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pman command: get

Rudolph Pienaar edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 13 revisions

pman command: get


This page describes the get command to pman. It is used to simply get information from the pman database / datatree.


  • This page assumes that pman is listening on:
  • Make sure that pman has been started (see here for more info):
pman --raw 1 --http  --port 5010 --listeners 12
  • This page assumes that a previous run has been managed with parameters
{  "action": "run",
        "meta": {
                "cmd":      "cal 7 1970",
                "auid":     "rudolphpienaar",
                "jid":      "cal-job-1234",
                "threaded": true

msg summary

The msg payload of the REST interaction with pman is:

{  "action": "get",
        "meta": {
                "path":        "/"


Start prefix

Start the purl command with

purl --content-type application/vnd.collection+json --content-type application/vnd.collection+json  --verb POST  --raw  --http  --jsonwrapper 'payload'  --msg \

simple copy/paste the above line into a terminal. Do not press enter!

Assuming satisfied preconditions, let's simply get some elements directly from the pman database/datatree. The representation of data in the pman database is directly equivalent also to how data is saved to the pman database on the host machine running the pman service.

'{  "action": "get",
        "meta": {
                "path":        "/"
' --quiet --jsonpprintindent 4      

Append the above to the purl prefix.

return payload

The above returns a JSON string


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