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=== Appointment Calendar ===
Contributors: a.ankit, FARAZFRANK, harimaliya 
Tags: appointment, booking, calendar
Requires at least: 3.3+
Tested up to: 3.3
Stable tag: 1.1

Easily Take and manage appointment on your wordpress blog

== Description ==

Appointment Calendar is a simple but effective plugin which enables you to take appointments on your wordpress blog. If you are a consultant/doctor/lawyer etc, you can harness the power of appointment calendar. Simply unzip and upload appointment-calendar directory to `/wp-content/plugins/` directory and activate the plugin. Use the shortcode [APCAL] to insert calendar into any post or page. Thats it, you can now start taking appointments on your wordpress site. 

No need to use third party appointment booking services, everything can be managed from inside the wordpress admin panel. 

If you face any problem in using the plugin pls ask in the [forums]( 

Documentation for  [Wordpress Appointment Calendar Plugin]( 

1. Create Service eg: Consultation/Appointment/Hair Cut etc,
2. Add/Edit/Manage Booking from Admin Interface,
3. Insert Booking Calendar into any Post/Page using ShortCode [APCAL], 4. Block Timeslots for Lunch, Holiday. Meeting etc. 
5. Get Email Notifications on Booking

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

1. Unzip archive and upload the entire folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Use ShortCode [APCAL] to insert booking calendar into any page /post
1. Start taking appointments online

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. Booking Calendar
2. Appointment Booking Form
3. Admin Panel - Booking Management
4. Admin Panel - Edit Booking 
5. Admin Panel - Appointment Calendar
6. Admin Panel - Add Booking
7. Admin Panel - Create Event like Lunch, Holiday etc.
8. Admin Panel - Create Service

== Changelog ==

= 2.0 = 

= 1.1 =
1. Fixed The Memory Exhausted Erorr
2. Added Mutiple service 

= 1.0 =
1. Removed Client Name from Public Calendar
2. Improved / More Intutive Booking Form
3. Email Notification to Admin on Booking
4. Email Notification to client on Booking Cancellation

= 0.85 =
Bug Fixes
1. Fixed Calendar Date Format Bug
2. DateTime Bug Fixed - Plugin now compatible with PHP 5.2
3. Fixed Installation problems

= 0.8 =
This version provides basic functionality to take and managemen appointments on wordpress blog.


Free Appointment Scheduling Plugin For Wordpress






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