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GMosh(ui) 2.1.1, now with Lua cache browser!

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@FPtje FPtje released this 26 Apr 12:33
· 41 commits to master since this release

Lua cache browser

Browse the Lua files that you've downloaded from servers. Gmoshui tries to guess where your cache is located. This should work for most people. You can manually set the GMod directory (that's garrysmod/garrysmod/) if it doesn't work.

You can also search the cache with regex! Useful! Have an image:
gmosh_ui_2 1 0_alpha_2015-04-26_14-28-29

Note: Windows had a bug in it, it couldn't extract single files. That's fixed in 2.1.1. Since this bug doesn't happen to Linux, that version wasn't updated.