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Andreas Sjödin edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the FlexTaxD Wiki!

About FlexTaxD

FlexTaxD is an open-source tool crafted for the maintenance of taxonomy databases. It is written in Python 3 and is designed to store taxonomic information with high efficiency in an SQL database. By adhering to a principle of minimalism, FlexTaxD ensures that only essential information is retained, avoiding any redundancy in the representation of taxonomic relationships.

Efficient Database Management

This tool streamlines the process of managing taxonomy data by allowing the removal of inactive taxonomy nodes. This contributes significantly to the downstream efficiency when the database is queried or used in other applications.

Dependencies and Modularity

The primary operations of FlexTaxD — those pertaining to database maintenance — require nothing beyond the standard Python libraries. However, the supplementary features, which extend the tool's functionality, do require additional third-party software.

One of the key design elements of FlexTaxD is its modular architecture. This makes it highly adaptable, facilitating the incorporation of new taxonomy formats and the seamless integration with various classification tools as they are developed.

Open Source and Collaboration

The source code for FlexTaxD is hosted publicly on GitHub. This transparency encourages collaboration, ensuring that FlexTaxD can continually evolve through the contributions of the open-source community.