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VaneRaklan committed Mar 30, 2017
1 parent 95e4d80 commit a1b7de0
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Showing 6 changed files with 63 additions and 17 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion FRC_Robot2.0/src/org/usfirst/frc/team2557/robot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class Robot extends IterativeRobot {
public void robotInit() {
// CameraServer.getInstance().startAutomaticCapture();

shooterUpdate = new PsuedoShooter_cmd();
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ public Autonomous_GearLeft() {
addSequential(new TimedDrive(.2, false, .85));
addSequential(new GyroDrive_cmd(60, .65));
addSequential(new DistanceDrive_cmd(1, -.615), 3.5);
addSequential(new Gear_autoCmd());
// addSequential(new Gear_autoCmd());
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package org.usfirst.frc.team2557.robot.autonomous;

import org.usfirst.frc.team2557.robot.RobotMap;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command;

public class GyroDrive_cmd extends Command {

public double _turn, _angle;
public GyroDrive_cmd(double angle, double turn) {
// Use requires() here to declare subsystem dependencies
// eg. requires(chassis);
_angle = angle;
_turn = turn;

// Called just before this Command runs the first time
protected void initialize() {
// RobotMap.navX.reset();

// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run
protected void execute() {

// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute()
protected boolean isFinished() {
return RobotMap.navX.getAngle() >_angle - 5 && RobotMap.navX.getAngle() < _angle + 5;

// Called once after isFinished returns true
protected void end() {

// Called when another command which requires one or more of the same
// subsystems is scheduled to run
protected void interrupted() {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ public Main_auto() {
// addParallel(new Autonomus_Shooter(.5));
// addSequential(new Auto_Shooter2(10));

addSequential(new DistanceDrive_cmd(1.8, -.615), 6.5);
addSequential(new TimedDrive(.2, false, .85));
addSequential(new Gear_autoCmd());
addSequential(new DistanceDrive_cmd(1.7, -.7), 6.5);
addSequential(new TimedDrive(.17, false, .85));
// addSequential(new Gear_autoCmd());

// Add Commands here:
// e.g. addSequential(new Command1());
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Expand Up @@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ public void initDefaultCommand() {

public void intake(){

if(Robot.oi.RB2.get() && (Robot.oi.gamepad2.getRawAxis(3) > 0.1 ) || Robot.oi.b2.get()){
if((RobotMap.Rshooter.getEncVelocity() > Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeR(71) && RobotMap.Rshooter.getEncVelocity() < Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeR(79))
|| (RobotMap.Lshooter.getEncVelocity() > Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeL(71) && RobotMap.Lshooter.getEncVelocity() < Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeL(79)))
else if(Robot.oi.RB2.get()){
// if(Robot.oi.RB2.get() && (Robot.oi.gamepad2.getRawAxis(3) > 0.1 ) || Robot.oi.b2.get()){
// RobotMap.copterAgitator.set(.5);
// if((RobotMap.Rshooter.getEncVelocity() > Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeR(71) && RobotMap.Rshooter.getEncVelocity() < Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeR(79))
// || (RobotMap.Lshooter.getEncVelocity() > Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeL(71) && RobotMap.Lshooter.getEncVelocity() < Robot.psuedoShooter.getPrimeL(79)))
// {
// RobotMap.intake.set(-.6);
// RobotMap.agitator.set(-.55);
// }
// }
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Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ public void initDefaultCommand() {

public void shooting(){
if(Robot.oi.gamepad2.getRawAxis(3) > .1){
RobotMap.Lshooter.set(-.75); //-.675 at 3ft making shots like a boss, -.69 to -.715 at 4ft
RobotMap.Rshooter.set(.75); //.675 at 3ft making shots like a boss, .69 to -.715 at 4ft
RobotMap.Lshooter.set(-1); //-.675 at 3ft making shots like a boss, -.69 to -.715 at 4ft
RobotMap.Rshooter.set(1); //.675 at 3ft making shots like a boss, .69 to -.715 at 4ft
// RobotMap.copterAgitator.set(1);
// RobotMap.agitator.set(-.6);
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