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Mr. Topo

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  • Author: Faizaan Chishtie


MrTopo is a python application that generates mutant Mininet topology files for network testing purposes.

MrTopo is developed in conjunction with the IoT research being conducted by Dr. Shiva Nejati at the University of Ottawa.

Basic Usage

Option 1: Install the package through pip:

$ pip install mrtopo
  • Run the following:
$ mrtopo
Usage: mrtopo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  config-file        Generate mutations from a configuration file.
  mutate-and-test    Mutate and Test a Mininet Topology file.
  python-file        Mutate a Mininet python file.
  test-mutation-dir  Test a mutated set of networks (directory) against a...
  validate-dir       Validate a directory of Mininet topologies.
  validate-file      Validate a Mininet topology python file.

Option 2: Clone the repo:

  • Clone this repository
  • In the project directory run $ sh scripts/
    • This creates a temporary venv where mrtopo will be installed
  • Run $ mrtopo --help
    • If this doesn't work try $ source tmpenv/bin/activate and retry $ mrtopo --help

Command-Line Options:

All MrTopo commands are executed in this format:

$ mrtopo [COMMAND] [OPTION] [ARGS]

To get help for any command, execute:

$ mrtopo [COMMAND] --help

MrTopo commands:

  • config-file: Not yet implemented - Generate mutations from a configuration file.
  • python-file: Mutate a Mininet python file.
  • mutate-and-test: Mutate and Test a Mininet Topology file.
  • test-mutation-dir: Test a mutated set of networks (directory) against a given Mininet topology file.
  • validate-dir: Validate a directory of Mininet topologies.
  • validate-file: Validate a Mininet topology python file.

Most mrtopo commands will use the option -f to specify (except for validate-dir which takes -d )

Command: python-file

MrTopo command used to generate a folder of mutated mininet topologies.


  • -f, --file <path to python file> [Required]: Accepts a Mininet topology file .py


The topology file specified must be a mininet topology.

$ mrtopo python-file -f


$ mrtopo python-file --help                                                                                                                              2 ↵  8209  22:19:58
Usage: mrtopo python-file [OPTIONS]

  Mutate a Mininet python file.

  -f, --file TEXT  Python file that MrTopo should mutate.  [required]
  --help           Show this message and exit.


  • A MrTopoGenerated directory - containing:
    • Multiple mrtopo_gen_topo_<#>.py mutated topology files generated from the input python file.
    • A desc.txt file describing the mutation operation performed on each mrtopo_gen_topo_<#>.py file.

Command: config-file

Note: This option has not yet been implemented


  • -f, --file <path to configuration file> [Required]: Accepts a MrTopo configuration file .json


mrtopo python-file -f some_config.json


$ mrtopo config-file --help                                                                                                                                ✔  8210  22:20:01
Usage: mrtopo config-file [OPTIONS]

  Generate mutations from a configuration file.

  -f, --file TEXT  MrTopo config file.  [required]
  --help           Show this message and exit.

Command: validate-file

Note: validate-file will only run a Mininet VM.

MrTopo command used to test the validity of a Mininet topology file.


  • -f, --file <path to python file> [Required]: Accepts a Mininet topology file .py
  • -t, --topology-name <string> [Optional]: Name of topology found in python file.


  • --not-long [Optional] - Default: Execute short validation routine
  • --long [Optional]: Execute long validation routine


$ mrtopo validate-file -f

Base + Topology Name: 
$ mrtopo validate-file -f -t 'att'

Base + Routine: 
$ mrtopo validate-file -f --long

Base + Routine + Topology Name: 
$ mrtopo validate-file -f -t 'att' --not-long


$ mrtopo validate-file --help
Usage: mrtopo validate-file [OPTIONS]

  Validate a Mininet topology python file.

  -f, --file TEXT           Validate a Mininet topology python file.   [required]
  -t, --topology-name TEXT  Name of topology found in python file. Example:
                            'topos = { 'someName': ... } - someName would be
                            the topology-name. Only use this option if you
                            know the topology name.

  --long / --not-long       Long test flag (i.e. pingall)
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


  • A validator.txt file describing the validation operation performed on the specified mutation file.

Command: validate-dir

Note: validate-dir will only run a Mininet VM.

MrTopo command used to test the validity of a Mininet topology file.


  • -d, --dir <path to directory of python files> [Required]: Accepts directory of Mininet topology files
    • Will only parse python files from given directory - folder can contain other files.
  • -t, --topology-name <string> [Optional]: Name of topology found in python file.


  • --not-long [Optional] - Default: Execute short validation routine
  • --long [Optional]: Execute long validation routine


$ mrtopo validate-dir -d some_dir/

Base + Topology Name: 
$ mrtopo validate-file -d some_dir/ -t 'att'

Base + Routine: 
$ mrtopo validate-file -d some_dir/ --long

Base + Routine + Topology Name: 
$ mrtopo validate-file -d some_dir/ -t 'att' --not-long


$ mrtopo validate-dir --help                                                                                                                               ✔  8213  22:40:45
Usage: mrtopo validate-dir [OPTIONS]

  Validate a directory of Mininet topologies.

  -d, --dir TEXT            Validate a directory of Mininet topologies.
  -t, --topology-name TEXT  Name of topology found in python file. Example:
                            'topos = { 'someName': ... } - someName would be
                            the topology-name. Only use this option if you
                            know that all python files in the specified
                            dirfollow the topology name given.
  --long / --not-long       Long test flag (i.e. pingall)
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


  • A validator.txt file describing the validation operation performed on the each mutation file in the specified directory.

Command: mutate-and-test

MrTopo command used to mutate a Mininet topology and then execute a test on the outputs.

Note: depending on the command file provided this command may only be able to execute on ONOS machines.


  • -f, --file <path to python file> [Required]: Accepts a Mininet topology file .py
  • -cf, --command-file <path to bash file> [Required]: Accepts a bash file


The topology file specified must be a mininet topology.

$ mrtopo mutate-and-test -f -cf 
// note .sh is not required as long as the -cf file is a bash file


$ mrtopo mutate-and-test --help                                                                                                                              2 ↵  8209  22:19:58
Usage: mrtopo mutate-and-test [OPTIONS]

  Mutate and Test a Mininet Topology file.

  -f, --file TEXT           Python file that MrTopo should mutate.  [required]
  -cf, --command-file TEXT  Bash file that contains ONOS testing commands to
                            execute.  [required]

  --help                    Show this message and exit.


  • A MrTopoGenerated directory - containing:
    • Multiple mrtopo_gen_topo_<#>.py mutated topology files generated from the input python file.
    • A desc.txt file describing the mutation operation performed on each mrtopo_gen_topo_<#>.py file.
  • A MrTopoTest directory - containing:
    • A copy of the original topology should anything have gone wrong during testing.
    • A test.txt file detailing the output of each test

Command: test-mutation-dir

MrTopo command used to test a mutated set of networks (directory) against a given Mininet topology file.

Note: depending on the command file provided this command may only be able to execute on ONOS machines.


  • -f, --file <path to python file> [Required]: Accepts a Mininet topology file .py
  • -cf, --command-file <path to bash file> [Required]: Accepts a bash file


The topology file specified must be a mininet topology.

$ mrtopo mutate-and-test -d dir_of_mutated_files/ -tf original_topology -cf 
// note .sh is not required as long as the -cf file is a bash file


$ mrtopo test-mutation-dir --help                                                                                                                              2 ↵  8209  22:19:58
Usage: mrtopo test-mutation-dir [OPTIONS]

  Test a mutated set of networks (directory) against a given Mininet
  topology file.

  -d, --dir TEXT            A directory of Mininet topologies.  [required]
  -tf, --target-file TEXT   Name of file that MrTopo mutated and should
                            substitute out during testing.  [required]

  -cf, --command-file TEXT  Bash file that contains ONOS testing commands to
                            execute.  [required]

  --help                    Show this message and exit.


  • A MrTopoTest directory - containing:
    • A copy of the original topology should anything have gone wrong during testing.
    • A test.txt file detailing the output of each test


  1. Copy the /examples/ code to a local python file named
  2. Run mrtopo python-file -f
  3. This should create a MrTopoGenerated folder containing the mutated topology files generated from the file.
  4. Replace with the path to your Mininet topology file.

Further Notes

Further documentation is available on the MrTopo GitHub pages site.
