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Custom Lambda Authorizer for ApiGateway using Node and Promise Pattern

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Custom Lambda Authorizer for ApiGateway using Node and Promise Pattern

Build Status

Enables API Authorization using Bearer Tokens from Google, Facebook and Amazon Id Providers.


Meghan Erickson

James Shank

Ryan Scott

External Resources

AWS Authorizer Blueprints

Lambda Unit Testing - Callback Pattern

Lambda Support for Node and Promises

ES6 Promise Documentation on MDN

Working in this project

Imported Libs

You can create additional imports in the lib/ directory. The lib/ will be included in the deployed artifact.


Testing is done with Mocha.

$ npm install
$ npm test


The project contains a npm script build. This script will create an archive (zip) that can be uploaded to S3.

$ npm run build


The identity providers used in this authorizer are configured through the ProviderConfig.


Facebook requires an application identifier as well as a application secret for calling their API. Update these values before building/deploying.

How Lambda custom authorizer's work

Input to Lambda function (as an event)

When AWS invokes a Lambda function as an authorizer the following JavaScript object is passed to the function as the event.

  type: "TOKEN",
  authorizationToken: "<caller-supplied-token>",
  methodArn: "arn:aws:execute-api:<regionId>:<accountId>:<apiId>/<stage>/<method>/<resourcePath>"

Output from Lambda function (IAM Policy)

The output of a custom authorizer should be an AWS IAM Policy. The policy should described the level of access the caller is allowed. This policy is also able to be cached in API Gateway for up to 300 seconds.

    "principalId": "xxxxxxxx",
    "policyDocument": {
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [{
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [

Lambda Authorizer Configuration

There are a few notable configurations for a custom authorizer.

  1. Execution Role. This should be an IAM Role with access to invoke a Lambda function.
  1. Identity Token Source. This is where API Gateway looks for the incoming bearer token on the request.

Identity Provider Contracts

Each of the supported identity providers have their contracts described below.


Google TokenInfo Contract

Valid Token Information Response

curl -X GET
200 OK
 "iss": "",
 "at_hash": "Tyxxxxx_xxx-xxxxxxx",
 "aud": "", //clientId proving call was made from our app
 "sub": "xxxxx2166xxxxxxxxxxxx",
 "email_verified": "true",
 "azp": "",
 "email": "",
 "iat": "1xxxxxxxx6",
 "exp": "1xxxxxxxx6",
 "name": "M. L.E.",
 "picture": "",
 "given_name": "M.",
 "family_name": "L.E.",
 "locale": "en",
 "alg": "RS256",
 "kid": "a3225a704cfoobarxxxxxxce1c8612b"

Invalid Token Information Response

curl -X GET
400 Bad Request
 "error_description": "Invalid Value"


Login with Amazon

There are two steps required to Login with Amazon. Step one starts upon receiving a token from the client.

  1. Pass the client token to the Token API. This step is used to verify the client identifier the token was created with.
  2. Pass the client token to the Profile API. This step is used to retrieve the user's profile information.

The best practice is to make the first call and fail fast if the client identifier does not validate.

Amazon Token Response

curl -X GET
200 OK
  "app_id": "amzn1.application.identifier",
  "aud": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.identifier", //clientId proving call was made from our app
  "exp": 818,
  "iat": 1475349936,
  "iss": "",
  "user_id": "amzn1.account.identifier"

Amazon Profile Response

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer foo"
200 OK
  "email": "",
  "name": "Jenky Penky",
  "user_id": "amzn1.account.identifier"


Login with Facebook

Valid Token Response

curl -X GET '{authorizationToken}&access_token={appId}|{appSecret}'
200 OK
  "data": {
    "app_id": "application.identifier",
    "application": "ExpanseIO Test App",
    "expires_at": 1473112800,
    "is_valid": true,
    "scopes": [
    "user_id": "account.identifier"


Custom Lambda Authorizer for ApiGateway using Node and Promise Pattern






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