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Download/Setup/Run Instructions -- Java

Step 1: Getting the repository to your own GitHub Web Account (fork)

  • Go to and download and install the GitHub Desktop. GitHub Desktop is currently available for Windows and Mac. The rest of this tutorial is written considering you have GitHub Desktop installed and working on your machine. For Linux based systems you may need to setup a CLI based environment. More information can be found here: #platform-linux
  • If you do not already have a GitHub web account, now will be the time to create one for free at: Sign in to your GitHub web account.
  • Go to the FOSSLGYS web account at FOSSLGYS and select the DataVisualizer-JAVA repository. Note: There is also a Cpp repository. If you want to work on the cpp version, follow the specific instructions provided with it.
  • On the DataVisualizer-JAVA repository's page, you will see a "Fork" button at top right. Click "Fork". This will clone the project to your own GitHub web account.
  • Go to your own web account and verify that you now have DataVisualizer-JAVA repository.

Step 2: Getting the repository from your web account to local machine via GitHub Desktop (clone)

  • Open the GitHub Desktop application. You will be asked for login information at the first usage. Provide the same user name and password as you have used for your GitHub web account. This will connect the GitHub Desktop instance to your GitHub web account.
  • Next, you would want to download the repository on our local machine so that you may run the project and/or make changes to the code. Click the "+" sign on the top left corner of the GitHub Desktop. Select the "Clone" option. You will see all the repositories currently in your GitHub web account. If you have just created the account in step 1 and followed all the steps, you will see only DataVisualizer-JAVA repository. Select DataVisualizer-JAVA and click the check mark at the bottom. Next you will be asked to select a folder for download and GitHub Desktop will download the repository in your specified folder.

Step 3: Identifying an Issue to fix (Issue tracker)

  • You can view the open issues for the repository under Issues. If there is a particular existing issue that you would like to fix, please leave a comment below it with intent and details of how you intend to fix it. This will reduce duplication of effort.
  • If you would like to propose an enhancement, or report a bug that you would like to work on, feel free to open new issues and we will assign them to you.

Step 4: Running/Updating the Project (NetBeans)

The project has been developed using NetBeans 8.1 IDE and the instructions in this section are specific to it. You can download NetBeans for free from It is possible to update the project using other IDE's or directly using Java CLI, but it will be something you have to explore/figure out on your own. Internet is an excellent resource and we are available for help on the slack channel!

  1. Open NetBeans IDE
  2. Choose File > New Project
  3. Choose Java > Java Project with Existing Sources. Click Next.
  4. Type a project name
  5. Click Next to advance to the Existing Sources page of the wizard.
  6. In the Source Package Folders pane, click Add Folder. Then navigate to folder which you had previously selected in GitHub Desktop to download the repository. Select the "src" folder, click Open.
  7. The "src" folder path will appear in the Source Package Folders pane. Click Finish.
  8. Hit F6 or click the green arrow button on the top of the IDE. This will run the project for you. You will see the string "Hello Tapia 2016 Attendees!" in the output console and the frame "DS Selector" will appear.
  9. Play, update, have fun!

Step 5: Submitting Changes for the Project/Repository (pull request)

  • Once you are done with your intended updates/changes, open the GitHub Desktop.
  • You will see your updated files in the "changes" pane with the updates (adds/deletes) highlighted. At the very top, you should also see "X uncommitted changes" tab (X being the number of edits you made) next to the "History" tab.
  • If you are happy with your edits, provide a summary and description of the changes you have made and click the check mark next to the "Commit to master" link at the bottom of the screen. This commits the changes to your local repository. The "X uncommitted changes" should now read "No uncommitted changes".
  • Next and final step is to submit a pull request so that the owners of the remote repository (FOSSLGYS) can look at your changes and either, provide feedback, or, add them to their code base.
  • Click "Pull Request" at the top right corner of the GitHub Desktop. A pane will slide in that states "from master into FOSSLGYS/master". The summary and description fields should already be populated with the same summary and description that you provided for your commit. Click the check mark next to "Send pull request".
  • After the pull request is submitted you will see the message "Pull request created Nice!" and a "view it on GitHub" link. You can click the link to see the pull request in your GitHub Web Account. You should also see the message "Only those with write access to this repository can merge pull requests.", which means that the request is now visible to FOSSLGYS owners and they will be providing feedback soon!