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Some clients for codem-transcode (


A queue manager for multiple nodes of codem-transcode. Used by doing a POST to the manager. Upon receiving a job request, the manager polls all transcoder nodes for their status. Then it deploys the job on the node having most number of free slots.

Naturally, each transcoder node needs to have a running instance of codem-transcode (can be installed with npm install codem-transcode).

Currently, the transcoder node MUST have the codem managers localdestination path NFS mounted on the same local path. This, since the manager will request the node to put its output in that directory.

The codem-manager makes use of MongoDB for persistance of transcoder job information. The MongoDB URL is hardcoded to mongodb://localhost/codem, and upon failure to connect to this, codem-manager will fall back on keeping jobs in memory. Only difference compared to using MongoDB is that the information will be lost upon restart of codem-manager.


(depracated and now included in codem-manager) Watching a directory and calling codem-transcode when new .mp4-files appear.


A web frontend to a codem-transcode node.


node.js MongoDB (for storing transcoder job information)


Install by using npm (

npm install codem-manager
npm install codem-frontend
npm install codem-watcher (depracated)

Use the -g option to install it globally

To start the programs, find where npm installs your packages and this script. Then run



The codem-manager takes a configuration file as argument with the -c flag. Example of configuration file:

    watch: {
               directory : '/tmp/incoming',
               profiles : [ '720p', '480p'],
               removesource : 1 },
    localdestination: '/tmp/transcode_out/',
    port: 8099,
    transcoderapi: {
        manager: 'codem-manager',   // How transcoder nodes can reach the manager
        transcoders: [
    profile: {
        '720p': {
                  width: 1280,
                  height: 720,
                  video: '1200k',
                  audio: '128k',
                  options: '-strict experimental -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -vcodec libx264 -vprofile main -g 48' 
        '360p': {
                  width: 640,
                  height: 360,
                  video: '820k',
                  audio: '64k',
                  options: '-strict experimental -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -vcodec libx264 -vprofile main -g 48'
        '160p': {
                  width: 284,
                  height: 160,
                  video: '300k',
                  audio: '46k',
                  options: '-strict experimental -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -vcodec libx264 -vprofile main -g 48'
  • watch A configuration of a watch folder.
    • directory The directory to watch
    • profiles Which profiles to use for transcoding (see profiles below)
    • removesource If true - source file is removed after completed transcodings
  • localdestination The local destination directory (the NFS mounted path on the manager host).
  • port The port on which the manager listens (both for clients and transcoder nodes).
  • transcoderapi Configuration of transcoder nodes.
    • manager The host name or IP address on which the nodes can reach the manager.
    • transcoders An array of URL's to transcoder nodes.
  • profile Configuration of transcoding profiles. The keys to the configurations is used in formats when POSTing a new job. Only formats matching an existing profile key will be transcoded into.
    • profile name
      • width Width of video
      • height Height of video
      • video Bitrate of video
      • audio Bitrate of audio
      • options Further options to ffmpeg


The HTTP API of codem-manager is as follows:

POST /jobs

Doing a POST to http://hostname/jobs with JSON data

  source : "",
  removesource : 0,
  formats     : [720p, 360p]


  • 202 Accepted - Job accepted
  • Error handling to be implemented.

source can be either a local path on the manager's disk, or a HTTP URL. Currently the codem-manager only transcodes to the localdestination path configured in the codem-manager. If removesource is set to a true value and source is on a local disk, the source file will be deleted when all transcodings have completed.


Displays a HTML formatted page listing current and previous transcoder jobs, as shown in screenshot above.


Codem-client is released under the MIT license.


Simple clients to codem-transcoder






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