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1781 lines (797 loc) · 55.1 KB

Protocol Documentation

Table of Contents





Field Type Label Description
base_currency string The base currency that is bought and sold for this trading pair.
quote_currency string The currency used to quote a price for the base currency.



Field Type Label Description
total_balance uint64 Total balance denominated in satoshis.
channel_balance uint64 Sum of confirmed channel balances denominated in satoshis.
pending_channel_balance uint64 Sum of pending channel balances denominated in satoshis.
inactive_channel_balance uint64 Sum of inactive channel balances denominated in satoshis.
wallet_balance uint64 Confirmed wallet balance in satoshis.
unconfirmed_wallet_balance uint64 Unconfirmed wallet balance in satoshis.


Field Type Label Description
node_identifier string The node pub key or alias of the node to ban.



Field Type Label Description
chain string The blockchain the swap client is on (eg bitcoin, litecoin)
network string The network the swap client is on (eg regtest, testnet, mainnet)


Field Type Label Description
new_password string
old_password string



Field Type Label Description
active uint32 The number of active/online channels for this lnd instance that can be used for swaps.
inactive uint32 The number of inactive/offline channels for this lnd instance.
pending uint32 The number of channels that are pending on-chain confirmation before they can be used.
closed uint32 The number of channels that have been closed.


Field Type Label Description
node_identifier string The node pub key or alias of the peer with which to close any channels with.
currency string The ticker symbol of the currency of the channel to close.
force bool Whether to force close the channel in case the peer is offline or unresponsive.
destination string The on-chain address to send funds extracted from the channel. If unspecified, the funds return to the default wallet for the client closing the channel.
amount uint64 For Connext only - the amount to extract from the channel. If 0 or unspecified, the entire off-chain balance for the specified currency will be extracted.
fee uint64 A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the closure transaction.


Field Type Label Description
transaction_ids string repeated The id of the transaction per channel close.


Field Type Label Description
node_uri string The uri of the node to connect to in "[nodePubKey]@[host]:[port]" format.



Field Type Label Description
status string
address string
version string
chain string


Field Type Label Description
password string The password in utf-8 with which to encrypt the new xud node key as well as any uninitialized underlying wallets.


Field Type Label Description
seed_mnemonic string repeated The 24 word mnemonic to recover the xud identity key and underlying wallets
initialized_lnds string repeated The list of lnd clients that were initialized.
initialized_connext bool Whether the connext wallet was initialized.


Field Type Label Description
currency string The ticker symbol for this currency such as BTC, LTC, ETH, etc...
swap_client Currency.SwapClient The payment channel network client to use for executing swaps.
token_address string The contract address for layered tokens such as ERC20.
decimal_places uint32 The number of places to the right of the decimal point of the smallest subunit of the currency. For example, BTC, LTC, and others where the smallest subunits (satoshis) are 0.00000001 full units (bitcoins) have 8 decimal places. ETH has 18. This can be thought of as the base 10 exponent of the smallest subunit expressed as a positive integer. A default value of 8 is used if unspecified.


Field Type Label Description
currency string The ticker symbol of the currency to deposit.


Field Type Label Description
address string The address to use to deposit funds.


Field Type Label Description
node_identifier string The node pub key or alias of the peer to discover nodes from.


Field Type Label Description
num_nodes uint32


Field Type Label Description
order_id string The order id of the maker order.
pair_id string The trading pair of the swap orders.
peer_pub_key string The node pub key of the peer which owns the maker order. This is optional but helps locate the order more quickly.
quantity uint64 The quantity to swap denominated in satoshis. The whole order will be swapped if unspecified.


Field Type Label Description
currency string The ticker symbol of the currency to query for, if unspecified then balances for all supported currencies are queried.


Field Type Label Description
balances GetBalanceResponse.BalancesEntry repeated A map between currency ticker symbols and their balances.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value Balance



Field Type Label Description
version string The version of this instance of xud.
node_pub_key string The node pub key of this node.
uris string repeated A list of uris that can be used to connect to this node. These are shared with peers.
num_peers uint32 The number of currently connected peers.
num_pairs uint32 The number of supported trading pairs.
orders OrdersCount The number of active, standing orders in the order book.
lnd GetInfoResponse.LndEntry repeated
alias string The alias of this instance of xud.
network string The network of this node.
pending_swap_hashes string repeated
connext ConnextInfo


Field Type Label Description
key string
value LndInfo



Field Type Label Description
seed_mnemonic string repeated


Field Type Label Description
node_identifier string The node pub key or alias of the node for which to get information.


Field Type Label Description
reputationScore sint32 The node's reputation score. Points are subtracted for unexpected or potentially malicious behavior. Points are added when swaps are successfully executed.
banned bool Whether the node is currently banned.



Field Type Label Description
currencies Currency repeated The list of available currencies in the orderbook.


Field Type Label Description
pair_id string The trading pair for which to retrieve orders.
owner ListOrdersRequest.Owner Whether only own, only peer or both orders should be included in result.
limit uint32 The maximum number of orders to return from each side of the order book.
include_aliases bool Whether to include the node aliases of owners of the orders.


Field Type Label Description
orders ListOrdersResponse.OrdersEntry repeated A map between pair ids and their buy and sell orders.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value Orders



Field Type Label Description
pairs string repeated The list of supported trading pair tickers in formats like "LTC/BTC".



Field Type Label Description
peers Peer repeated The list of connected peers.


Field Type Label Description
status string
channels Channels
chains Chain repeated
blockheight uint32
uris string repeated
version string
alias string


Field Type Label Description
node_pub_key string The pub key of this node
alias string An alias for this node deterministically generated from the pub key


Field Type Label Description
node_identifier string The node pub key or alias of the peer with which to open channel with.
currency string The ticker symbol of the currency to open the channel for.
amount uint64 The amount to be deposited into the channel denominated in satoshis.
push_amount uint64 The balance amount to be pushed to the remote side of the channel denominated in satoshis.
fee uint64 The manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the funding transaction in the channel.


Field Type Label Description
transaction_id string The id of the transaction that opened the channel.


Field Type Label Description
price double The price of the order.
quantity uint64 The quantity of the order in satoshis.
pair_id string The trading pair that this order is for.
id string A UUID for this order.
node_identifier NodeIdentifier The identifier of the node that created this order.
local_id string The local id for this order, if applicable.
created_at uint64 The epoch time in milliseconds when this order was created.
side OrderSide Whether this order is a buy or sell
is_own_order bool Whether this order is a local own order or a remote peer order.
hold uint64 The quantity on hold pending swap execution.


Field Type Label Description
pair_id string The trading pair for which to retrieve orders.
precision int32 The number of digits to the right of the decimal point for each price bucket. A negative number rounds digits to the left of the decimal point, e.g. -2 would round to the hundreds place.
limit uint32 The maximum number of price "buckets" to return, if zero or unspecified then no limit is imposed.


Field Type Label Description
buckets OrderBookResponse.BucketsEntry repeated A map between currency tickers and sorted lists of order buckets


Field Type Label Description
price double The rounded price of the bucket.
quantity uint64 The total quantity for all orders that fall into this bucket.


Field Type Label Description
sell_buckets OrderBookResponse.Bucket repeated A sorted list of buckets for sell orders
buy_buckets OrderBookResponse.Bucket repeated A sorted list of buckets for buy orders.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value OrderBookResponse.Buckets


Field Type Label Description
quantity uint64 The quantity removed from the order.
pair_id string The trading pair that the order is for.
order_id string The global UUID for the order.
local_id string The local id for the order, if applicable.
is_own_order bool Whether the order being removed is a local own order or a remote peer order.


Field Type Label Description
order Order An order that was added to the order book.
order_removal OrderRemoval An order (or portion thereof) that was removed from the order book.


Field Type Label Description
buy_orders Order repeated A list of buy orders sorted by descending price.
sell_orders Order repeated A list of sell orders sorted by ascending price.


Field Type Label Description
peer uint32 The number of orders belonging to remote xud nodes.
own uint32 The number of orders belonging to our local xud node.


Field Type Label Description
address string The socket address with host and port for this peer.
node_pub_key string The node pub key to uniquely identify this peer.
lnd_pub_keys Peer.LndPubKeysEntry repeated A map of ticker symbols to lnd pub keys for this peer
inbound bool Indicates whether this peer was connected inbound.
pairs string repeated A list of trading pair tickers supported by this peer.
xud_version string The version of xud being used by the peer.
seconds_connected uint32 The time in seconds that we have been connected to this peer.
alias string The alias for this peer's public key
lnd_uris Peer.LndUris repeated
connext_identifier string The connext identifier for this peer


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


A map of ticker symbols to lnd uris for this peer

Field Type Label Description
currency string
uri string repeated


Field Type Label Description
match Order An order (or portion thereof) that matched the newly placed order.
swap_success SwapSuccess A successful swap of a peer order that matched the newly placed order.
remaining_order Order The remaining portion of the order, after matches, that enters the order book.
swap_failure SwapFailure A swap attempt that failed.


Field Type Label Description
price double The price of the order.
quantity uint64 The quantity of the order denominated in satoshis.
pair_id string The trading pair that the order is for.
order_id string The local id to assign to the order.
side OrderSide Whether the order is a buy or sell.
replace_order_id string The local id of an existing order to be replaced. If provided, the order must be successfully found and removed before the new order is placed, otherwise an error is returned.
immediate_or_cancel bool Whether the order must be filled immediately and not allowed to enter the order book.


Field Type Label Description
internal_matches Order repeated A list of own orders (or portions thereof) that matched the newly placed order.
swap_successes SwapSuccess repeated A list of successful swaps of peer orders that matched the newly placed order.
remaining_order Order The remaining portion of the order, after matches, that enters the order book.
swap_failures SwapFailure repeated A list of swap attempts that failed.



Field Type Label Description
removed_order_ids string repeated The local order ids that were successfully removed.
on_hold_order_ids string repeated The local order ids that were on hold and failed to be removed.


Field Type Label Description
currency string The ticker symbol for this currency such as BTC, LTC, ETH, etc...



Field Type Label Description
order_id string The local id of the order to remove.
quantity uint64 The quantity to remove from the order denominated in satoshis. If zero or unspecified then the entire order is removed.


Field Type Label Description
quantity_on_hold uint64 Any portion of the order that was on hold due to ongoing swaps at the time of the request and could not be removed until after the swaps finish.
remaining_quantity uint64 Remaining portion of the order if it was a partial removal.
removed_quantity uint64 Successfully removed portion of the order.
pair_id string Removed order's pairId. (e.g. ETH/BTC)


Field Type Label Description
pair_id string The trading pair ticker to remove in a format such as "LTC/BTC".



Field Type Label Description
seed_mnemonic string repeated The 24 word mnemonic to recover the xud identity key and underlying wallets
password string The password in utf-8 with which to encrypt the restored xud node key as well as any restored underlying wallets.
lnd_backups RestoreNodeRequest.LndBackupsEntry repeated A map between the currency of the LND and its multi channel SCB
xud_database bytes The XUD database backup


Field Type Label Description
key string
value bytes


Field Type Label Description
restored_lnds string repeated The list of lnd clients that were initialized.
restored_connext bool Whether the connext wallet was initialized.


Field Type Label Description
log_level LogLevel





Field Type Label Description
existing bool Whether to transmit all existing active orders upon establishing the stream.



Field Type Label Description
include_taker bool Whether to include the results for swaps initiated via the PlaceOrder or ExecuteSwap calls. These swap results are also returned in the responses for the respective calls.


Field Type Label Description
order_id string The global UUID for the order that was accepted to be swapped.
local_id string The local id for the order that was accepted to be swapped.
pair_id string The trading pair that the swap is for.
quantity uint64 The order quantity that was accepted to be swapped.
price double The price for the swap.
peer_pub_key string The node pub key of the peer that executed this order.
r_hash string The hex-encoded payment hash for the swap.
amount_receiving uint64 The amount received denominated in satoshis.
amount_sending uint64 The amount sent denominated in satoshis.
currency_receiving string The ticker symbol of the currency received.
currency_sending string The ticker symbol of the currency sent.


Field Type Label Description
order_id string The global UUID for the order that failed the swap.
pair_id string The trading pair that the swap is for.
quantity uint64 The order quantity that was attempted to be swapped.
peer_pub_key string The node pub key of the peer that we attempted to swap with.
failure_reason string The reason why the swap failed.


Field Type Label Description
order_id string The global UUID for the order that was swapped.
local_id string The local id for the order that was swapped.
pair_id string The trading pair that the swap is for.
quantity uint64 The order quantity that was swapped.
r_hash string The hex-encoded payment hash for the swap.
amount_received uint64 The amount received denominated in satoshis.
amount_sent uint64 The amount sent denominated in satoshis.
peer_pub_key string The node pub key of the peer that executed this order.
role Role Our role in the swap, either MAKER or TAKER.
currency_received string The ticker symbol of the currency received.
currency_sent string The ticker symbol of the currency sent.
r_preimage string The hex-encoded preimage.
price double The price used for the swap.


Field Type Label Description
maker_order Order The maker order involved in this trade.
taker_order Order The taker order involved in this trade. Note that when a trade occurs from a remote peer filling one of our orders, we do not receive the order (only a swap request) and this field will be empty.
r_hash string The payment hash involved in this trade.
quantity uint64 The quantity transacted in this trade.
pair_id string The trading pair for this trade.
price double The price used for the trade.
role Role Our role in the trade.
executed_at uint64 The epoch time in milliseconds that this trade was executed
side OrderSide Whether this node was on the buy or sell side of the trade - or both in case of internal trades.
counterparty NodeIdentifier The counterparty to this trade, if applicable.


Field Type Label Description
limit uint32 The maximum number of trades to return


Field Type Label Description
trades Trade repeated


Field Type Label Description
max_sell uint64 Maximum outbound limit for a sell order denominated in satoshis.
max_buy uint64 Maximum inbound limit for a buy order denominated in satoshis.
reserved_sell uint64 The outbound amount reserved for open sell orders.
reserved_buy uint64 The inbound amount reserved for open buy orders.


Field Type Label Description
currency string The ticker symbol of the currency to query for, if unspecified then trading limits for all supported currencies are queried.


Field Type Label Description
limits TradingLimitsResponse.LimitsEntry repeated A map between currency ticker symbols and their trading limits.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value TradingLimits


Field Type Label Description
node_identifier string The node pub key or alias of the peer to unban.
reconnect bool Whether to attempt to connect to the peer after it is unbanned.



Field Type Label Description
password string The password in utf-8 with which to unlock an existing xud node key as well as underlying client wallets such as lnd.


Field Type Label Description
unlocked_lnds string repeated The list of lnd clients that were unlocked.
locked_lnds string repeated The list of lnd clients that could not be unlocked.


Field Type Label Description
currency string The ticker symbol of the currency to withdraw.
destination string The address to withdraw funds to.
amount uint64 The amount to withdraw denominated in satoshis
all bool Whether to withdraw all available funds for this currency. If true, the amount field is ignored.
fee uint32 The fee to use for the withdrawal transaction denominated in satoshis per byte.


Field Type Label Description
transaction_id string The id of the withdrawal transaction.


Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Name Number Description


The primary service for interacting with a running xud node.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
AddCurrency Currency AddCurrencyResponse Adds a currency to the list of supported currencies. Once added, the currency may be used for new trading pairs. shell: xucli addcurrency <currency> <swap_client> [decimal_places] [token_address]
AddPair AddPairRequest AddPairResponse Adds a trading pair to the list of supported trading pairs. The newly supported pair is advertised to peers so they may begin sending orders for it. shell: xucli addpair <base_currency> <quote_currency>
Ban BanRequest BanResponse Bans a node and immediately disconnects from it. This can be used to prevent any connections to a specific node. shell: xucli ban <node_identifier>
ChangePassword ChangePasswordRequest ChangePasswordResponse Changes the xud master password, including the wallet passwords for any underlying clients. shell: xucli changepass
CloseChannel CloseChannelRequest CloseChannelResponse Closes any existing payment channels with a peer for the specified currency. shell: xucli closechannel <currency> [node_identifier ] [--force]
Connect ConnectRequest ConnectResponse Attempts to connect to a node. Once connected, the node is added to the list of peers and becomes available for swaps and trading. A handshake exchanges information about the peer's supported trading and swap clients. Orders will be shared with the peer upon connection and upon new order placements. shell: xucli connect <node_uri>
WalletDeposit DepositRequest DepositResponse Gets an address to deposit a given currency into the xud wallets. shell: xucli walletdeposit <currency>
Deposit DepositRequest DepositResponse Gets an address to deposit a given currency directly into a channel. shell: xucli deposit <currency>
DiscoverNodes DiscoverNodesRequest DiscoverNodesResponse Discover nodes from a specific peer and apply new connections
GetBalance GetBalanceRequest GetBalanceResponse Gets the total balance available across all payment channels and wallets for one or all currencies. shell: xucli getbalance [currency]
GetInfo GetInfoRequest GetInfoResponse Gets general information about this node. shell: xucli getinfo
GetMnemonic GetMnemonicRequest GetMnemonicResponse Gets the master seed mnemonic . shell: xucli getnemonic
GetNodeInfo GetNodeInfoRequest GetNodeInfoResponse Gets general information about a node. shell: xucli getnodeinfo <node_identifier>
ListOrders ListOrdersRequest ListOrdersResponse Gets orders from the order book. This call returns the state of the order book at a given point in time, although it is not guaranteed to still be vaild by the time a response is received and processed by a client. It accepts an optional trading pair id parameter. If specified, only orders for that particular trading pair are returned. Otherwise, all orders are returned. Orders are separated into buys and sells for each trading pair, but unsorted. shell: xucli listorders [pair_id] [include_own_orders] [limit]
ListCurrencies ListCurrenciesRequest ListCurrenciesResponse Gets a list of this node's supported currencies. shell: xucli listcurrencies
ListPairs ListPairsRequest ListPairsResponse Gets a list of this nodes suported trading pairs. shell: xucli listpairs
ListPeers ListPeersRequest ListPeersResponse Gets a list of connected peers. shell: xucli listpeers
OpenChannel OpenChannelRequest OpenChannelResponse Opens a payment channel to a peer for the specified amount and currency. shell: xucli openchannel <currency> <amount> [node_identifier] [push_amount]
OrderBook OrderBookRequest OrderBookResponse Gets an order book depth chart where orders are grouped into "buckets" according to their price rounded to a given level of precision. shell: xucli orderbook [pair_id] [precision]
PlaceOrder PlaceOrderRequest PlaceOrderEvent stream Adds an order to the order book. If price is zero or unspecified a market order will get added.
PlaceOrderSync PlaceOrderRequest PlaceOrderResponse The synchronous, non-streaming version of PlaceOrder. shell: xucli buy <quantity> <pair_id> <price> [order_id] [stream] shell: xucli sell <quantity> <pair_id> <price> [order_id] [stream]
ExecuteSwap ExecuteSwapRequest SwapSuccess Executes a swap on a maker peer order.
RemoveCurrency RemoveCurrencyRequest RemoveCurrencyResponse Removes a currency from the list of supported currencies. Only currencies that are not in use for any currently supported trading pairs may be removed. Once removed, the currency can no longer be used for any supported trading pairs. shell: xucli removecurrency <currency>
RemoveOrder RemoveOrderRequest RemoveOrderResponse Removes an order from the order book by its local id. This should be called when an order is canceled or filled outside of xud. Removed orders become immediately unavailable for swaps, and peers are notified that the order is no longer valid. Any portion of the order that is on hold due to ongoing swaps will not be removed until after the swap attempts complete. shell: xucli removeorder <order_id> [quantity]
RemoveAllOrders RemoveAllOrdersRequest RemoveAllOrdersResponse Removes all orders from the order book. Removed orders become immediately unavailable for swaps, and peers are notified that the orders are no longer valid. Any portion of the orders that is on hold due to ongoing swaps will not be removed until after the swap attempts complete. shell: xucli removeallorders
RemovePair RemovePairRequest RemovePairResponse Removes a trading pair from the list of currently supported trading pair. This call will effectively cancel any standing orders for that trading pair. Peers are informed when a pair is no longer supported so that they will know to stop sending orders for it. shell: xucli removepair <pair_id>
SetLogLevel SetLogLevelRequest SetLogLevelResponse Set the logging level. shell: xucli loglevel <level>
Shutdown ShutdownRequest ShutdownResponse Begin gracefully shutting down xud. shell: xucli shutdown
SubscribeOrders SubscribeOrdersRequest OrderUpdate stream Subscribes to orders being added to and removed from the order book. This call allows the client to maintain an up-to-date view of the order book. For example, an exchange that wants to show its users a real time view of the orders available to them would subscribe to this streaming call to be alerted as new orders are added and expired orders are removed.
SubscribeSwapFailures SubscribeSwapsRequest SwapFailure stream Subscribes to failed swaps. By default, only swaps that are initiated by a remote peer are transmitted unless a flag is set to include swaps initiated by the local node. This call allows the client to get real-time notifications when swap attempts are failing. It can be used for status monitoring, debugging, and testing purposes.
SubscribeSwaps SubscribeSwapsRequest SwapSuccess stream Subscribes to completed swaps. By default, only swaps that are initiated by a remote peer are transmitted unless a flag is set to include swaps initiated by the local node. This call allows the client to get real-time notifications when its orders are filled by a peer. It can be used for tracking order executions, updating balances, and informing a trader when one of their orders is settled through the Exchange Union network.
SubscribeSwapsAccepted SubscribeSwapsAcceptedRequest SwapAccepted stream Subscribes to accepted swaps. This stream emits a message when the local xud node accepts a swap request from a peer, but before the swap has actually succeeded.
TradeHistory TradeHistoryRequest TradeHistoryResponse Gets a list of completed trades. shell: xucli tradehistory [limit]
TradingLimits TradingLimitsRequest TradingLimitsResponse Gets the trading limits for one or all currencies. shell: xucli tradinglimits [currency]
Unban UnbanRequest UnbanResponse Removes a ban from a node manually and, optionally, attempts to connect to it. shell: xucli unban <node_identifier> [reconnect]
WalletWithdraw WithdrawRequest WithdrawResponse Withdraws a given currency from the xud wallets to a specified address. shell: xucli withdraw [amount] [currency] <destination> [fee]


A service for interacting with a locked or uninitalized xud node.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
CreateNode CreateNodeRequest CreateNodeResponse Creates an xud identity node key and underlying wallets. The node key and wallets are derived from a single seed and encrypted using a single password provided as a parameter to the call. shell: xucli create
RestoreNode RestoreNodeRequest RestoreNodeResponse Restores an xud instance and underlying wallets from a seed. shell: xucli restore [backup_directory]
UnlockNode UnlockNodeRequest UnlockNodeResponse Unlocks and decrypts the xud node key and any underlying wallets. shell: xucli unlock

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)