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We prepared the openncc IPC viewer to demonstrate, you can use this tool to discover the Openncc IPC in the LAN, and connect with the camera. After the connection is successful, the video stream of the camera and the running results of the AI model can be obtained. At the same time, the camera can be controlled through the viewer to complete the online aI model upgrade and camera firmware upgrade. Of course, we also provide SDK package to facilitate secondary development and integration.

The application code of Raspberry Pi on openncc IPC device side is also opened. When the standard program cannot meet the requirements, developers can carry out secondary development on the device side, such as integrating the camera into their own cloud system.

Getting start

​ When you get the camera,you could reference 'doc/IPC user manual.docx' to get start.

Client development

For client application ,it included under these folders:

  • ClientSdk

    It is a library for client sdk and some test codes. Run "make" to build the main.cpp sample code and could get a simple test program. It shows how to use the libclientsdk.a,also ClientSDK_API.pdf has more informations to show how to use the library.

Build Ipc_Viewer

  • It is a application based on QT 5.x framework,you can use QtCreator to open the project ipc_viewer/IpcViewer/ and build it. You can find sdk files in directory ipc_viewer/depends/cliSdk.

Build Dependencies

  • opencv3, Install through the following command: sudo apt-get install libcv-dev sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

  • libusb-1.0, Install through the following command: sudo apt-get install libusb-dev sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

  • ffmpeg4.1, We have provided it in our package. You can find it in openncc_ipc/ipc_viewer/source/3rd/ffmpeg4.1/linux, If you want to compile on raspberry pie, you need to download ffmpeg 4.1 to compile it.

  • libClientSdk.a, We have provided it in our package. You can find it in openncc_ipc/ipc_viewer/source/depends, If you want to compile on raspberry pie,You need to recompile it,The location of this project is openncc_ipc/ClientSdk

Operating system

  • It can be compiled on most UNIX like systems, as long as you have installed the required libraries

Compiling platform

  • Qt5.9, Not many QT features are used, so 5.9 is not required,Other versions are also available.


  • g++4.8

After built success,you will find a output bin file named IpcViewer in "ipc_viewer/build" directory, you can copy the bin file to another folder(example:qt_release),at the same time you need copy the "ipc_viewer/build/Configuration" to the directory qt_release,and run "sudo linuxdeployqt IpcViewer -appimage" in qt_release path,you will get a qt release package.

Update the models

OpenNCC IPC supports OpenVINO 2020.3.194 models,more information could click here.

Raspberry Pi development

For device source,it build in native method in rasberry platform.
We also support toolchain compiler too, you can modify CROSS_COMPILE in Makefile to which the compiler you used. All sources included under folders:

  • mainApp

    A main application,includes functions as:

    1.1: usb communicated with OpenNCC mode.

    1.2: tcp remote control with client(private protocal)

    1.3: handle others command from others application mode.

    • Run "make" in current directory ,it will build a output file(mainApp) in bin directory but if you havn't install libusb,build will failed,please install it first: sudo apt-get install libusb-dev sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
  • Onvif

    It is using opensource gSOAP2.8.17 to support onvif protocal

    • build steps: run "make" in current directory ,it will build a output file(Onvif) in current directory
  • Rtsp

    It is using live555 for playing rtsp streaming

    • build steps:
      • run "./genMakefiles linux" to create makefile for live library.
      • run "make" in live directory first,then enter current directory .
      • run "make" too,it will build a output file(Rtsp) in current directory
  • Wtdog

    Monitor all applications just like(mainAPP,Rtsp,Onvif),if exited,run it again. Could accept update request,update application automatic

    • build: run "make" in current directory ,it will build a output file(wtdog) in current directory
  • Public

    library for system resource. Included head files in include dirctory and libPlatform.a file

  • Release

    build release package
    you will find a update script which named in release/update .
    step1: copy all bin files(mainApp,Onvif,Rtsp,wtdog) which you haved build on above steps or resource files(fw,blob,we have prepared them now) to directory release/update.
    step2: enter current release path, execute "tar -czvf update/*" to got a update package.
    step3: used client tool IPCView to update application.
    At the same time,used script file,you can install the all application to rasberry linux os, type "sudo ./"