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FA Forever unique id implementation

This executable collects RSA encrypted user information.

It is used in the FA Forever client (or this one) to prevent smurfing.


Key generation instructions

Create a 2048 bit RSA key using openssl:

openssl genrsa -out faf_priv.pem 2048

Create the public key part which is stored encrypted in this repo:

openssl rsa -in faf_priv.pem -pubout -out faf_pub.pem

Now generate the UID_PUBKEY_BYTES string variable you need to pass to CMake with

./ `openssl rsa -noout -inform PEM -in faf_pub.pem -pubin -modulus`

which should result in


for the provided example keyfile faf_priv_example.pem.

The private key must be supplied to the server as base64 encoded DER encoded environment variable FAF_PRIVATE_KEY you can generate with

openssl rsa -inform PEM -in ./faf_priv.pem -outform DER | openssl enc -base64

Build instructions

You need:

  • CMake
  • Crypto++
  • JsonCpp
  • a recent C++ compiler
  • [UID_PUBKEY_BYTES bytes string](## Key generation instructions)

Example build commandline script:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
  -DJSONCPP_LIBRARIES=/path/to/libjsoncpp.a \
  -DJSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIRS=/path/to/jsoncpp/include \
  -DCRYPTOPP_LIBRARIES=/path/to/libcryptopp.a \
  -DCRYPTOPP_INCLUDE_DIRS=/path/to/croptopp/include \
  -DUID_PUBKEY_BYTES=200,172,... \