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Development FAQ

Artem Kalmykov edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

Development FAQ

How to create a pull request?

  • Create a branch from develop with a prefix of either feature/ or fix/.
  • Push all the changes there.
  • Start creating a PR by selecting develop as a base branch.
  • Assign code reviewers (@Artem-Kalmykov).
  • Put labels.
  • Mark all the checkboxes with [x] (but first verify you've done it).
  • Create a PR.

How to add another screen/view controller/page?

Each screen should correspond to a clean swift's scene. A new one should be created from Xcode's custom file templates, which can be found here. All the UI should be defined in scene's .xib file.

How to add a third-party dependency?

Third party dependencies should be connected only with the help of Swift Package Manager. If a dependency is not available through SPM, either find an alternative or connect it manually.

How to add another transmitter support?

Adding another transmitter is not pipelined and a lot of details should be accounted:

  1. Add your device to CGMDeviceType enum.
  2. Make it available as an option in SettingsTransmitter scene and InitialSetupTransmitterTypeViewController.
  3. Implement a new bluetooth service, which adopts CGMBluetoothService protocol.
  4. Make sure that the new bluetooth service is properly injected when needed.