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Workaround for Logos 30 and Higher Using the Bash Script

T. H. Wright edited this page Jan 27, 2024 · 1 revision

FaithLife released an update to Logos, version 30+. This new version uses some new Windows software in the background that we need to find and add to the script and/or snap. Because of this, Logos will report that the user is running an outdated version of Windows if the software cannot be found.

We have some of the fixes in place but they are not ready for release.

In order to install Logos, we have to restrict our install version to the one before the new release that broke our install.

To do this on Linux using the script, we need to specify what is called an environment variable. Environment variables tell our software how to run or what to do.

To do that, we either need to use an environment variable at runtime on the command line interface (CLI) or in our launcher.

Without knowing your desktop environment, the easiest way to explain this would be to open your terminal emulator and run a few commands.

Usually though, to modify a launcher or shortcut, you would right click the icon and then find a field for adding environment variables in the launcher or shortcut's edit dialog.

Run the following commands. You run a command by typing or copying and pasting in the text and then hitting enter.


This command sets an environment variable called LOGOS64_URL. The script normally sets this variable for you as it runs. We will override that variable by running this.

After you have set that variable, now run the script. You need to either change directory to the script's directory and then run the command, or you need to run the command with the full path.

Here are two examples.

cd /home/myusername/Downloads

This one changes your current directory to your Downloads directory. Replace myusername with your user name. The . (period) is shorthand for "current, or present, working directory".

If your script is elsewhere on your system, just change the path or the script name to match.

It then runs the script at the command line. You won't get any popups. We can set an environment variable if you want popups.

If you get a permission denied error, run the following command:

chmod 700 /home/myusername/Downloads/

Or you can run the script with the full path:


Here we skip the cd (change directory) command and just run the script from our current working directory (cwd) or present working directory (pwd).

If you want popups instead of a CLI, run the following environment variable command before the script:


This workaround for Logos 30+ will require that you remove your existing install if it is in the default location, so either back it up or just delete the directory and then clear your trash, if using a file browser, so that you don't eat up all your disk space.

Finally, you can run this as a one-liner:

LOGOS64_URL="" /home/myusername/Downloads/


DIALOG=zenity LOGOS64_URL="" /home/myusername/Downloads/
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