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Setting up python notebook

  • Go to google colab notebook.
  • Under Github tab, check "Include private repos"
  • key in the repository link. Eg: "" and select the "Main" Branch
  • Choose project.ipynb and open it in new tab
  • Run each cell accordingly and follow the instructions on the notebook


  • Original video: Videos downloaded from Charades project
  • image
  • Skeleton: The output created by the cells to be used to generate the output video
  • image
  • Output Video: The final results based on user prompts, selected original videos
  • image

Data Exploration section

This contains the lists of videos imported from the Charades project to be used for the model training

  • Run the cell under Data Exploration to watch the lists of videos to be used for training

Training Section

This section covers the steps to create the model used by the inference section to create the output video

  • Initailize the config / model by inputting the details of configurations
  • Run the cells until "Choose a video and click Generate to start training process/generate skeleton."
  • Ensure that your runtime restarts by pressing (Ctrl M) before excuting that cell
  • Select the video from the dropdown list and generate the skeleton video

Inference Section

This section will perform inference and convert prompts keyed in by user into the desired output by combining the skeleton video with the prompts

  • Select the model / config file to be used for the inference from the drop down lists. Obtained after running the training section.
  • Select the original video to be used to generate the output video
  • Key in text prompts that describes what the desired output of the video to be. Eg:"Iron man on the beach"
  • Execute the cell to generate the output video based on the prompt and the selected skeleton video.
  • Locate the output videos under "/content/ict3104-team01-2023/FollowYourPoseTeam1/checkpoints/inference"


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