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Server side api for web apps b2b-react and reader-react

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This is the server-side implementation backing the Reader and B2B apps. This app relies on the API to run since it forwards most reader-related requests to the API.




  1. 本程序是web app,因此包含了HTML模版文件,放在web文件夹下,使用的模版引擎是,语法和Django、Nunjucks类似。这些模版文件在build时嵌入到二进制文件中,见web/render.go文件。
  2. 模版文件web/template/reader/home.html并非手写,而是用reader-react中的脚本生成。
  3. 模版文件web/template/legal是法律文件的模版文件,与前端无关,查看,原本计划用于Android中嵌入的法律条款。这些文档存储在数据库中,可以在superyard中生成。
  4. 跟目录下的client_version_b2bclient_version_reader也由前端项目的脚本生成。

Go get

Enable GOPROXY environment variable so that go build command could visit an accessible module server.

Linux/Max: export GOPROXY=

For windows, open your terminal $Env:GOPROXY=

Test Payment

The payment is divided into live/test mode. They are determined differently depending on the payment method chosen. Those modes, however, only applicable to server in production mode. For local development, you are always in testing mode.

One-off payment

The mode is solely determined by user's logged in account. When you are using a testing account issued by Superyard, you are in test mode; otherwise in live.


Stripe payment is determined by the publishable key the server returned to client. Stripe.js requires it to be initialized upon page loading, outside any React components, and should never be re-created afterwards. This literally restrict you from getting publishable key from backend dynamically. For production, the only solution could be setting up different backends for live/test mode respectively.

My current solution is to give the app a command-line option -livemode=<true|false>. When true, the server given client Stripe's live publishable key; otherwise test key. Default value is true to keep backward compatible since initially the server's Supervisor is not configured with this option.

This way you could test Stripe locally by launching this app ftacademy -production=false livemode=false. If you want to use online API locally, run ftcademy -produciton=true -livemode=false.

B2B Licence Rules

Ideally a licence user should have a clean account without membership and this account is dedicated to b2b licence. However, reality does not always go that way. We should follow these rules to add b2b to existing subscription:

  • For valid auto-renewal subscription, always deny granting licence to user account;
  • Expired user is treated as a clean account;
  • A valid B2B membership should be denied of any means of self-subscription.

Excluding the above cases, we are left with switching between alipay/wechat/b2b:

Alipay/wechat to B2B

When a valid alipay/wechat subscription is trying to use b2b licence, turn current remaining subscription period to add-on and grant the licence to this user immediately.

Licence renewal prior to expiration

When a B2B licence is renewed before it is expired, the corresponding membership is updated.

B2B Expired

When a b2b membership expired and licence is no longer renewed:

  • If it has addon, addon will be re-enabled, and the linked licence should be reset to available state;
  • With or without addon, the user is free to make purchase as normal.

In the above 2 cases, to ensure data integrity, always reset the linked licence to clean state by removing the assignee_id field and current_status to available.

When a licence is renewed after expired, the licence user will be renewed if it is not touched after expiration. If the user, however, changed subscription via alipay/wechat either by a purchase out of its own pocket or previous addon, the licence should already have been reset and does not have a membership linked to it now. In such case we are safe to update the licence only.

There's special case under the above case if data integrity is broken: user's payment method is changed from b2b to alipay/wechat, but the licence still contain assignee_id pointing to this membership. In such case licence renewal should never change its linked user's membership. Shall we simply reset licence to clean state?

Priorities of various payment source

From highest to lowest:

  • IAP/Stripe
  • B2B
  • Alipay/Wechat


The API consists of 2 parts based on request validation methods:

  • Handle AJAX request using Json Web Token;
  • Handle restful request using authorization key.


The AJAX part is divided into multiple sections based on features.


This section is publicly available since they must be accessed unconditionally.

  • GET /api/paywall Output paywall data.
  • GET /api/paywall/stripe/prices
  • GET /api/paywall/stripe/prices/:id
  • GET /api/paywall/stripe/publishable-key

Reader Section

This section simply forwards requests for subscription-api.

  • GET /api/reader/auth/email/exists Check if an email is signed up.
  • POSt /api/reader/auth/email/login Login using email.
  • POST /api/reader/auth/email/signup Create a new email account. It also goes here when a new mobile is trying to create a new email account and link to it.
  • POST /api/reader/auth/email/verification/:token Verify email.
  • PUT /api/reader/auth/mobile/verification Send user a SMS.
  • POST /api/reader/auth/mobile/verication Verify the SMS in the above step.
  • POST /api/reader/auth/mobile/link A new mobile links to existing email account
  • POST /api/reader/auth/mobile/signup Create a new mobile-only account.
  • POST /api/reader/password-reset Reset password.
  • POST /api/reader/password-reset/letter Send a password-reset letter to user.
  • GET /api/reader/password-reset/tokens/:token Verify a password reset letter.
  • GET /api/reader/account Get user account, either ftc or wechat.
  • PATCH /api/reader/account/email Change email for ftc account.
  • POST /api/reader/account/email/request-verification Re-send a verification email.
  • PATCH /api/reader/account/name Change username
  • PATCH /api/reader/account/password Change password
  • PATCH /api/reader/account/mobile Switch mobile
  • PUT /api/reader/account/mobile/verification Send an SMS before permitting mobile switch.
  • GET /api/reader/account/address Load address.
  • PATCH /api/reader/account/address Update address
  • GET /api/reader/account/profile Load profile
  • PATCH /api/reader/account/profile Update profile
  • POST /api/reader/account/wx/signup A wechat-login user creates a new email account and link to it.
  • POST /api/reader/account/wx/link A wechat-login user links to existing email account.
  • POST /api/reader/account/wx/unlink A wechat-login user, with email account linked, unlinks the email account.

B2B Section

  • POST /api/b2b/auth/login
  • POST /api/b2b/auth/signup
  • GET /api/b2b/auth/verify/:token
  • POST /api/b2b/auth/password-reset
  • POST /api/b2b/auth/password-reset/letter
  • GET /api/b2b/auth/password-reset/token/:token
  • GET /api/b2b/account/jwt
  • POST /api/b2b/account/request-verification
  • PATCH /api/b2b/account/display-name
  • PATCH /api/b2b/account/password
  • GET /api/b2b/team
  • POST /api/b2b/team
  • PATCH /api/b2b/team
  • GET /api/b2b/search/membership?email=
  • GET /api/b2b/orders
  • POST /api/b2b/orders
  • GET /api/b2b/orders/:id
  • GET /api/b2b/licences
  • GET /api/b2b/licences/:id
  • POST /api/b2b/licences/:id/revoke
  • GET /api/b2b/invitations
  • POST /api/b2b/invitations
  • POST /api/b2b/invitations/:id/revoke
  • GET /api/b2b/licence/invitation/verification/:token
  • POST /api/b2b/licence/grant

Restful API

Used by another backend app "superyard" to access B2B data.

  • GET /api/cms/profile/:id
  • GET /api/cms/teams/:id
  • GET /api/cms/orders/:id
  • POST /api/cms/orders/:id


Server side api for web apps b2b-react and reader-react






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