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LogService is a flexible and extensible logging package for .NET applications. It provides different logging strategies and formatting options, making it easy to log messages in a way that suits your application's needs.


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LogService is a flexible and extensible logging package for .NET applications. It provides different logging strategies and formatting options, making it easy to log messages in a way that suits your application's needs.

Table of Contents


Before you start using LogService in your project, make sure you have the following prerequisites set up:

  1. Development Environment for .NET Framework:

    • Ensure that you have a development environment configured for .NET Framework. This includes having the necessary compilers and libraries installed.
    • If you haven't already, download and install the latest version of the .NET Framework SDK.
  2. .NET Framework v4.8:

    • For optimal performance and compatibility, use .NET Framework version 4.8 or later.
    • If you're not sure which version you have, you can check it using the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
      dotnet --version
      Make sure the output indicates version 4.8 or higher.
  3. app.config File:

    • Ensure that your application uses an app.config file. LogService relies on this configuration file to manage its settings.
    • If your project doesn't have an app.config file, create one in the root directory of your project.
  4. System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager Reference:

    • Add a reference to the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager assembly in your project.
    • This assembly is a system DLL that comes with .NET and provides access to configuration settings.
    • You can add this reference via the 'Add Reference' dialog in your development environment.

By meeting these prerequisites, you'll be ready to integrate and configure LogService seamlessly 😊


There are several ways to install the LogService package:

  1. Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager: If you're using Visual Studio 2022 or any other version, you can download the package directly from the NuGet Package Manager.

  2. Command Line Interface (CLI): You can also download the package using the CLI. Here's how you can do it with the .NET CLI:

    dotnet add package LogService
  3. Manual Download: You can manually download the package from this link.


LogService uses the app.config file for its configuration, so make sure that your project includes an app.config file. Below, you'll find an example of how to set up the app.config file to configure LogService in your project.

Configuration Settings

In your app.config file, make sure you have an <appSettings> section. Add the following key-value pairs under it:

  1. log_file_path: This key specifies the path where the log file will be stored. You can customize this path according to your project's requirements. For example:

        <add key="log_file_path" value="./Log/Log.txt"/>

    Make sure to adjust the value to the desired log file path.

  2. log_file_default_path: This key should remain unchanged. It specifies the default log file path. Keep it as follows:

        <add key="log_file_default_path" value="./Log/Log.txt"/>

Below is an example of how the <appSettings> section in your app.config file might look:

    <!-- Customize the log file path -->
    <add key="log_file_path" value="./Log/Log.txt"/>
    <!-- Keep the default log file path unchanged -->
    <add key="log_file_default_path" value="./Log/Log.txt"/>
    <!-- Add other configuration settings as needed -->


Here's a basic example of how to use LogService:

// Using the LogService singleton
LoggingService.GetInstance().Log(DateTime.Now, MessageType, "This is a log message");

// By instantiating the Logger class
var logger = new Logger(new InstantMessageLoggingStrategy("path_to_log_file"), new LogMessageFormatter());

// Log a message
logger.Log("This is a log message", "Info", "Additional context if needed");

Design and Structure

LogService is designed with flexibility and extensibility in mind, utilizing various components to meet diverse logging requirements.


Class diagram Alt Text
Package components tree
¦   +---AbstractLogger.cs
¦   +---Logger.cs
¦   +---LoggingService.cs
¦   +---LogStartegies
¦       +---AccumulativeMessageBasedThresholdLoggingStrategy.cs
¦       +---ILogStrategy.cs
¦       +---InstanteMessageLoggingStrategy.cs
¦   +---AbstractFileHandler.cs
¦   +---LogFileHandler.cs
¦   +---Formatting.Core
¦   ¦   +---AbstractFormatter.cs
¦   ¦   +---LogMessageFormatter.cs
¦   +---Formatting.FormattingStrategies
¦       +---DefaultFormattingStrategy.cs
¦       +---FormatingLogMessageStrategy.cs
¦       +---IFormateStrategy.cs
    ¦   +---ValidationResult.cs
    ¦   +---Validator.cs
    ¦   +---ValidationStartegyType.cs
    ¦   +---ValidationException.cs
    ¦   +---ValidationStrategyFactory.cs

Components Overview



The LoggingService class is responsible for logging messages. It uses an AbstractLogger for logging and an AbstractFileHandler for file handling. This class follows the Singleton design pattern to ensure that only one instance of LoggingService exists in the application.

This class has several key fields:

  • _logFilePath: The path of the log file.
  • _defaultLogFilePath: The default path of the log file.
  • _logger: The logger used by this service.
  • _fileHandler: The file handler used by this service.

The class provides a default constructor that initializes a new instance of the LoggingService class and sets up the logger and file handler.

In addition, it provides getters for the LogFilePath, DefaultLogFilePath, Logger, and FileHandler fields. It also includes a method for logging a series of objects (Log).

The GetInstance static method is used to get the single instance of the LoggingService class.

Here is a simple example of how to use this class in C#:

// Get the instance of the LoggingService class
LoggingService loggingService = LoggingService.GetIntance();

// Log a message
loggingService.Log("This is a test log message.");


The AbstractLogger class is an abstract base class for all logger classes in the application. It provides common functionality for logging messages, including formatting and flushing logs. This class uses the Strategy design pattern to allow different logging and formatting behaviors to be used interchangeably.

This class has two key fields:

  • _logStrategy: The log strategy used by this logger. This determines how log messages are handled (e.g., how and when they are written to a log file or other storage).
  • _formatter: The formatter used by this logger. This determines how log messages are formatted before they are logged.

The class provides two constructors:

  • A default constructor that initializes a new instance of the AbstractLogger class with a default log message formatter.
  • A constructor with parameters that initializes a new instance of the AbstractLogger class with the specified log strategy and formatter.

In addition, it provides setters and getters for the LogStrategy and Formatter fields. It also includes a virtual method for logging a series of objects (Log). The objects are formatted into a single message and then logged using the current log strategy.

Here is a simple example of how to use a class that extends this abstract class in C#:

// Assume MyLogger is a class that extends AbstractLogger, and MyLogStrategy and MyFormatter are classes that implement ILogStrategy and AbstractFormatter respectively
MyLogStrategy logStrategy = new MyLogStrategy("path_to_your_log_file");
MyFormatter formatter = new MyFormatter();

// Create a new instance of the MyLogger class
MyLogger logger = new MyLogger(logStrategy, formatter);

// Log a message
logger.Log("This is a test log message.");


The Logger class provides logging functionality and is responsible for logging messages. It inherits from the AbstractLogger class, which provides common functionality for all logger classes in the application.

This class has a constructor that initializes a new instance of the Logger class with the specified log strategy and formatter. The logStrategy parameter specifies the log strategy to be used by this Logger instance, and the formatter parameter specifies the formatter to be used by this Logger instance.

Here is a simple example of how to use this class in C#:

// Assume MyLogStrategy and MyFormatter are classes that implement ILogStrategy and AbstractFormatter respectively
MyLogStrategy logStrategy = new MyLogStrategy("path_to_your_log_file");
MyFormatter formatter = new MyFormatter();

// Create a new instance of the Logger class
Logger logger = new Logger(logStrategy, formatter);

// Log a message
logger.Log("This is a test log message.");


Log strategies determine how and where log messages are handled within the logging system. The ILogStrategy interface defines the structure for different logging strategies, such as instant logging or accumulation-based logging. Concrete implementations of log strategies, such as InstanteMessageLoggingStrategy and AccumulativeMessageBasedThresholdLoggingStrategy, provide specific logic for logging messages instantly or accumulating them until a threshold is reached before flushing to a file.


The InstantMessageLoggingStrategy class is an implementation of the ILogStrategy interface. This strategy takes a log message and logs it instantly.

This class has a key attribute:

  • _validLogFilePath: The valid path to the log file.

The class provides a constructor that initializes a new instance of the InstantMessageLoggingStrategy class with the specified log file path.

In addition, it provides a setter and getter for the ValidLogFilePath field. It also includes a method for logging messages (Log).

This class can be used as part of the LoggingService infrastructure to provide a specific logging behavior based on the immediate logging of messages. It ensures that all log messages are written to the log file instantly. This strategy can be particularly useful in scenarios where the immediate logging of each message is required. By logging messages instantly, this strategy can help ensure that all log messages are captured and stored accurately and promptly.

Here is a simple example of how to use this class in C#:

// Create a new instance of the InstantMessageLoggingStrategy class
InstantMessageLoggingStrategy logger = new InstantMessageLoggingStrategy("path_to_your_log_file");

// Log a message
logger.Log("This is a test log message.");


The AccumulativeMessageBasedThresholdLoggingStrategy class is an implementation of the ILogStrategy interface. It accumulates log messages and writes them to a log file when the system is closed or when the number of log messages reaches a specified threshold. This class provides a log strategy that logs the accumulated message when the system is closed.

This class has several key attributes:

  • _validLogFilePath: The valid path to the log file.
  • _logs: The list of accumulated log messages.
  • _flushingThreshold: The threshold for flushing the accumulated log messages to the log file.

The class also provides a constructor that initializes a new instance of the AccumulativeMessageBasedThresholdLoggingStrategy class with the specified log file path and messages count threshold.

In addition, it provides setters and getters for the ValidLogFilePath, FlushingThreshold, and Logs fields. It also includes methods for logging messages (Log), handling the ProcessExit event of the current application domain (CurrentDomain_ProcessExit), and writing all accumulated log messages to the log file (FlushToLogFile).

This class can be used as part of the LoggingService infrastructure to provide a specific logging behavior based on the accumulation of messages and a defined threshold. It ensures that all log messages are stored and written to the log file, either when the system is closed or when the number of log messages reaches the specified threshold. This strategy can be particularly useful in scenarios where the frequency of log messages is high and immediate writing to the log file for each message could impact system performance. By accumulating messages and writing them in batches, this strategy can help optimize logging operations and system performance.


AbstractFileHandler Class

The AbstractFileHandler class, part of the LogService.FileHandling namespace, is an abstract base class that provides a common interface for file handling operations. It is designed to be extended by concrete classes that provide specific implementations for different types of files.

  • _fileValidPath: This protected field stores the valid path to the file.
  • _fileDefaultPath: This protected field stores the default path to the file.
  • AbstractFileHandler(): The default constructor initializes the _fileValidPath and _fileDefaultPath fields to empty strings.
  • AbstractFileHandler(string vagueFilePath, string defaultFilePath): This constructor initializes the _fileValidPath field with the result of the Prepare method and the _fileDefaultPath field with the provided default file path.
  • FileValidPath: This property gets or sets the _fileValidPath field.
  • FileDefaultPath: This property gets or sets the _fileDefaultPath field.
  • Prepare(string vagueFilePath): This abstract method prepares the file handler. It must be implemented by any class that extends AbstractFileHandler.
  • Open(): This abstract method opens the file. It must be implemented by any class that extends AbstractFileHandler.
  • Delete(): This abstract method deletes the file. It must be implemented by any class that extends AbstractFileHandler.
  • Clear(): This abstract method clears the contents of the file. It must be implemented by any class that extends AbstractFileHandler.
Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might extend and use the AbstractFileHandler class:

// Assume TextFileHandler is a class that extends AbstractFileHandler
string vagueFilePath = "path_to_your_file";
string defaultFilePath = "default_path_to_your_file";

// Create a new instance of the TextFileHandler class
TextFileHandler fileHandler = new TextFileHandler(vagueFilePath, defaultFilePath);

// Open the file

// Perform operations on the file...

// Clear the contents of the file

// Delete the file

LogFileHandler Class

The LogFileHandler class, part of the LogService.FileHandling namespace, extends the AbstractFileHandler class and provides implementations for the abstract methods. This class is responsible for handling log files. It can create, clear, delete, and open log files. It also prepares a valid file path for the log file.

  • LogFileHandler(string vagueLogFilePath, string defaultLogFilePath): This constructor initializes a new instance of the LogFileHandler class with the specified vague and default log file paths.
  • Prepare(string vagueFilePath): This method prepares a valid file path for the log file. It overrides the abstract Prepare method in the AbstractFileHandler class.
  • Clear(): This method clears the log file. It overrides the abstract Clear method in the AbstractFileHandler class.
  • Delete(): This method deletes the log file. It overrides the abstract Delete method in the AbstractFileHandler class.
  • Open(): This method opens the log file. It overrides the abstract Open method in the AbstractFileHandler class.
Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use the LogFileHandler class:

string vagueLogFilePath = "path_to_your_log_file";
string defaultLogFilePath = "default_path_to_your_log_file";

// Create a new instance of the LogFileHandler class
LogFileHandler logFileHandler = new LogFileHandler(vagueLogFilePath, defaultLogFilePath);

// Open the log file

// Perform operations on the file...

// Clear the contents of the log file

// Delete the log file

AbstractFormatter Class

The AbstractFormatter class, part of the LogService.Formatting.Core namespace, is an abstract base class for all formatter classes in the application. It provides common functionality for formatting. This class uses the Strategy design pattern to allow different formatting behaviors to be used interchangeably.

  • _formateStrategy: The format strategy used by this formatter. This determines how log messages are formatted.
  • AbstractFormatter(): The default constructor initializes a new instance of the AbstractFormatter class with a default format strategy.
  • AbstractFormatter(IFormateStrategy formateStrategy): This constructor initializes a new instance of the AbstractFormatter class with the specified format strategy.
  • FormateStrategy: This property gets or sets the format strategy used by this formatter.
  • Formate(params object[] param): This method formats a series of objects into a single string.
Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use a class that extends this abstract class:

// Assume MyFormatter is a class that extends AbstractFormatter, and MyFormateStrategy is a class that implements IFormateStrategy
MyFormateStrategy formateStrategy = new MyFormateStrategy();

// Create a new instance of the MyFormatter class
MyFormatter formatter = new MyFormatter(formateStrategy);

// Format a message
object formattedMessage = formatter.Formate("This is a test log message.");

LogMessageFormatter Class

The LogMessageFormatter class, part of the LogService.Formatting.Core namespace, extends the AbstractFormatter class and is responsible for formatting log messages.

  • LogMessageFormatter(): The default constructor initializes a new instance of the LogMessageFormatter class with a new instance of FormatingLogMessageStrategy.
Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use the LogMessageFormatter class:

// Create a new instance of the LogMessageFormatter class
LogMessageFormatter formatter = new LogMessageFormatter();

// Format a message
object formattedMessage = formatter.Formate("This is a test log message.");

IFormateStrategy Interface

The IFormateStrategy interface, part of the LogService.Formatting.FormattingStrategies namespace, defines the structure for formatting strategies. It provides a contract that classes implementing this interface will provide a specific formatting implementation.

  • Sep: This property gets or sets the separator character used in the formatting process.
  • Formate(params object[] param): This method formats the input parameters into a specific format. It returns a formatted string.
Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use a class that implements this interface:

// Assume DefaultFormattingStrategy is a class that implements IFormateStrategy
DefaultFormattingStrategy formatter = new DefaultFormattingStrategy();

// Format a message
object formattedMessage = formatter.Formate("This", "is", "a", "test", "log", "message.");

DefaultFormattingStrategy Class

The DefaultFormattingStrategy class, part of the LogService.Formatting.FormattingStrategies namespace, provides a default implementation of the IFormateStrategy interface. It formats log messages by appending each parameter to a string, separated by a specified separator.


  • _sep: The separator used in the formatting process.


  • DefaultFormattingStrategy(): The default constructor initializes a new instance of the DefaultFormattingStrategy class with a hyphen (-) as the separator.


  • Sep: This property gets or sets the separator used in the formatting process.


  • Formate(params object[] param): This method formats the input parameters into a specific format. It returns a formatted string.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use the DefaultFormattingStrategy class:

// Create a new instance of the DefaultFormattingStrategy class
DefaultFormattingStrategy formatter = new DefaultFormattingStrategy();

// Format a message
object formattedMessage = formatter.Formate("This", "is", "a", "test", "log", "message.");

FormatingLogMessageStrategy Class

The FormatingLogMessageStrategy class, part of the LogService.Formatting.FormattingStrategies namespace, provides an implementation of the IFormateStrategy interface. It formats log messages by appending each parameter to a string, separated by a specified separator.

  • _sep: The separator used in the formatting process.
  • _isDataTimeGiven: A flag indicating whether a DateTime object is given in the parameters.
  • FormatingLogMessageStrategy(): The default constructor initializes a new instance of the FormatingLogMessageStrategy class with a space as the separator and the _isDataTimeGiven flag set to false.
  • FormatingLogMessageStrategy(string sep): This constructor initializes a new instance of the FormatingLogMessageStrategy class with the provided separator and the _isDataTimeGiven flag set to false.
  • Sep: This property gets or sets the separator used in the formatting process.
  • Formate(params object[] param): This method formats the input parameters into a specific format. It returns a formatted string.
Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use the FormatingLogMessageStrategy class:

// Create a new instance of the FormatingLogMessageStrategy class
FormatingLogMessageStrategy formatter = new FormatingLogMessageStrategy();

// Format a message
object formattedMessage = formatter.Formate("This", "is", "a", "test", "log", "message.");




This project is licensed under the MIT License.


LogService is a flexible and extensible logging package for .NET applications. It provides different logging strategies and formatting options, making it easy to log messages in a way that suits your application's needs.








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