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This is our final project for Programming Paradigms class at Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. The goal is to recreate Snapchat's basic functions: take a picture, add a filter and send it to a friend. It'll be developed using Python 3.6 including libraries such as Kivy, PyMySQL, PIL, etc.


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This is our final project for Programming Paradigms class at Unviersidad Autónoma de Querétaro. The program intends to recreate Snapchat's basic functions: to send and receive pictures between users, and once opened they cannot be seen again. SnapchatClone has been created using Python 3.6 and Kivy among other libraries.

Getting Started

In order to execute SnapchatClone, you'll need to install the following:

Built With

  • Python 3.6
  • PyCharm Edu


  • PyMySQL - Database connection
  • passLib - Password hashing
  • Kivy - Graphical Interface
  • os - Textfile creation, files' location
  • PIL - Image processing

Running SnapchatClone

  1. Be sure to install all python libraries listed above.
  2. Once all libraries are installed, run SnapDB.sql file to create a mysql database ('snapchat') and its two tables ('user', 'snap').
  3. Get an Internet connection, as the app needs one.
  4. Now with all set, open and run the code.

Sending a snap

  1. A unique userID will be created for every created user.
  2. Write inside the textbox in the lower left corner (white background), the user's userID to whom the snap will be sent to.
  3. To take the picture and send it, push one of the 4 buttons which specify the desired filter ('Normal', 'Greyscale', 'Sepia', 'Blur')

Open received snaps

  1. Push the 'Received snaps' button to see if you have unopened snaps.


  • Fernando Ortiz Rico Celio
  • Cristian Caro del Castillo Legorreta
  • Juan Daniel Domínguez Sánchez


Snapchat by Snap, Inc.


This is our final project for Programming Paradigms class at Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. The goal is to recreate Snapchat's basic functions: take a picture, add a filter and send it to a friend. It'll be developed using Python 3.6 including libraries such as Kivy, PyMySQL, PIL, etc.







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