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CVS History Viewer

View CVS repositories in a git-like kind of way!

Simply choose a directory and the app is going to scan all the CVS commits for all files in that folder. Afterwards it will display everything in a git-like kind of way, meaning that the view is centered around commits and not file revision.

That’s primarily done by calculating a commit hash, an artificial value combining the revisions description, time and author. These commit hashes will be the same for all revisions that have been committed together and since these three pieces of information are the same for all users, the hash is identical for all users as well.

Search through all commits with some simple keywords!

You can use a number of simple keywords, to filter down the commits as much as you like.

Overview with keyword examples

Keyword Description Example
commit ID/hash of the commit. commit:6EC569D
author Name of the one that committed the change. author:Marcel
file Show commits related to this file name.
date Show commits done on a specific day. date:24.09.2019 (use your regional date format)
from Show commits starting from this date.
to Show commits done before and including this date.
limit Overwrite default limit of 220 commit search results. This will have negative effects on performance. limit:400

And of course you can use the "*" wildcard!