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RocketMinsta is a major game modification for Nexuiz, a Free and Open Source fast-paced first-person arena shooter.

The RocketMinsta mod (also known as RM) originated as a small modification of the MinstaGib and GrapplingHook mutators (hence the name). Over time it grew into something much bigger: It adds several new play modes (Freeze Tag, VIP, Jailbreak, Total Domination and more), includes significant HUD improvements for connected Nexuiz clients, fixes several Nexuiz bugs and includes certain features from Xonotic and nexuiz-svn. Classic Nexuiz and the standard MinstaGib and Weapon Arena modes are still supported for server operators who just want the benefits of the fixes. The popular Camping Rifle Arena mod (CRA) is also powered by RM.

There are two ways to get the RM mod running on your server. You can install the current pre-compiled binary from or you can compile the source code yourself using the instructions that follow.

 -- Basic Installation --

The RocketMinsta mod is written in QuakeC. If you have not already done so, you will need to install a QuakeC compiler.  (We recommend "rmqcc" from this repository: git:// since fteqcc became incompatible. rmqcc is an fteqcc fork that is guaranteed to maintain Nexuiz/RM compatibility).

Once you have built or installed a QuakeC compiler, then duplicate and rename the RocketMinsta file "" to "".  This file is the configuration file for, which is used to compile and install the mod.  Open this new file in your preferred text editor.

Items that you'll probably need to change in this config file are the LINKDIRS and QCC variables.  LINKDIRS is the directory where mod files will be installed.  If you are building RM on your server machine, you most likely should set LINKDIRS to the ~/.nexuiz/data/ directory of the user account in which your Nexuiz server runs.  Otherwise, you should create a separate directory (outside of your cloned repository) for the mod, and then manually copy files from there into your server's Nexuiz data folder. The QCC variable is an ordered list of QuakeC compilers to try.  If no QuakeC compilers are present, the build script will give up.  If the fteqcc binary is not in your PATH, you should append its location to the QCC list.  Save the config when you're done editing it.

Now, run "".  After the installation has completed, the script will tell you what should be done next.  (NOTE: if you're not building on your server machine, you should copy relevant files later manually.)  It is possible to automate remote installations over SFTP, as discussed in the "Release System" section below.

At this point, you may also want to take a look at the RocketMinsta mod's default settings.  They are found in "rocketminsta.cfg".  WARNING: you should NOT edit the "rocketminsta.cfg" file!  Instead, put any changes and customizations into your server config file instead.  It's also recommended that you keep your RM configuration separate, and reference it from your main config with an "exec".

 -- Client Packages --

The build script will generate several "client packages" (sometimes incorrectly referred to as "server packages").  These are .pk3 files with names like, "zzz-rm-PACKAGENAME-MD5SUM.pk3".  They contain client-side game content for the players, such as new models, sounds, graphics and HUD skins.  When the server executes "rocketminsta.cfg", their identification files will be automatically added to the "sv_curl_serverpackages" list.  However, it is your responsibility to provide a way for them to be downloaded.  If you have a single download server for maps, just adding the generated packages there will work.  For a more complex setup you might want to use the "curl_urls.txt" (refer to the Nexuiz documentation for an explanation of that file).

You can also integrate your own custom packages.  To do this, first create a directory named "c_YOURPACKAGENAME.pk3dir" in the root of your cloned repository and fill it with content (c_*.pk3dir directories will be ignored by git).  After that, alter your config and add your package name into the BUILDPKG_CUSTOM array, like this: BUILDPKG_CUSTOM=('YOURPACKAGENAME').  (Notice the lack of the c_ prefix and the .pk3dir extension.)  Finally, rebuild the mod;  your package will be compressed and added to the resulting installation's "rocketminsta.cfg".

 -- Release System --

RocketMinsta features a simple release system, which allows you to quickly generate pre-compiled packages for the end user (server host) to extract over their existing nexdata.  These packages can be customized.

To configure the release system, first copy one of the example configs and rename the copied file "". The configuration options are commented in the example config files, so it shouldn't be a problem to customize the one you chose.  If in doubt about what changes to make, the defaults should work in most cases. Once you're done with any changes, run ./ release to generate a release package. This method will use the main

The release system also supports custom configs, which have a name of  (These files, much like other configs, are ignored by git.)  To use one of your custom configurations, try ./ release CONFIGNAME (e.g., with a CONFIGNAME of 'derp', the script will use

An additional feature of the release system is that it can be used as an upgrade tool, as with the "" file.  The SFTP example does NOT generate a package; it just uploads its contents to the server.  The SFTP example also utilizes RCON in the same way as does (as explained above in the "Updating" section).




  • C 89.3%
  • Shell 8.8%
  • Perl 1.2%
  • C++ 0.7%