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This project is used as the Capstone project for the Udacity Cloud DevOps nanodegree programe.

It contains the Java web application Spring Pet Clinic application a Dockefile for building a Docker image with the web application and the CircleCI CI/CD configuration for deploying the Docker image to AWS EKS.


In order to prepare the AWS EKS cluster the CLI tools aws and kubectl have to be installed in the lolcal development environment.

Prepare the Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS

  1. Initialize the AWS credentials Set the AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key and AWS default region
aws configure
  1. Create a new EKS cluster using AWS Fargate
# create a new cluster named udacity in the AWS region eu-west-1
eksctl create cluster --name udacity --region eu-west-1 --fargate

# add a new worker node to the cluster
eksctl create nodegroup --cluster udacity --node-type t3.medium --nodes 1 --ssh-access --ssh-public-key udacity

# configure the kubectl to use the newly created Kubernetes cluster
aws eks --region eu-west-1 update-kubeconfig --name udacity
  1. Create a new Kubernetes namespace
kubectl create ns petclinic
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=petclinic
  1. Create deployment and service for the PetClinic application
# create a Kubernetes deployment configured with the rolling upgrade strategy (default) 
# using the Docker image
# exposing the Spring Boot port 8080
# with two instances (replicas)
kubectl apply -f ./k8s/deployment.yml

# create a Kubernetes service of type Load Balancer
kubectl apply -f ./k8s/service.yml
  1. update the Docker image of the Kubernetes deployment
kubectl set image deployment/petclinic
kubectl rollout status -w deployment/petclinic

Verify the application locally

In order to confirm that the application is working locally, build it with the Maven wrapper

./mwnw clean package

Start the application locally by running ./mwnw spring-boot:run

Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to access the web application.

Close the application by pressing Ctrl + C in the terminal where the application is running.

Build the Docker image locally

Verify that the Docker file is syntactically correct by executing hadolint Dockerfile in the same folder with the Dockerfile.

Once the code has been packaged it can be built into a Docker image by running docker build -t petclinic . Once the Docker image is built it can be run with the command docker run --rm -it petclinic

Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to access the web application.

Close the application by pressing Ctrl + C in the terminal where the application is running.