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@ShawnTalbert ShawnTalbert tagged this 18 Jan 17:10
This release does have a couple potential breaking changes but our code search and the nature of the breaks
deemed it not worthy of a major version bump to 7. See below for details.

* fix - ensure the `Apply` sublist on DepositApplicationBase.ts is accessible so that it can be inherited. also export a couple type definitions from Record and Sublist to make them visible for documentation or users.
* update to latest typescript/typedoc
* BREAKING? - remove special handling for `percent` fields - they now use the default descriptor which means they just do `getValue()`/`setValue()` calls on the NS record.
this may be a breaking change but seems low risk. Check if your code depended on the old `@FieldType.percent` behavior
* BREAKING? - turn sublist into an array when creating JSON representation. This may be a breaking change but we are aware
of no code that relies on that output.
* Search results return all values as `string` type. Tightened the return type for nsSearchResult2obj to accept the fact that search results are always strings, even for fields that seem like they should be numeric. This al
lows you to pass a simple object properties to nsSearchResult2obj like `nsSearchResult2obj<{foo,bar,baz}>()` and instead of `any`, those properties will be automatically strings on the return value
(e.g. `{ foo: string, bar:string, baz: string}`)
* add new record types: PriceBookBase and PricePlanBase
Assets 2