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Releases: FIMTooler/csReporter

Enhancements and Fixes

11 Apr 17:37
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Enhancement - Include full path and file name being used on the Filter form at the top.
Enhancement - Added report option to include filter criteria in reports - Default is now false.
Enhancement - Added report option to select font size in Excel reports.
Enhancement - Added MessageBox prompt giving option to open reports.
Enhancement - Updated to include new Error-Name and Extra-Error-Details fields in AADC XML.

Fix - Column alignment issue with <DN> in reports.
Fix - Added warning when generating Excel reports that have a single data value >32767 characters allowed by Excel in a single cell.

Enhancements and Fixes

10 Sep 06:08
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Enhancement - Increased form font sizes for Shaun M.
Enhancement - Increased file size limit when determining to process in memory or not
Enhancement - All integer types are converted automatically from base 16
Enhancement - Added feature of forcing data to be stored in memory when processing large files

Fix - Finally fixed reports with empty object counts when processing large files

Minor Fixes

07 Sep 16:11
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1-11-2022 - Changed Target Framework to 4.5.1
1-27-2022 - Fix Excel column alignment issue in cases where System fields are in the Report and have a null value
1-27-2022 - Fixed column issue with attribute in Reports
9-7-2022 - Fixed how multi-value attributes >250 values are written to Excel

Further Import Error Support

17 May 23:15
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Added support for extension-error-info within ImportError class and all report types
Fix trailing new line<br> at end of import\export details
Fix DN containing double quote for CSV reports
Fix couple of typos

Import Errors Support and bug fixes

05 Dec 19:03
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Added support for reporting on Import Errors.
Fixed logic issue when filtering with System Attributes (such as DN). Any subsequent filters were not being applied.
Fixed references to embedded resources for HTML report logo and reference DLL for Excel reports.

Minor fixes

06 Oct 16:25
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Added null check when using reflection to get logo bits when creating HTML reports.
Fixed overlapping controls on frmGetData.

Vertical Excel Reports and Documentation

27 Aug 00:08
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ReadMe has been updated with usage details and screenshots.
Vertical Excel Reports
2 Minor bug fixes

Vertical Excel Reports

25 Dec 01:57
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First attempt at vertical reports in Excel for easy top to bottom reviewing.

When creating an Excel report a new box will appear when the Excel radio button is selected. This additional box allows for picking the original horizontal reports or new vertical reports.

Excel Reports

17 Dec 05:42
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Changes from Excel-File-Reports branch were merged into Master bringing in a new reporting feature.

Initial Excel Reports

20 Sep 05:31
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Initial Excel Reports Pre-release

This is new functionality so there might be some issues with the file opening in Excel. It seems to be working fine with Excel 2013 for me and the few simple reports I've made.

Will need to manually adjust cell heights and widths as WrapText is enabled for all Cells.

  1. Use top left corner to select all cells.
  2. Adjust all cells wider than necessary.
  3. Double click to auto-size heights.
  4. Double click to auto-size widths.

Currently seeing 254 as maximum rows (tested manually) within multi-line cell on my system with Excel 2013 (32-bit version). Haven't attempted generating reports with +254 lines per Cell.