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ExoBiTe committed May 7, 2017
1 parent 90cdd29 commit e9e223f
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Showing 23 changed files with 4,253 additions and 0 deletions.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Changelog from Version 1.7 to Version 1.8:
- Complete Re-write of the Plugin!
- Fixed a ton of Bugs:
- Particles and Sounds are now loaded seperated
- Items, Particles and Sounds can�t create Errors on loadup anymore
- Got rid of a few unused functions and classes
- MySQL got Removed (Buuuhuu.. :[ )
- Added new Things to the config:
- Update Notifications can now get turned on or off.
- As i�ll start releasing Betas, you can now decide of you want
to get notified on a Beta-Release
- Adding "MainClockSpeed: <Int>" to the config, will change the speed of the main Clock
- Default is MainClockSpeed: 50
- Re-wrote the Reward File
- It�s now a "fusion" of the old Reward.yml "Reward" and "Loops" part.
- There is no need to create Loops and assign Rewards to them anymore, now its
possible to turn Rewards directly into repeating rewards
- Your old rewards.yml will be renamed to rewards_old.yml, the old file won�t work with this Plugin anymore
- The Plugin has now 3 different time count-methods:
REALTIME is like the real-world clock. It counts also if the Player or the Server is offline.

PLAYTIME is the real-playtime of the Player on the Server. Just counts, while the Player is online on the Server.

SESSIONTIME is similiar to PLAYTIME, except it gets reset to 0 if the Player disconnects. This means it just counts the
Playtime of the Player of the actual "session".
- Define these in the "CountType" Field for each Reward

Changelog to Version 2.1:
- Fixed a few issues with data/pathfinding.
- Uses now file.seperator instead of "/"
- Renames uppercase files to lowercase files
- Added the config Value Main.DebugMode <Boolean>, it activates a special logging on plugin loadup.
- Default is DebugMode: false
- Isn�t visible in the default config, can be pasted in.
- Added the config Value Main.ForceCommands: <Boolean>
- If another Plugin uses the same Commands than Playtimerewards and ForceCommands is set to false, PlaytimeRewards
ignores the Command
- If another Plugin uses the same Commands than Playtimerewards and ForceCommands is set to true, PlaytimeRewards
tries to deny the Command for the other Plugin
-Is for default set to ForceCommands: false
- PlaytimeRewards uses now other packagenames, as there occured some errors while running two of my Plugins on the same server.

Changelog from Version 2.1 to Version 2.2:
- Fixed an issue, where files didn�t load properly.
- Added many log-messages to the debug-mode
- Re-wrote the /playtime command:
- It now display a nicer text (in my opinion)
- Added the config value Main.vanillaPlaytime <boolean>, it tells the Plugin if it should count the Playtime
for itself or if it should use Minecrafts playtime-counter
-is useful, if you got some Players which played before this Plugin was installed, as minecraft counted their Playtime
all the time.
- The Plugin should now load properly, and not to early or to late.

Changelog from Version 2.2 to Version 2.3_BETA:
- VanillaPlaytime is now for default set to true instead of false
- Added all Spigot Versions from 1.10 to 1.11.2 to the recommend Versions
- Added the Spigot Resource Page to the plugin.yml as website
- If the Player�s Inventory is full and he earns a Reward where he gets an Item, the gets now dropped on the Ground
instead of disappearing.
- Fixed a bug with the /pr reload command
- Added the Command /pr seeRewards [player]
- has two Permissions: timerewards.seeRewardsOwn and timerewards.seeRewardsOthers
- Display the specified player�s achieved Rewards.
- Added a config value Main.betaAccess <boolean>, it activates beta may-be bugged features
- Default is betaAccess: false
- Is just avaible for Beta Versions, has no effect in Full releases
- If you update the Plugin, the old config won�t be deleted anymore, it will get renamed to config_v<old version>.yml
- Added a framework for a changable motd
- With the use of the Plugin LagMonitor, i got rid of everything thread-blocking

Changes to Version 2.3:
Please note that some change notes arent listed here, but in 2.3_Beta as i didn�t change anything to some things.
- Added a tutorial for setting up the Rewards.yml at
- Did the first steps into compatibilty for older Minecraft Versions
- Works now from 1.9+
- Added MySQL Support
- Should work better and faster as the old one
- uses an own thread for data-handling (sending, receiving)
- saves userdata and their earned rewards, NOT the default rewards.
- Bugfixes!
- fixed a few MySQL Bugs
- fixed a Bug where Reward Items, Sounds and Particles crashed the Plugin
- If a player bypasses the spigot-login-event (somehow its possible), this plugin recognizes this and creates the needed player data.
- fixed a bug where datalists didn�t got created which created errors
- Worked out the changeable-motd framework from 2.3_Beta, to create a message-receiver for you.
- Added a config value Notification.allowMessages <boolean>, it enables/disables a message receiver from the developer
- Default is allowMessages: true
- is used to notify you about important things.
- IMPORTANT: I can�t send commands etc. to your server. I can just send info-messages to the console.
- Added an checker which checks some storage(file/mysql) variables every hour.
- Made a few changes to the Spigot Page (Added Commands, Permissions, some information notes and a planned list.)

Changelog from Version 2.3 to 2.4_BETA:
- Changed the way the motd works.
- If there�s no important message, the Plugin won�t show anything up.
- enabled the use of mysql!
- take a look at the config to see what has changed (mysql related!)
- wrote two different Objects:
- one that is used from Minecraft Version 1.9+ and one that is used from 1.8 and below.
- makes it possible to support versions back to 1.7 (i tested it until 1.7.10!)
- the plugin is now backwards-compatible!
- this means its compatible back to version 1.7
- the following things are disabled if you use minecraft 1.8 or older:
- particles and sounds for rewards are disabled
- updatechecker and motdchecker are disabled
- improved some of the code a bit, got rid of some comments and some unused functions

Changelog from Version 2.4_BETA_PRE1 to 2.4_BETA2
- mysql now uses way less data sendings/receivings due to optimized code and better caching
- mysql now counts the sessionamount of each player
- removed unused code
- added a new server-versioncheck
- Players who already played on the server, get their mysql playtime set to their real playtime instead of 0
- removed a few debug-messages/moved them to debug-mode
- added the auto-save!
- saves data to files/mysql at each interval with a customisable delay (config)
- prevents data-loss on server-crashes etc.
- Added a config value Main.DataSaveInterval <Long>, it sets the delay of the auto-save function
- Default is DataSaveInterval: 1800 (30 Minutes)
- set it to zero, to disable the auto-save

Changelog from Version 2.4_BETA_FINAL to 2.4:
- the one-hour interval mysql-database-checker now works async
- added a new stats-value for pluginmetrics/bstats: reward_count
- keeps track of the amount of rewards you used

Changelog from Version 2.4 to 2.5 (including the 2.4_HotFix):
- the Plugin doesn�t crash anymore if an unknown Sound, Particle or Item is set in the rewards.yml
- the <player> Placeholder now works for any String in the Rewards file
- Added a few Debug Messages
- fixed a Bug in the reward-recognizing system, where Looping-Rewards were recognized as not-loop rewards.
- changed the delay of the mysql-checking/motd-checking clock from 2 hours to 1 hour
- The UpdateChecker works now async
- Coded a Auto-Update Function which downloads the newest Version of the Plugin
- Added a config value Main.AutoUpdate <Boolean>, it enables/disables the Plugins auto-update.
- Default is AutoUpdate: true
- Notification.searchUpdates needs to be true in order for this to work
- Beta Builds won�t get uploaded as main Resource anymore
- If i�ll publish more Beta Builds, i�ll post the dl into the discussions tab

52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions config.yml
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#Config for PlaytimeRewards
#PlaytimeRewards by ExoBiTe @
#Main Configuration
#do not touch this value
Version: 2.5

#Define your color-char here. Use it in the rewards.yml
ColorChar: '&'

#Set to true if you want to get a console Notification if a Player Logs in with a not existing Loop/Reward.
msgUnknownLoops: false

#Enable or disable mysql here. If enabled, make sure to insert your mysql-data below.
MySQL: false

#ForceCommands only affects other Plugins with the commands /playtimerewards and|or /playtime.
#If set to false, this Plugin will try to force other plugin with the same command
#to take priority of the command.
#If set to true this plugin tries to execute its Commands, and cancel the other Plugin´s commands.
ForceCommands: false

#if vanillaPlaytime is set to false, the Plugin will count the Playtimes for itself.
#If vanillaPlaytime is set to true, this Plugin will use the normal minecraft playtime counting
vanillaPlaytime: true

#Set the delay between the automatic save-intervals. Set to 0 to disable auto-saving (not recommended!).
#As this Plugin only writes and reads data form files/mysql upon play login and quit, there may be a chance to data-loss
#when the server crashes. Auto-Save writes all data every interval to files/mysql. This prevents data-loss.
DataSaveInterval: 1800 #Seconds

#You want to get always the Build of the Plugin? Simply set this to true.
#Enable SearchBeta to always get the latest Build.
#searchUpdates needs to be true!
autoUpdate: true

#If you want that i (the plugin developer) is able to send messages to your console (just messages, no commands etc.!)
#set this to true. This can be used to notify you about big bugs, which you need to get notified about.
allowMessages: true

#You don´t like updates? Set this to false, and you won´t get a Update Notification!
searchUpdates: true

Host: localhost
Port: 3306
User: root
Database: minecraftserver

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions playerData.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions plugin.yml
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name: PlaytimeRewards
main: com.github.exobite.playtimerewards.CountMain
version: 2.5
author: ExoBiTe
description: This Plugin Manages your Players Playtime and Rewards them.

description: Playtime Command
usage: /Playtime
aliases: pt
description: PlaytimeReward Main Command
usage: /PlaytimeRewards | /pr
aliases: pr

description: PlaytimeRewards Admin
timerewards.seetime: true
timerewards.seetime.others: true
timerewards.reload: true
timerewards.editItem: true
timerewards.giveRewards: true
timerewards.listRewards: true
timerewards.seeRewardsOwn: true
timerewards.seeRewardsOthers: true
description: See your own Playtime
default: true
description: See the Playtime of other Players
default: op
description: Reload config and reward files
default: op
description: Players can change Reward Items Ingame
default: op
description: Players can give Rewards to Players
default: op
description: Players can list all avaible rewards
default: op
description: Players can see their own achieved Rewards
default: op
description: Players can see other Players achieved Rewards
default: op
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions rewards.yml
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#Updated Reward Config File for PlaytimeRewards
#PlaytimeRewards by ExoBiTe @
#List of all Items can be found here:
#List of all Sounds can be found here:
#List of all Particles can be found here:
#List of all Enchantments can be found here:
#Avaible CountType entrys are REALTIME, PLAYTIME and SESSIONTIME
#Trouble by setting up this File? Read through this:

PlaytimeNeeded: 86400
CountType: 'REALTIME'
GlobalNotification: false
PlayerNotification: true
RewardName: '&3Daily &4Login'
RewardText: '&3Thank you for your Daily Login! Here is a Cookie!'
RewardCommand: ''
RewardConsole: ''
Item: 'COOKIE'
Damage: 0
Amount: 1
DisplayName: '&4Cool &8Cookie&a!'
- '&3A very good looking Cookie&7!'
LUCK: 666
SoundPitch: 1
SoundVolume: 2
ParticleName: 'LAVA'
ParticleAmount: 20
ParticleSpeed: 0.1
ParticleOffsetX: 0.3
ParticleOffsetY: 0.1
ParticleOffsetZ: 0.3
EnableLoop: true
WaitFirst: false
MinPlaytime: 0 #Seconds
MaxPlaytime: 0 #Seconds
PermissionNeeded: ''

PlaytimeNeeded: 3600
GlobalNotification: false
PlayerNotification: false
RewardName: '&71 Hour Session-Playtime!'
RewardText: '&7Here´s your Reward for Playing 1 Hour in this Session! Continue Playing!'
RewardCommand: ''
RewardConsole: ''
Item: 'COOKIE'
Damage: 0
Amount: 1
DisplayName: '&4Cool &8Cookie&a!'
- '&3A very good looking Cookie&7!'
LUCK: 666
SoundPitch: 2
SoundVolume: 10
ParticleName: 'FLAME'
ParticleAmount: 100
ParticleSpeed: 0.1
ParticleOffsetX: 0.3
ParticleOffsetY: 0.1
ParticleOffsetZ: 0.3
EnableLoop: true
WaitFirst: true
MinPlaytime: 0 #Seconds
MaxPlaytime: 0 #Seconds
PermissionNeeded: ''

PlaytimeNeeded: 1
CountType: 'PLAYTIME'
GlobalNotification: true
PlayerNotification: false
RewardName: '&4FirstLogin'
RewardText: '&1Welcome to the Server!'
RewardCommand: ''
RewardConsole: ''
Item: 'COOKIE'
Damage: 0
Amount: 1
DisplayName: '&4Cool &8Cookie&a!'
- '&3A very good looking Cookie&7!'
LUCK: 666
SoundPitch: 2
SoundVolume: 10
ParticleName: 'FLAME'
ParticleAmount: 100
ParticleSpeed: 0.1
ParticleOffsetX: 0.3
ParticleOffsetY: 0.1
ParticleOffsetZ: 0.3
EnableLoop: false
WaitFirst: false
MinPlaytime: 0 #Seconds
MaxPlaytime: 0 #Seconds
PermissionNeeded: ''

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