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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Paul Müller edited this page Dec 12, 2015 · 21 revisions
  1. Can I reload my imported data with a different model?

Yes, by saving the session and importing the session file as a data file. However, background correction and parameters are lost.

  1. Plot Export: In Windows, the "tau" is exported as a little square. Do I have the wrong font settings?

The "tau" = square error is a unicode probelm in Windows. You need to install MiKTeX ( and go to "Preferences->Use Latex". It is important to install MiKTeX with automatic package download (there is a small checkbox somewhere during install). Creating the first plot then takes a while because some packages are downloaded in the background. Then everything should work fine.

  1. Plot Export: I installed a LaTeX distribution and checked Preferences|Use Latex and Preferences|Verbose mode but the plotting window is empty?

Usually, PyCorrFit should give you a warning if additional software needs to be installed. Make sure you have these packages installed:


Sometimes the output in the terminal might help track things down.
  1. There is no working binary for my operating system in Releases. What can I do?

PyCorrFit is written in Python. Any operating system with a Python installation can run PyCorrFit without compiling the program. I recommend to install PyCorrFit in a virtual environment, as described in this HowTo. Alternatively, you can install the latest PyCorrFit release with full functionality with this three-liner (all Debian-like systems, Ubuntu):

    sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib python-numpy python-scipy python-sympy python-wxgtk2.8-dbg python-yaml 
    sudo apt-get install dvipng ghostscript python-pip texlive-base texlive-latex-base texlive-math-extra tex-common
    sudo pip install pycorrfit 

PyCorrFit can then be executed by typing `pycorrfit` in a terminal.  
If you wish to have a binary for your operating system or if the binary does not work, you can [file an issue](
  1. I would like to create my own binaries. How do I proceed?

It is not necessary to compile the program, once the Python environment is set up. However, if you wish to compile and distribute PyCorrFit with your own patches, you can use PyInstaller. Have a look at the Pyinstaller How-To for more information.

  1. PyCorrFit has been "debianized". Why am I not able to find the latest version in the repositories via apt-cache search pycorrfit?

Ubuntu periodically imports packages from the testing branch. However, older versions of Ubuntu at some point stop doing this. PyCorrFit is available in the Ubuntu repositories as of version 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr".
Debian users who are using the old stable branch 7.0 "wheezy" need to perform an upgrade to 8.0 "jessie". More information on Debian repositories can be found e.g. here or in this thread.

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