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This is a project to provide a 3rd party rendering client for Age of Empires 2 known as CaptureAge with the oppurtunity to display the game's archaic 6-30 FPS animations at the refresh rates of 60+ hertz comparable to modern games.


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This is a project to provide a 3rd party rendering client for Age of Empires 2 known as CaptureAge with the oppurtunity to display the game's archaic 6-30 FPS animations at the refresh rates of 60+ hertz comparable to modern games. It works by hosting a RPC server that accepts two frames in a specific RGB format and replies with a single interpolated frame at any time between these two frames, chosen by the client. That in between frame is calculated using motion interpolation, more specifically the Super-SloMo implementation that can be found here:

The client does not need to worry about the size of the frames, or aligning the center points, or cropping the output frames, as that is done automatically be the interpolator.

The RPC server is not guaranteed to complete the frame interpolation in a specific time. It might take anywhere from tens of milliseconds (using GPU acceleration) to multiple seconds (when relying on the CPU). The client is expected to implement their own caching system.

Communicating with the interpolator

To request an interpolated frame from the RPC server, first the must be started, the interpolator initialized with a gRPC call, and finally a call made to port 52381, which looks like:

rpc GetInterpolatedFrame(InterpolatedFrameRequest) returns (InterpolatedFrameResponse) { }

and accepts a InterpolatedFrameRequest paremeter as follows:

    bytes frame1;
    bytes frame2;
    int32 transparentR;
    int32 transparentG;
    int32 transparentB;
    float alpha;

where frame1 and frame2 are are the two frames that the interpolation will be done between, and transparentR, transparentG, transparentB are integers representing the RGB value that acts as a transparent area in the frames. The knowledge of transparency is used for padding incoming frames and cropping outgoing ones. Note that starting the Python script or initializing the interpolator via gRPC is required only once.

The alpha parameter decides where the interpolated frame should reside between frame1 and frame2. For example, alpha of 0.5 would mean that the resulting frame would have to be exactly between the frame1 and frame2. It can be thought of as linear interpolation (lerp). Likewise, alpha of 0.3 means that the resulting frame would only have moved 30% towards frame2 from frame1.

Once a frame has been interpolated, the gRPC responds with the following structure:

    bytes frame;

where frame is the interpolated frame in the same format as the inputted frames.

Controlling the interpolator

Once the gRPC connection has been established, the

rpc StartInterpolator(StartInterpolatorRequest) returns (StartInterpolatorResponse) { }

call can be made, which notifies the script's PyTorch ML backend to load the model into memory and set everything ready. The StartInterpolatorRequest parameter looks like:

message StartInterpolatorRequest
    bool allowCuda;
    int32 numThreads;

where allowCuda can be set to True to allow the interpolator to use GPU acceleration via CUDA if available, and numThreads to limit the number of CPU threads the interpolator is allowed to use. Note that according to testing by the author, the numThreads variable is best left to 1, as a higher number of threads can actually cause a performance regression in this particular program.

There is also a

rpc StopInterpolator(StopInterpolatorRequest) returns (StopInterpolatorResponse) { }

call available, which frees the GPU memory and tries to make most of the PyTorch Python objects available for GC, meaning a call to start the interpolator again would have to be made after using this command, if the client wishes to interpolate any more frames. Note that not all of the RAM or VRAM used by PyTorch can be freed, as some will remain cached until script termination.

To gracefully shut down the RPC server, a

rpc TerminateScript(TerminateScriptRequest) returns (TerminateScriptResponse) { }

call can be made, which also automatically calls the StopInterpolator function before shutting down.

Input and output formats

The frame* parameters seen up above (also .rgb files in the tests directory) are of following C-like structure, with int values using little-endian encoding:

struct Frame
    int width;
    int height;
    int centerX;
    int centerY;
    char data[width*height*3];

Every entry of the data field is a R, G, B value represented by 3 bytes respectively (hence the x3 of the array size).

Compiling the ProtoBuf file

The .proto file can be found in the ./protos/ directory. To compile it for the Python language,

python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../protos --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ../protos/aoe_interpolator.proto

command can be used in that folder. After the compilation has been done, open and change the line

import aoe_interpolator_pb2 as aoe__interpolator__pb2


from protos import aoe_interpolator_pb2 as aoe__interpolator__pb2

to account for the fact that the proto files are in a submodule/directory in the project.

The ProtoBuf file can also be compiled for other languages, making it easy to interface with aoe-interpolator.

Included tests

In the ./tests/ folder the file can be found, which requests a specific amount of frames to be interpolated from ./tests/data and its subdirectories, to test the interpolator.

In the ./tests/tools folder there are files, and, that are used to convert between different image formats for testing purposes.


The module depends on 64-bit Python 3.6 or 3.7 and its following dependencies:

  • grpcio
  • protobuf
  • torch or torch-cpu
  • torchvision


The performance of this script is limited by the performance of the Super-SloMo interpolator it uses. On a i7-2600k processor, it takes about 2-3 seconds to interpolate a single frame consisting of 160x288 pixels. With CUDA GPU acceleration, the GTX 1080 Ti can output such a frame every 0.03 seconds.

Packaging the project

PyInstaller can package the project into either a single .exe file or a series of files in a folder that is runnable on a fresh Windows 10 installation without having to install any additional software.

Due to some compatibility issues, the native Python install was used here instead of a virtual environment.

Anyways, first install the dependencies listed above, plus pyinstaller, and if necessary, upgrade the numpy package with pip3 install numpy --upgrade. Then package the project by running any of the following commands in the project's directory:

pyinstaller --onefile --add-data "data/SuperSloMo.ckpt;data" to package everything into a single .exe file. pyinstaller --add-data "data/SuperSloMo.ckpt;data" to package into a directory.

If all goes well, the resulting packaged project will appear in the ./dist/ folder.

Creating a single .exe file takes up more space than a compressed packaged directory and also takes longer to execute. Basically the single .exe file just unpacks the files into a temporary directory and runs them.


This is a project to provide a 3rd party rendering client for Age of Empires 2 known as CaptureAge with the oppurtunity to display the game's archaic 6-30 FPS animations at the refresh rates of 60+ hertz comparable to modern games.







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