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Repository files navigation


Live Server

Demo Account :

Packages :

  • cors
  • dotenv
  • express
  • mongodb
  • mongoose
  • nodemon
  • bcrypt
  • jsonwebtoken
  • nodemailer

Features :


  • /register - to register user
  • /login - to login user
  • /forgot - to send reset password link to mail
  • /reset - to reset password
  • /activation/:id - to activate account
  • /addUrl - to add long url to the database
  • /shortUrl - to add short url to the database
  • /getUrl/:string - to redirect short url to the long url
  • /getUrl - to get all urls created
  • /count - to get the count of total number of urls created


/register :

  • finding if user already registered with the emailid
  • encrypting user password
  • creating object with user details
  • adding user to the db
  • composing mail
  • creating transport to send mail
  • sending mail to activate account

/login :

  • checking is user email is registered
  • validating password with email
  • checking if account is active or not
  • token is generated and passed as response
  • if account is not active
  • composing mail
  • creating transport to send mail
  • sending mail to activate account

/forgot :

  • checking user email is registered or not
  • creating expiry token
  • adding token to the database
  • composing mail
  • creating transport to send mail
  • sending mail to reset password

/reset :

  • finding user
  • verifying token
  • encrypting user password
  • updating password

/activation/:id :

  • finding user and updating account status
  • activating account and updating it in the database

/addUrl :

  • checking if url already exists
  • creating object of data details
  • adding url to database

/shortUrl :

  • finding url
  • creating randomstring
  • passing randomString as params
  • adding short url
  • finding url to send response

/getUrl/:string :

  • finding long url using string passed in params
  • increasing shortened url count
  • sending response with the longurl

/getUrl :

  • finding all shortened urls
  • sending all the shortened urls as response

/count :

  • getting count of number of urls created
  • sending the response with the urls created count