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RcppDeepState action

This repository contains the implementation of a GitHub Action for RcppDeepState. You can use this Action to launch RcppDeepState in any Rcpp-based projects hosted on GitHub.

RcppDeepState is a fuzz testing library made as a composition of three tools: Rcpp, DeepState and Valgrind. You can use RcppDeepState to fuzz test your R library's C++ code in order to find more subtle bugs like memory leaks or even more general memory errors.


  • fail_ci_if_error (default value: false) - Specify if CI pipeline should fail when RcppDeepState finds errors;
  • location (default value: /) - Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE that contains the package that needs to be analyzed. Default uses the / location relative to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, that is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE;
  • additional_dependencies (default value: ) - A string containing a list of extra system dependencies that the testing system requires, separated by spaces. Leave empty if no extra dependency is needed;
  • seed (default value: -1) - control the randomness of the inputs generated in the fuzzing phase;
  • max_seconds_per_function (default value: 5) - Fuzzing phase's duration in seconds for every function;
  • max_inputs (default value: 3) - Maximum number of inputs that will be processed by RcppDeepState;
  • comment (default value: false) - Print the analysis results as a comment if run in a pull request. If set to failure only writes a comment if RcppDeepState discovers at least one issue;
  • verbose (default value: false) - Enables verbose logging of RcppDeepState.


There are two ways to initialize this action inside a repository:

  1. Create a workflow file manually in the .github/workflows folder using the model shown below;
  2. Automatically generate the workflow files using the ci_setup function of RcppDeepState

Before running this GitHub Action it's mandatory to run the actions/checkout Action to check-out the repository containing the Rcpp package that needs to be analyzed. Remember that you must specify the parameter location for this action if you use the path argument for actions/checkout or if the package that has to be analyzed isn't located in the root of the repository, otherwise RcppDeepState won't be able to find your package.

- uses: actions/checkout@v2

- uses: FabrizioSandri/RcppDeepState-action

    # This parameter is used to specify if the CI pipeline should fail when 
    # RcppDeepState finds at least one error.
    # Default: false
    fail_ci_if_error: ''

    # Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE where the package that needs to be
    # analyzed is located.
    # Default: / 
    location: ''

    # A string containing a list of additional dependencies required by the
    # package being tested. If there are multiple dependencies, simply put them 
    # one after the other, separated by an empty space. These dependencies
    # will be installed using the 'apt install' command.
    # Default: ''
    additional_dependencies: ''

    # Seed value used to control the randomness of the inputs generated in the 
    # fuzzing phase. This parameter is used to run deterministic fuzz testing 
    # and reproduce the analysis results over several executions. A value of -1
    # is used to generate a random value. 
    # Default: -1
    seed: ''

    # This parameter controls the fuzzing phase's duration in seconds. 
    # Default: 5
    max_seconds_per_function: ''

    # Maximum number of inputs that will be processed by RcppDeepState. The 
    # fuzzing phase may generate a lot of inputs, however analyzing all of them
    # can require a huge amount of time, making this task almost impossible.
    # Instead by using this parameter it is possible to control the number of 
    # inputs analyzed by RcppDeepState for each tested function. 
    # Default: 3
    max_inputs: ''

    # If this action is used inside a pull request's pipeline, this parameter
    # control whether the analysis result should be printed as a comment in the 
    # pull request. This parameter can be set to 'failure' to write comments
    # only if RcppDeepState discovers at least one issue.  
    # Default: false
    comment: ''
    # This parameter enables the verbose logging mode of RcppDeepState. If set 
    # to 'true' RcppDeepState will print more debugging information. If set to
    # 'false' only the analysis result will be printed on the standard output.
    # Default: false
    verbose: ''

Basic example

This simple workflow can be run inside a repository containing a Rcpp-based package, stored in the root of the repository. Once a push events is triggered inside a pull request this workflow will be run and a comment with the analysis report will be added to the pull request.

      - '*'

name: "Analyze package with RcppDeepState"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2 

      - uses:  FabrizioSandri/RcppDeepState-action@main
          comment: true

Custom path example

Assume the package you wish to test is not at the repository's root, but rather, for instance, in the /inst/testpkgs/testSAN subdirectory. In this case, the package can be analyzed specifying the location parameter.

      - '*'

name: "Analyze package with RcppDeepState"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2 

      - uses:  FabrizioSandri/RcppDeepState-action@main
          location: /inst/testpkgs/testSAN
          comment: true

CI fail example

If you want to make the RcppDeepState workflow fail if at least one error is found you have to set the fail_ci_if_error parameter to true. In this manner, if an error is found, the workflow will fail and an a ❌ symbol will be displayed.

The example in the next lines of code executes RcppDeepState on a package that is saved at the root of the repository, and if at least one problem is discovered, the workflow fails.

      - '*'

name: "Analyze package with RcppDeepState"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2 

      - uses:  FabrizioSandri/RcppDeepState-action@main
          fail_ci_if_error: true
          comment: true

Install extra dependencies

If your package requires a certain system dependency to function properly, you may add it to the additional_dependencies argument.

The following code sample uses RcppDeepState on the TreeSearch package, which is accessible on CRAN and GitHub. This package requires libgsl-dev to function properly. This additional requirement may be supplied as a parameter to the action as follows:

      - '*'

name: "Analyze package with RcppDeepState"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2 

      - uses:  FabrizioSandri/RcppDeepState-action@main
          fail_ci_if_error: true
          additional_dependencies: libgsl-dev
          comment: true