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FTWinston edited this page Feb 10, 2014 · 3 revisions

This is being used for development-based scribblings only.

Client class now has LastAcknowledgedTick. Use this when sending snapshots, working out what fields have changed.

If doing this, though, Creations, deletions and ID reassignments are gonna need rethought. Could be awkward...

If LastAcknowledgedTick gets too old, just send a full update. Say 3 seconds or something.

Client.NeedsFullUpdate isn't really needed anymore if we decide that in the snapshot sending code...

Should we depend on DateTime so much? Lidgren reports a "remote time" when you connect. Is that (based on) something we should be using instead?

This developer console interface looks like it might duplicate my functionality, but it has no dependencies on costly GUI plugins, so seems worth looking at:

To allow for easier inheritance among game classes, the NetworkType shouldn't be set by the base constructor, but instead by an abstract property. Possibly we build up the network table in a similar way.

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