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FPMAS is an HPC (High Performance Computing) Multi-Agent simulation platform designed to run on massively parallel and distributed memory environments, such as computing clusters.

The main advantage of FPMAS is that it is designed to abstract as much as possible MPI and parallel features to the final user. No distributed computing skills are required to run Multi-Agent simulations on hundreds of processor cores.

Moreover, FPMAS offers powerful features to allow concurrent write operations accross distant processors. This allows users to easily write general purpose code without struggling with distributed computing issues, while still allowing an implicit large scale distributed execution.

FPMAS also automatically handles load balancing accross processors to distribute the user defined Multi-Agent model on the available computing resources.

The underlying synchronized distributed graph structure used to represent Multi-Agent models might also be used in applications that are not related to Multi-Agent Systems to take advantage of other features such as load balancing or write operations across processes.

Zoltan Cell Example, rank 0 Zoltan Cell Example, rank 1
Zoltan Cell Example, rank 2 Zoltan Cell Example, rank 3



FPMAS requires the following tools, see the corresponding documentations to install them :


sudo apt-get install g++ cmake libopenmpi3 nlohmann-json3-dev


sudo pacman -S gcc cmake openmpi nlohmann-json

Zoltan Installation

Zoltan is currently not distributed as a package in most common distributions, so it is required to install it manually.

git clone
cd Zoltan
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --with-id-type=ulong
make everything
sudo make install

By default, Zoltan is installed in /usr/local. Other directory might be specified. For example:

../configure --with-id-type=ulong --prefix=$HOME

The custom installation directory must then be specified as explained below.

The --with-id-type option is optional but recommended. By default, Zoltan uses unsigned int, what is not very efficient in the case of FPMAS.

See the Zoltan documentation for more detailed installation instructions.

FPMAS Platform

To use the latest FPMAS version, you can directly clone this repository :

git clone

FPMAS can be built and installed using CMake :

mkdir FPMAS/build
cd FPMAS/build
cmake --build . -t fpmas
sudo cmake --install .

FPMAS Configuration

FPMAS can be configured at compile time using the cmake -D<option>=<value> .. syntax.

  • FPMAS_ID_TYPE (default: std::uint_fast32_t): defines the unsigned integer type used to represent ids of nodes and edges. The default std::uint_fast32_t type is at least 32-bit. Values such as std::uint64_t might be used to raise the total number of nodes and edges created during a simulation, what might be necessary in the context of large SpatialModels simulations over a long period.
  • FPMAS_TYPE_INDEX (default: std::uint_fast8_t): defines the type used to serialize std::type_index. The size of the integer notably determines how many types can be passed to the FPMAS_REGISTER_AGENT_TYPES() macro, so it actually limits the maximum agent types count in the simulation. In practice, an 8-bit integer is thus widely sufficient. However, std::uint8_t might be used for example to limit memory usage, since the default std::uint_fast8_t might be bigger (but faster) than std::uint8_t.
  • FPMAS_AGENT_RNG (default: minstd_rand) defines the type of random number generator embedded in each GridAgent and GridCell. Several values are possible:
    • minstd_rand: not the best quality random number generator, but very efficient.
    • mt19937,mt19937_64: high quality random number engine, but very costly. Serializing a mersenne twister notably requires to serialize 312 64-bit integers, what represents at least 2496 bits for each agent.
    • random_device: Non deterministic and non reproducible random number generator.

Custom Installation Path

CMake can be used to easily handle custom installation paths, what might be required on some architectures.

To specify custom dependencies installation directories, the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable can be passed to the previous cmake command:

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/local ..

In this example, FPMAS will search dependencies in $HOME/local/include and $HOME/local/lib.

A custom FPMAS installation path can also be specified with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable (by default, /usr/local on Unix systems):


In this example, FPMAS will be installed in $HOME/local/include and $HOME/local/lib.

Notice that, if a custom FPMAS installation path is used, it must be specified to cmake as a CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH when configuring a new project so that the find_package(fpmas) command can find FPMAS.

Get started

Once installed, the fpmas header files should be available from any C++ project. Detailed instructions about how to set up an FPMAS simulation are available on the corresponding wiki page.


FPMAS is carefully tested using the googletest library. Tests are organized in two categories :

  • local tests : do not involve any MPI communication, can be run as a sequential program
  • MPI tests : tests involving several cores and MPI communications

The following command can be used to build the complete test suite:

cd FPMAS/build
cmake --build .

Local tests

The local test suite can be run with the following commands :


Serialization tests

The serialization test suite tests datapack and/or json AgentPtr serialization using 3 distincts targets.


MPI tests

MPI tests can be run with the following commands :

mpiexec -n 4 ./tests/mpi/fpmas_mpi_test

The fpmas_mpi_test uses the legacy agent JSON serialization scheme. Since version 1.3, FPMAS introduced the more efficient ObjectPack serialization technique. In order to build and run the MPI test suite that uses ObjectPack instead of JSON, run:

cmake --build . --target fpmas_mpi_test_datapack
mpiexec -n 4 ./tests/mpi/fpmas_mpi_test_datapack

Notice that any number of cores can be passed to the mpiexec -n option so that you can test FPMAS on any architecture.


FPMAS is distributed under the GNU GPL v3.0 licence.

This repository also contains the Hedley header file, distributed under the CC0-1.0 licence.


FPMAS is currently under active development in the context of a PhD thesis at FEMTO-ST, DISC Department, Besançon (France).

For any information, please contact :