.0f;
        int edge_weight = (int)(w * config_.gc_scale * smooth_cost); // This works better than Potts smoothness model
      }catch(GCException e){

      for (int i=0; i<num_super_voxels;i++){ = gc->whatLabel(i);
      // Free some memory
      delete gc;
      delete data_cost;
      // End of constrained plane extraction
    clock_t plane_fitting_end = clock();
    printf("Global plane extraction takes: %.2fms\n", (double)(plane_fitting_end - plane_sampling_end)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000));

// 步骤3: Segment the point cloud into objects
  std::cout << "Run graph based object segmentation using the extracted planes\n";
  using namespace boost;
  std::vector<uint32_t> supervoxel_labels;
  { // 460 结束
    typedef adjacency_list <vecS, vecS, undirectedS> Graph;

    Graph G;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < supervoxel_clusters.size(); ++i)

    std::multimap<uint32_t,uint32_t>::iterator adjacency_itr = supervoxel_adjacency.begin();
    for ( ; adjacency_itr != supervoxel_adjacency.end(); ++adjacency_itr)
      uint32_t from = label2index[adjacency_itr->first];
      uint32_t to = label2index[adjacency_itr->second];

      uint32_t label_from =;
      uint32_t label_to =;

      Eigen::Vector3f p1;
      p1[0] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(from).x;
      p1[1] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(from).y;
      p1[2] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(from).z;

      Eigen::Vector3f n1;
      n1[0] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(from).normal_x;
      n1[1] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(from).normal_y;
      n1[2] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(from).normal_z;

      Eigen::Vector3f p2;
      p2[0] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(to).x;
      p2[1] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(to).y;
      p2[2] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(to).z;

      Eigen::Vector3f n2;
      n2[0] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(to).normal_x;
      n2[1] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(to).normal_y;
      n2[2] = sv_centroid_normal_cloud->at(to).normal_z;

      if (label_from != label_to) continue;
      if (label_from == label_to && label_from != outlier_label){
      /////////  凸凹性判断=============================================================
      bool convex = isConvex(p1, n1, p2, n2, config_.seed_resolution, config_.voxel_resolution);
      if (convex == true) add_edge(from,to,G);

    std::vector<uint32_t> component(num_vertices(G));

    // 链接组建========================================
    uint32_t num = connected_components(G, &component[0]);
    std::cout << "Number of connected components: " << num <<"\n";

    int min_voxels_per_cluster = 2;
    int outlier_label = 0;
    std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t> label_list_map;
    int new_label = 1;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i != component.size(); ++i){
      int count = std::count(component.begin(), component.end(), component[i]);
      int label = component[i];
      if (label_list_map.find(label) == label_list_map.end() && count >= min_voxels_per_cluster){ // label not found
        label_list_map[label] = new_label;
      if (count < min_voxels_per_cluster){ // minimum number of supervoxels in each component
  // End of scene segmentation

  // Re-label the point cloud
  segmented_cloud_ptr_ = super.getLabeledCloud ();
  std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t> label_to_seg_map;
  std::map<uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr>::iterator cluster_itr_ = supervoxel_clusters.begin();
  uint32_t idx = 0;
  for (; cluster_itr_ != supervoxel_clusters.end(); cluster_itr_++)
    //label_to_seg_map[cluster_itr_->first] =; // Use this to plot plane segmentation only
    label_to_seg_map[cluster_itr_->first] =;
  typename pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL>::iterator point_itr = (*segmented_cloud_ptr_).begin();
  uint32_t zero_label = 0;
    uint32_t count = 0;
  for (; point_itr != (*segmented_cloud_ptr_).end(); ++point_itr)
    if (point_itr->label == 0)

      point_itr->label = label_to_seg_map[point_itr->label];
  cout <<count<<endl;

 printf("All Time taken: %.2fms\n", (double)(clock() - sv_start)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000));

分割算法 测试文件

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Segmentation seg;
  Config config;
  config.noise_threshold = 0.01;     // 1cm
  config.voxel_resolution = 0.008f;// 0.8cm
  config.seed_resolution = 0.08f;   // 8cm
  config.min_plane_area = 0.01f;    // m^2;
  config.max_curvature = 0.01;

  PCL_INFO ("Loading pointcloud\n");
  pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr input_cloud_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);

  /// Get pcd path from command line
// 1. 从命令行载入 点云文件==================
  std::string pcd_filename = argv[1];
  std::string ext("");
  ext = pcd_filename;
  size_t sep = ext.find_last_of ('.');
  if (sep != std::string::npos)
  ext = ext.substr (sep+1);

  if ("pcd") == 0){
    if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile (pcd_filename, *input_cloud_ptr)){
      PCL_ERROR ("ERROR: Could not read input point cloud %s.\n", pcd_filename.c_str ());
      return (3);

  if ("ply") == 0){
    if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile<PointT> (pcd_filename, *input_cloud_ptr)){
      PCL_ERROR ("ERROR: Could not read input point cloud %s.\n", pcd_filename.c_str ());
      return (3);

// 2. 去除 nan点===========================
  std::vector< int > index;
  if (!input_cloud_ptr->is_dense){
    PCL_WARN("Point data not dense, eating NaNs\n");
    PCL_INFO ("Done making cloud\n");
  std::cerr << "Number of points: " << input_cloud_ptr->size() << std::endl;

// 3. 体素格滤波============================
  pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud_filtered (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
  pcl::VoxelGrid<PointT> sor;
  sor.setLeafSize (0.005f, 0.005f, 0.005f);
  std::cerr << "Number of points after filtered " << cloud_filtered->size() << std::endl;

// 4. 点云聚类分割==============================
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL>::Ptr segmented_cloud_ptr;// 带标签

// 5. 保存分割后的点云===========================
  bool output_specified = pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-o");
  if (output_specified)
    // Check output already exists. Create outputname if not given
    std::string outputname ("");
    pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-o", outputname);
    // If no filename is given, get output filename from inputname (strip seperators and file extension)
    if (outputname.empty () || ( (0) == '-'))
      outputname = pcd_filename;
      size_t dot = outputname.find_last_of ('.');
      if (dot != std::string::npos)
      outputname = outputname.substr (0, dot);

    PCL_INFO ("Saving output\n");
    bool save_binary_pcd = false;
    pcl::io::savePCDFile (outputname, *segmented_cloud_ptr, save_binary_pcd);

  // 可视化分割后的点云================================
  bool show_visualization = (not pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-novis"));
  if (show_visualization)
    /// Configure Visualizer
    pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr viewer (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer ("3D Viewer"));
    viewer->setBackgroundColor (0, 0, 0);
    viewer->addPointCloud (segmented_cloud_ptr, "Segmented point cloud");

    PCL_INFO ("Loading viewer\n");
    while (!viewer->wasStopped ())
      viewer->spinOnce (100);
  return 0;

Authors: Xuxiang Qi(,Shaowu Yang(,Yuejin Yan(

Current version: 1.0.0

  • Note: This repository is mainly built upon ORB_SLAM2 and YOLO. Many thanks for their great work.


orb-slam2_with_semantic_label is a visual SLAM system based on ORB_SLAM2[1-2]. The ORB-SLAM2 is a great visual SLAM method that has been popularly applied in robot applications. However, this method cannot provide semantic information in environmental mapping.In this work,we present a method to build a 3D dense semantic map,which utilize both 2D image labels from YOLOv3[3] and 3D geometric information.

0. Related Publications

coming soon...

1. Prerequisites

1.0 requirements

  • Ubuntu 14.04/Ubuntu 16.04
  • CUDA >=6.5
  • C++11(must)
  • gcc5(must)
  • cmake

1.1 Installation

Refer to the corresponding original repositories (ORB_SLAM2 and YOLO for installation tutorial).

2.1 Build

You should follow the instructions provided by ORB_SLAM2 build its dependencies, we do not list here. You also need to install NVIDIA and cuda to accelerate it.

2.2 run

  1. Download yolov3.weights, yolov3.cfg and coco.names and put them to bin folder,they can be found in YOLO V3.

  2. Download a sequence from and uncompress it to data folder.

  3. Associate RGB images and depth images using the python script We already provide associations for some of the sequences in Examples/RGB-D/associations/. You can generate your own associations file executing:

python PATH_TO_SEQUENCE/rgb.txt PATH_TO_SEQUENCE/depth.txt > associations.txt
  1. Execute the following c Change TUMX.yaml to TUM1.yaml,TUM2.yaml or TUM3.yaml for freiburg1, freiburg2 and freiburg3 sequences respectively. Change PATH_TO_SEQUENCE_FOLDERto the uncompressed sequence folder.My command is :
cd bin
./rgbd_tum ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ../Examples/RGB-D/TUM2.yaml ../data/rgbd-data ../data/rgbd-data/associations.txt


[1] Mur-Artal R, Montiel J M M, Tardos J D. ORB-SLAM: a versatile and accurate monocular SLAM system[J]. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2015, 31(5): 1147-1163.

[2] Mur-Artal R, Tardos J D. ORB-SLAM2: an Open-Source SLAM System for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.06475, 2016.

[3] Redmon, Joseph, and A. Farhadi. "YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement." (2018).


Our system is released under a GPLv3 license.

If you want to use code for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.

Other issue

we do not test the code there on ROS bridge/node.The system relies on an extremely fast and tight coupling between the mapping and tracking on the GPU, which I don't believe ROS supports natively in terms of message passing.

We provide a video here.


深度学习 YOLO-V3 结合 orb-slam2 语义地图



Unknown, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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No releases published


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  • C++ 38.6%
  • Makefile 33.2%
  • C 23.7%
  • CMake 2.3%
  • Cuda 1.6%
  • Java 0.4%
  • Other 0.2%