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Data Nodes

Dizy edited this page Apr 30, 2020 · 13 revisions

Data Reader

The Data Reader use reflection to fetch all fields and properties from your AI component.

    public class CubeAI : ReflexityAI {
        // External References
        [HideInInspector] public CubeEntity CubeEntity;
        public List<CubeEntity> OthersCubeEntities => GameManager.CubeEntities;
        private void Awake() {
            CubeEntity = GetComponent<CubeEntity>();


Data Selector

The Data Selector can be used to select sub data into fields or properties selected from a data reader or from another data selector.

Data Iterator

The Data Iterator can be used to iterate other data list. It must be connected to an option node using the Linked Option port. Each element thus creates a new option and the corresponding data can be used like a selector output.

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