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Code for the paper "Translational Equivariance in Kernelizable Attention"


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Translational Equivariance in Kernelizable Attention

Robustness to perturbation

Code of the paper Translational Equivariance in Kernelizable Attention. It contains two implementations of translational equivariance in the Performer kernelizable attention architecture. Parts of this code are based on the implementation of the Performer architecture by Phil Wang available here. Files which were taken from this repository retain the authors original copyright notice.

Citing our work

Please use the following bibtex entry to cite our work:

      title={{T}ranslational {E}quivariance in {K}ernelizable {A}ttention}, 
      author={Max Horn and Kumar Shridhar and Elrich Groenewald and Philipp F. M. Baumann},

Structure of the project, results and trained models

Most of the code regarding the Performer model implementations can be found in the subfolder relative_performer. Jupyter notebooks with experiments and exploratory analysis can be found in the folder notebooks. The pipeline for training the CNNs can be found in the folder CNN. The raw results used for in our work can be found in the folder results. Pretrained models can be downloaded here.


The code implements the following models:

  • Performer: Performer model with absolute positional encodings and without any further modifications
  • NoPosPerformer: Performer model without any positional encodings.
  • RelativePerformer: Adapted Performer model using constrained weight matrices for projection of positional embeddings (corresponding to strategy 1 of the paper)
  • ClippedRelativePerformer: Adapted Performer model which directly learns relative positional embeddings (corresponding to strategy 2 of the paper)


Install poetry in a python environment with python version larger than $3.7$. Alternatively use pyenv to install an appropriate python version. Pyenv and poetry are compatible, for further details check out the section on pyenv in the poetry documentation.

Then install the package in a new virtual environment using

poetry install --dev

You can then enter the virtual environment using poetry shell or run commands inside the virtual environment using poetry run <command>.


The main script for training models is relative_performer/, it allows to define training and model parameters and the dataset that should be used to train the model.

$ poetry run relative_performer/ --help

usage: [-h] [--log_path LOG_PATH] [--exp_name EXP_NAME]
                [--version VERSION] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                [--embedding_type {linear,MLP,lookup}]

positional arguments:
                        The model to train
                        The dataset to train on

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log_path LOG_PATH   Logging path
  --exp_name EXP_NAME   Experiment name
  --version VERSION     Version of experiment
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size used for training.
  --embedding_type {linear,MLP,lookup}
                        Embedding type used to embed pixel values (default:

The logs of successful runs will be stored in the path <log_path>/<exp_name>/<version>. If --version is not explicitly defined it will automatically be set to the pattern version_X where X is automatically incremented for each run. By default (if no command line parameters are provided) the path is lighting_logs/default/version_X.

Missing datasets will automatically be downloaded to the path <project_root>/data.

Model specific arguments

Each model can additionally have specific arguments associated which may also be defined via the command line

$ poetry run relative_performer/ Performer MNIST --help

usage: [-h] [--log_path LOG_PATH] [--exp_name EXP_NAME]
                [--version VERSION] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                [--embedding_type {linear,MLP,lookup}]
                [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--warmup WARMUP]
                [--schedule {constant,noam}] [--dim DIM] [--depth DEPTH]
                [--heads HEADS] [--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT]
                [--ff_dropout FF_DROPOUT]
                [--feature_redraw_interval FEATURE_REDRAW_INTERVAL]

positional arguments:
                        The model to train
                        The dataset to train on

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log_path LOG_PATH   Logging path
  --exp_name EXP_NAME   Experiment name
  --version VERSION     Version of experiment
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size used for training.
  --embedding_type {linear,MLP,lookup}
                        Embedding type used to embed pixel values (default:
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
  --warmup WARMUP
  --schedule {constant,noam}
  --dim DIM
  --depth DEPTH
  --heads HEADS
  --attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT
  --ff_dropout FF_DROPOUT
  --feature_redraw_interval FEATURE_REDRAW_INTERVAL

Which shows that the Performer model additionally supports the arguments --learning_rate, --dim, --depth and --heads etc.

Example - Training on MNIST

Training the performer model on MNIST with default parameters can be achieved using the command below:

$ poetry run relative_performer/ Performer MNIST

No correct seed found, seed set to 2111136583
GPU available: False, used: False
TPU available: None, using: 0 TPU cores

  | Name                 | Type                      | Params
0 | content_embedding    | Linear                    | 256   
1 | output_layer         | Linear                    | 1.3 K 
2 | loss                 | CrossEntropyLoss          | 0     
3 | train_acc            | Accuracy                  | 0     
4 | val_acc              | Accuracy                  | 0     
5 | test_acc             | Accuracy                  | 0     
6 | positional_embedding | LearnableSinusoidEncoding | 32    
7 | performer            | Performer                 | 793 K 
794 K     Trainable params
0         Non-trainable params
794 K     Total params
Running with random seed: 2111136583
Called log hparams
Validation sanity check: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:03<00:00,  1.55s/it]
Training: Epoch 0:   0%|          | 2/3749 [00:10<5:14:18,  5.03s/it, loss=3.22, v_num=38, train/acc_step=0.0625]


After a model is run its performance can be evaluated on the test split of the dataset. This is implemented in the files relative_performer/ and relative_performer/, where the former tests a single model and the latter traverses a directory testing all trained models it finds in the hierarchy. In both cases the --output argument expects a path to a csv file where the results should be stored.

$ poetry run relative_performer/

usage: [-h] --output OUTPUT run_dir

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT

$ poetry run relative_performer/

usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT] run_dirs

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT

Testing shifted images

As an additional means of evaluating the models the script relative_performer/ tests the model on a subset of shifted versions of the datasets. This script currently only supports being applied to runs from either MNIST or FashionMNIST. The option --min_shift determines the shifting range in pixels. The performance is only evaluated on digits that support the full span of shifts of min_shift pixels to the left and to the right. --labels allows to filter the classes which should be shifted. In our experiments this was always set to 1 as it allowed the maximal amount of shift for both MNIST and FashionMNIST. Finally, --output expects a path to a csv file for storing the results and run_dirs expects a list of multiple folders containing runs on which the object shift experiment should be run.

$ poetry run relative_performer/ --help

usage: [-h] [--labels LABELS [LABELS ...]]
                       [--min_shift MIN_SHIFT] --output OUTPUT
                       run_dirs [run_dirs ...]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
  --min_shift MIN_SHIFT
  --output OUTPUT


Code for the paper "Translational Equivariance in Kernelizable Attention"







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