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PHP-Supervisor: A Solution for PHP-Based Images

  • Supported tags:


    • apache-bookworm
    • apache-bullseye
    • 8.3-rc-apache-bookworm
    • 8.2-apache-bookworm
    • 8.1-apache-bookworm
    • 7.4-apache-bullseye
    • 7.3-apache-bullseye


    • fpm-bookworm
    • fpm-bullseye
    • 8.3-rc-fpm-bookworm
    • 8.2-fpm-bookworm
    • 8.1-fpm-bookworm
    • 7.4-fpm-bullseye
    • 7.3-fpm-bullseye

    nginx Experimental/Unstable

    • nginx-fpm-bookworm
    • nginx-8.3-rc-fpm-bookworm
    • nginx-8.2-fpm-bookworm
    • nginx-8.1-fpm-bookworm
  • Example: docker run --rm -it -p 80:80

The php-supervisor is a turnkey solution designed to replace basic PHP images by seamlessly integrating Supervisor to handle the initiation and management of PHP and Apache processes internally. This comprehensive containerization approach streamlines the deployment and orchestration of PHP applications, making it a valuable tool for developers seeking a hassle-free way to ensure the reliable execution of their web applications.

With php-supervisor, you can effortlessly containerize your PHP applications without worrying about the intricacies of process management. By utilizing Supervisor internally, this solution simplifies the setup and maintenance of your PHP and Apache processes, offering an efficient and reliable foundation for your containerized web applications.

Key Features of php-supervisor:

  1. Effortless PHP Containerization: Easily package your PHP application into a Docker container with all the necessary components in place.

  2. Apache Integration: Seamlessly incorporate the Apache web server into your containerized environment, providing a complete web hosting solution.

  3. Supervisor for Process Management: The supervisor is employed internally to take care of starting, monitoring, and managing both PHP and Apache processes within the container.

  4. Custom Configuration: Tailor the Supervisor configuration to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with your application's needs.

  5. Out-of-the-Box Convenience: Get up and running quickly with minimal configuration, reducing the time and effort needed to deploy PHP-based web applications.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to containerization, php-supervisor offers a user-friendly solution for deploying PHP applications while taking the complexity out of process management. Say goodbye to the challenges of coordinating PHP and Apache in a container – this image provides an out-of-the-box answer to your PHP+Supervisor containerization needs.

In summary, php-supervisor is a powerful and convenient tool that simplifies the deployment of PHP applications in a containerized environment. By leveraging Supervisor internally, ensures the smooth execution of PHP and Apache processes, allowing you to focus on what matters most: building and delivering exceptional web applications.

The only change you may need to apply to your Dockerfiles is replacing the image name from php:<tag> with<tag>. (only supported tags are stable Debian builds as provided above)

  • If you need to build this image for any other tags
    • Note 1. Alpine is not supported
    • Note 2. Only fpm or Apache are available
    • Note 3. In order to build an image you need to use a Debian +buster base image (currently Buster and Bookworm)
git clone
cd php-supervisor
docker build . -f ./<fpm or apache>/Dockerfile --build-arg="PHP_VERSION=<Debian Tag>"

All images are based on a stable Debian version derived from PHP's original image.

Laravel App Example

Using build arguments enables you to customize the build process. With this Dockerfile, you are able to set the desired Composer/PHP version, Composer arguments, default PHP mods, Apache mods, and more.

  • Example build command to build this image for php:8.1-apache-bookworm and version 2.5.8 of composer
docker build . -t my_php:8.1 --build-arg "COMPOSER_IMAGE_TAG=2.5.8" --build-arg "PHP_VERSION=8.1-apache-bookworm"
  • Dockerfile
ARG PHP_VERSION="8.3-apache-bookworm"

# Default packages needed for most laravel applications
ARG APT_PACKAGES="curl libpng-dev libonig-dev libxml2-dev zip unzip libsodium-dev git libzip-dev"
LABEL apt.packages="${APT_PACKAGES}"
# Default php_extensions needed for most laravel applications
ARG PHP_EXTENSIONS="pdo_mysql mbstring exif pcntl bcmath gd sodium soap zip"
LABEL php.extensions="${PHP_EXTENSIONS}"

# Default required apache_mod for Laravel application
LABEL webserver.mods="${APACHE_MODS}"

# Install system dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ${APT_PACKAGES} && \
    docker-php-ext-install ${PHP_EXTENSIONS} && \
    apt-get autoremove --purge -y && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
    sed 's@/var/www/html@/var/www/public@g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf | tee /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-laravel.conf && \
    a2enmod ${APACHE_MODS} && \
    a2dissite 000-default.conf && \
    a2dissite default-ssl.conf && \
    a2ensite 000-laravel.conf

# Initialize app-data
COPY ${PWD}/ /var/www
WORKDIR /var/www/

# Composer version from
ARG COMPOSER_VERSION="latest-stable"
LABEL composer.version="${COMPOSER_VERSION}"
# Default settings will enable composer direct call in terminal
ARG COMPOSER_INSTALL_PATH="/usr/local/bin/composer"

# Default settings will call `composer install`
# install composer + dependencies
    chmod +x "${COMPOSER_INSTALL_PATH}"