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A simple script that turns chatGPT into a Prompt Generator for Text-to-Image Model

This is a Python script that generates prompts for a text-to-image model using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 language model. The script takes in three command line arguments:

--sd_prompt: The description of the prompt. This should be a short sentence describing the desired image.
--prompt_amount: The number of prompts to generate.
--max_tokens: The maximum number of tokens in the generated prompt.

The generated prompts are saved in a text file located in a prompts folder in the same directory as the script. The filename is generated based on the prompt description given by the user. Usage

You must have an OpenAI API key and organization ID to use this script. The API key and organization ID should be saved in text files called api_key.txt and org.txt respectively, located in the same directory as the script.

To run the script, open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the script is saved. Then, type:

python --sd_prompt "Describe a summer sky. Make it short." --prompt_amount 6 --max_tokens 80

You can also edit the script to remove the command line arguments and manually set the values of SD_PROMPT, PROMPT_AMOUNT, and MAX_TOKENS. To do this, uncomment the lines in the script that set these values, and edit them accordingly. Generated Prompts

The script generates prompts based on the user-provided description. It generates a series of prompts by asking the user to provide a single sentence that includes keywords related to the desired image, such as subject, action, emotion, background, foreground, color palette, lighting direction, and more.

The prompts are saved in a text file located in a prompts folder in the same directory as the script. The filename is generated based on the prompt description given by the user.

To install openai python module:

pip install openai

Example (you can find more in the example folder)

Request :

"Liminal space as seen on an old VHS. Make it short."

Generated :

Desolate parking lot at midnight, flickering streetlamp, low-saturation color palette, grainy texture, vanishing point perspective, Art Inspiration: David Lynch.
Darkened hallway, flickering light, distant footsteps, sound of a door creaking, VHS tracking lines covering the frame.
Abandoned swimming pool, flickering lights, muted color palette, hazy and distorted visuals, perpendicular lines distorting the perspective, feeling of unease, subtle sound of water dripping, Art Inspiration: David Lynch.
Empty parking lot at night, flickering fluorescent lights, distorted audio, white noise, tracking lines.
A flickering neon sign, desaturated color palette, low lighting intensity, and a subtle haze.
Desaturated colors, flickering light, grainy texture, empty chairs, mid-century modern architecture, looming shadows, unclear perspective, distant chatter, VHS tracking lines, film burn effect.
Abandoned parking garage, flickering light beams, eerie atmosphere, low saturation, grainy footage, broken sound, slow zoom in.
Desolate school hallway, flickering lighting, dusty atmosphere, faded color palette, high contrast, warped perspective, gritty texture, tracking lines, ambiguous presence.
Disorienting camera angle, dim monochromatic color palette, flickering light leaks, grainy film texture, warped spatial perspective, just barely lit hallway, muffled sound effects, Edward Hopper's Nighthawks inspiration.
Abandoned gas station in the middle of nowhere, flickering light with a blue tonality, a lone figure wandering aimlessly, dusty wind swirling debris, distant sounds of a highway, high contrast deep shadows, inspired by the cinematography of David Lynch.
Abandoned mall at night, flickering fluorescent lights, ominous atmosphere, vintage horror movie inspired color grading.
An abandoned building hallway, flickering lighting casting shadows, muted color palette, VHS tracking distortion, heavy texture, eerie atmosphere.


Request :

"Life on another planet. Describe the inhabitants. Make it short."

Generated :

Alien figures with amorphic shapes and colorful membranes, some exhibiting bioluminescence, in a misty and dreamlike environment.
Alien settlement at dawn, contrasting orange and blue color palette, misty foreground suggests an exotic flora, impressionist brushstrokes convey the sense of otherworldliness, focus on the small beings with multiple limbs and colorful skin patterns, tiny metallic structures scattered throughout the midground.
Purple-hued creatures with elongated limbs and large, unblinking eyes gather around a glowing crystal formation in a jagged, mineral-strewn landscape on a far-off planet.
multiple moons in the sky, luminescent flora, miniature humanoid creatures, curious yet friendly demeanor.
Bioluminescent flora, iridescent fauna, humanoid beings wearing flowing garments, architecture seemingly woven into the landscape, a distant galaxy looming in the sky.
Alien sky with multiple moons and planets, a humanoid creature with translucent skin standing alongside a tree-like creature, intense curiosity and analysis on the creature's part.
Martian landscape with red sand dunes as foreground, colorful auroras as background with two small, blue humanoid figures exhibiting a sense of curiosity and wonder with their poses.
Alien city at night, glowing buildings and structures, strange shadows lurking on the corners, vivid color contrasts, bustling movement, eerie silence.
A colorful, bustling starry market filled with curious, fluffy creatures buying and selling otherworldly goods for the approaching lunar festival celebration.
Alien planet with purple skies and rocky terrain, towering fern-like plants, humanoid creatures with bright yellow eyes and metallic exoskeletons scurrying through tunnels in the distance.
Alien marketplace bustling with activity, neon lights flickering, towering structures, small creatures scurrying about, inquisitive and friendly locals.
Martian cityscape with towering alien structures and luminescent flora, bustling with tiny amphibian-like creatures scurrying about their daily lives.



A simple script that turns chatGPT into a Prompt Generator for Text-to-Image Model.





