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Check polyfill and uncompact size to reduce memory errors on polyfill
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willcohen committed Jul 20, 2018
1 parent 08710ba commit 3370bc7
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Showing 3 changed files with 267 additions and 36 deletions.
227 changes: 197 additions & 30 deletions src/geo/h3.clj
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"Working with H3."
(:require [geo.spatial :as spatial]
[geo.jts :as jts]
[clojure.walk :as walk])
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.math.numeric-tower :as numeric-tower])
(:import (ch.hsr.geohash GeoHash)
(com.uber.h3core H3Core)
(com.uber.h3core AreaUnit H3Core LengthUnit)
(com.uber.h3core.util GeoCoord)
(geo.spatial Point Shapelike)
(org.locationtech.jts.geom LinearRing MultiPolygon Polygon)
(org.locationtech.jts.geom Geometry LinearRing MultiPolygon Polygon)
(org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.impl RectangleImpl)))

(def ^H3Core h3-inst (H3Core/newInstance))

(def ^:internal safe-polyfill-hexagon-maximum
"Lowering this will reduce the likelihood of H3's polyfill crashing, but
will cause this library's polyfill to run more slowly due to more frequent subdivision"

(def ^:internal safe-uncompact-hexagon-maximum
"Lowering this will reduce the likelihood of this library's internal safe-uncompact
throwing a heap error, but will make this library's polyfill more likely
to return an uncompacted set"

(defn- long->string
"Convert a long representation of an H3 cell to a string."
[^Long h]
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(defprotocol Polygonal
(to-polygon [this] [this srid] "Ensure that an object is 2D, with lineal boundaries.")
(polyfill [this res] "Return all resolution 'res' cells that cover a given Shapelike, excluding internal holes."))

(polyfill [this res] "Return all resolution 'res' cells in Long form that cover a given Shapelike,
excluding internal holes. If the set of cells is especially large, the set
may return partially compacted.")
(polyfill-address [this res] "Return all resolution 'res' cells in String form that cover a given
Shapelike, excluding internal holes. If the set of cells is especially large,
the set may return partially compacted."))

(declare polyfill-address-p)
(declare polyfill-address-mp)
(declare polyfill-address-check)
(declare polyfill-p)
(declare polyfill-mp)
(declare polyfill-check)

(extend-protocol Polygonal
(to-polygon ([this] (spatial/to-jts this))
([this srid] (spatial/to-jts this srid)))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-p this res))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-check [this] res))
(polyfill-address [this res] (polyfill-address-check [this] res))

(to-polygon ([this] (spatial/to-jts this))
([this srid] (spatial/to-jts this srid)))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-p this res))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-check [this] res))
(polyfill-address [this res] (polyfill-address-check [this] res))

(to-polygon ([this] this)
([this srid] (spatial/to-jts this srid)))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-p this res))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-check [this] res))
(polyfill-address [this res] (polyfill-address-check [this] res))

(to-polygon ([this] (jts/polygon this))
([this srid] (jts/polygon (jts/transform-geom this srid))))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-p this res))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-check [this] res))
(polyfill-address [this res] (polyfill-address-check [this] res))

(to-polygon ([this] this)
([this srid] (spatial/to-jts this srid)))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-mp this res)))
(polyfill [this res] (polyfill-mp this res))
(polyfill-address [this res] (polyfill-address-mp this res)))

(defn pt->h3
"Return the index of the resolution 'res' cell that a point or lat/lng pair is contained within."
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[^Shapelike s]
(map spatial/h3-point (jts/coordinates (spatial/to-jts s))))

(defn- polyfill-p
"Polygon helper to return all resolution 'res' cells that cover a given shape,
excluding internal holes."
[s ^Integer res]
(let [s (to-polygon s jts/default-srid)
num-interior-rings (.getNumInteriorRing ^Polygon s)
ext-ring (.getExteriorRing ^Polygon s)
int-rings (map #(.getInteriorRingN ^Polygon s %) (range num-interior-rings))]
(.polyfillAddress h3-inst (geo-coords ext-ring) (map geo-coords int-rings) res)))

(defn- polyfill-mp
"Multipolygon helper to return all resolution 'res' cells that cover a given shape,
excluding internal holes."
[mp ^Integer res]
(let [pf-polys (fn [p] (mapcat #(polyfill-p % res) p))]
(into [] (-> mp
(defn hex-area
"Average area for indices at resolution 'res.' Optional second argument allows
returning area in :m2 or :km2. Defaults to m2."
(hex-area res :m2))
([res unit]
(case unit
(.hexArea h3-inst res AreaUnit/m2)
(.hexArea h3-inst res AreaUnit/km2))))

(defn edge-length
"Average edge length for indices at resolution 'res.' Optional second
argument allows returning length in :m or :km. Defaults to m."
(edge-length res :m))
([res unit]
(case unit
(.edgeLength h3-inst res LengthUnit/m)
(.edgeLength h3-inst res LengthUnit/km))))

(defn- max-uncompact-size-helper
"See h3's h3Index.c."
[cell res]
(let [cell-res (get-resolution cell)]
(cond (= res cell-res)
(> res cell-res)
(numeric-tower/expt 7 (- res cell-res))
(< res cell-res)

(defn- max-uncompact-size
"The maximum number of cells that an uncompacted sequence would need."
[cells res]
(->> (map #(max-uncompact-size-helper % res) cells)
(reduce +)))

(defn compact
"Given a set of H3 cells, return a compacted set of cells, at possibly coarser resolutions."
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(string? (first cells))
(.uncompactAddress h3-inst cells res)))

(defn- safe-uncompact
"Given a set of H3 cells, if the maximum size of the uncompacted set is below a
safe limit, uncompact the set. Otherwise, return the original set."
[cells res]
(let [m (max-uncompact-size cells res)]
(if (< m safe-uncompact-hexagon-maximum)
(uncompact cells res)

(defn- polyfill-p-common
"Common logic used to polyfill a shapelike made of a single polygon.
Used for both the string and long methods."
(let [s (to-polygon s jts/default-srid)
num-interior-rings (.getNumInteriorRing ^Polygon s)
ext-ring (.getExteriorRing ^Polygon s)
int-rings (map #(.getInteriorRingN ^Polygon s %) (range num-interior-rings))]
{:e ext-ring :i int-rings}))

(defn- polyfill-address-p
"Helper to polyfill a single polygon, returning indexes in string form."
[s ^Integer res]
(let [h (polyfill-p-common s)]
(compact (.polyfillAddress h3-inst (geo-coords (:e h)) (map geo-coords (:i h)) res))))

(defn- polyfill-p
"Helper to polyfill a single polygon, returning indexes in long form."
[s ^Integer res]
(let [h (polyfill-p-common s)]
(compact (.polyfill h3-inst (geo-coords (:e h)) (map geo-coords (:i h)) res))))

(defn- hex-radius-in-meters
"See h3's bbox.c."
[pt res]
(let [h (pt->h3 pt res)
h-jts (h3->pt h)
h-centroid (spatial/point h-jts)
h-boundary (to-jts h)
c1 (first (.getCoordinates ^Geometry h-boundary))
s1 (spatial/to-spatial4j-point c1)]
(spatial/distance h-centroid s1)))

(defn- max-kring-size
"Maximum indices that result from k-ring with a given k. See h3's algos.c."
(->> (for [i (range k)
:let [r (* 6 (+ i 1))]]
(reduce +)

(defn- max-polyfill-size
"Maximum number of indices used by h3's circular/k-ring polyfill method.
See h3's algos.c. If h3's polyfill method is made more efficient, this should
also change accordingly."
[shape ^Integer res]
(let [bbox (spatial/bounding-box shape)
closest-side-vertex (if (< (Math/abs (.getMinY bbox))
(Math/abs (.getMaxY bbox)))
(spatial/point (.getMinY bbox) (.getMinX bbox))
(spatial/point (.getMaxY bbox) (.getMaxY bbox)))

centroid (spatial/center bbox)
bbox-radius-m (spatial/distance closest-side-vertex centroid)
center-hex-radius-m (hex-radius-in-meters (h3->pt (pt->h3 centroid res)) res)
bbox-hex-radius (Math/ceil (/ bbox-radius-m (* 1.5 center-hex-radius-m)))]
(max-kring-size bbox-hex-radius)))

(defn- polyfill-check-common
"Common logic needed to see if a all shapes in a set are single polygons that
are sufficiently small to be polyfilled. If h3's polyfill method is made more efficient,
modifying max-polyfill-size accordingly should make this run faster."
[shapes ^Integer res]
(loop [good-geoms []
remaining-geoms shapes]
(if (not (empty? remaining-geoms))
(let [current-poly (first remaining-geoms)
max-hexagons (max-polyfill-size current-poly res)]
(cond (instance? MultiPolygon current-poly)
; If a subdivided quadrant became a multipolygon, split that into its polygons and recur
(recur good-geoms (concat (jts/polygons current-poly) (rest remaining-geoms)))
(< max-hexagons safe-polyfill-hexagon-maximum)
; If less than the safe maximum, the geometry is good to be polyfilled
(recur (conj good-geoms current-poly) (rest remaining-geoms))
; Otherwise, if it's a polygon but larger than the safe maximum, divide into quadrants and recur
(recur good-geoms (concat (jts/subdivide (spatial/to-jts current-poly)) (rest remaining-geoms)))))

(defn- polyfill-address-check
"Apply polyfill-check-common to polyfill-address."
[shapes ^Integer res]
(let [h (polyfill-check-common shapes res)]
(safe-uncompact (flatten (mapcat #(polyfill-address-p % res) h)) res)))

(defn- polyfill-check
"Apply polyfill-check-common to polyfill."
[shapes ^Integer res]
(let [h (polyfill-check-common shapes res)]
(safe-uncompact (flatten (mapcat #(polyfill-p % res) h)) res)))

(defn- polyfill-address-mp
"Multipolygon helper to return all resolution 'res' cells that cover a given shape,
excluding internal holes."
[mp ^Integer res]
(let [pf-polys (fn [p] (mapcat #(polyfill-address-check [%] res) p))]
(into [] (-> mp

(defn- polyfill-mp
"Multipolygon helper to return all resolution 'res' cells that cover a given shape,
excluding internal holes."
[mp ^Integer res]
(let [pf-polys (fn [p] (mapcat #(polyfill-check [%] res) p))]
(into [] (-> mp

(defn- geocoord-array-wkt
"Create a wkt-style data structure from a collection of GeoCoords."
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(geocoord-array-wkt v)

(defn- multi-polygon-n
"Multi-polygon generator for numbers"
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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/geo/jts.clj
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(:import (org.locationtech.jts.geom Coordinate
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(if (= crs1 crs2)
(tf-set-srid g crs2)
(tf (.copy g) crs1 crs2))))

(defn ^Point centroid
"Get the centroid of a JTS object."
[^Geometry g]
(let [srid (get-srid g)]
(set-srid (.getCentroid g) srid)))

(defn intersection
"Get the intersection of two geometries."
[^Geometry g1 ^Geometry g2]
(let [srid (get-srid g1)]
(set-srid (.intersection g1 g2) srid)))

(defn ^Envelope get-envelope-internal
"Get a JTS envelope from a geometry."
[^Geometry g]
(.getEnvelopeInternal g))

(defn envelope
"Create a JTS envelope from two coordinates."
[c1 c2]
(Envelope. c1 c2))

(defn subdivide
"Subdivide a Geometry into quadrants around its centroid."
[^Geometry g]
(let [e (get-envelope-internal g)
c (centroid g)
c-x (.getX c)
c-y (.getY c)
min-x (.getMinX e)
min-y (.getMinY e)
max-x (.getMaxX e)
max-y (.getMaxY e)
gf (get-factory g)
make-quadrant (fn [c1 c2] (.toGeometry gf (envelope c1 c2)))
q1 (make-quadrant (coord c) (coordinate max-x max-y))
q2 (make-quadrant (coordinate min-x c-y) (coordinate c-x max-y))
q3 (make-quadrant (coordinate min-x min-y) (coord c))
q4 (make-quadrant (coordinate c-x min-y) (coordinate max-x c-y))]
(map #(intersection g %) [q1 q2 q3 q4])))

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