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Getting Started

VKalinchuk edited this page Sep 5, 2014 · 1 revision


FalconSoft Data Management Suite is a sophisticated enterprise data management and analysis platform, designed and built by FalconSoft to significantly speed up and simplify development of real-time data management solutions within an enterprise. (


FalconSoft Data server

Compile in Visual Studio


Download last stable release



Сonfigure the FalconSoft.Data.Server.exe.config file:

Find the section

    <add key="serverMessagingType" value="RabbitMQ"/>
    <add key="ConnectionString" value="localhost" />
    <add key="RabbitMqAdminLogin" value="RWClient"/>
    <add key="RabbitMqAdminPass" value="RWClient"/>
    <add key="MetaDataPersistenceConnectionString" value="mongodb://localhost/rw_metadata" />
    <add key="PersistenceDataConnectionString" value="mongodb://localhost/rw_data" />
    <add key="MongoDataConnectionString" value="mongodb://localhost/MongoData" />
    <add key="CatalogDlls" value="DataSources\;" />

serverMessagingType type of connection technology to use. Can be RabbitMQ, SignalR, InProcess;

ConnectionString path to connect to server;

RabbitMqAdminLogin login to RabbitMQ manager;

RabbitMqAdminPass path to RabbitMQ manager;

MetaDataPersistenceConnectionString, PersistenceDataConnectionString, MongoDataConnectionString - path to DataBase tables;

CatalogDlls - path to directory with your own dataSources. You can use relative path. If you need to have more than one path you can separate if with ; symbol;

Log files

The log information about server state is in the %AppData%/Local/FalconSoft/ReactiveWorksheets/server-log-file.txt;

The log information about Service installing process is in FalconSoft.Data.Server.InstallLog and in InstallUtil.InstallLog files

The log information about Service installing state is in FalconSoft.Data.Server.InstallState

FalconSoft Data Console

Compile in Visual Studio



To run application please set url to server for ConnectionString in section and than run the executable.

Log files

The log information about client state is in the log-file.txt;

Command line arguments

Following commans allow you to comunicate with server:

  • help show commands available in application and description how to use them


> Reactive.Data.Console.exe help
  • exit exit from application


> Reactive.Data.Console.exe exit
  • create <SchemaPath> create DataSourceInfo scheme


            <SchemaPath> - required field, path to the file in json format where described DatasourceInfo structure


> Reactive.Data.Console.exe create C:\DataSourceInfoTemplate.json

Sample template can be found in DataSourceInfoTemplates

  • get <DataSource Name> <Output File Name> [FilterRules] [Separator] get data from source


            <DataSource name> - required parameter, format category\datasource name. Datasource name from which data will be downloaded

            <Output File Name> - required parameter, the file name where data will be downloaded

            [FilterRules] - optional parameter, filter base on which client will get data

            [separator] - optional parameter, delimeter in CSV data file(s). Default to TAB


> Reactive.Data.Console.exe get TestDataSourceCategory\TestDataSourceName C:\Data.txt
  • submit <update filename> <delete filename> <DataSource name> [comment] [separator] save data to source


            <update filename> - required parameter, file what has to be uploaded

            <delete filename> - required parameter, file wich contains RecordKeys to be deleted

            <DataSource name> - required parameter, forma category\datasource name. Datasource where data will be submited

            [comment] - optional parameter, comment

            [separator] - optional parameter, delimeter in CSV data file(s). Default to TAB


> Reactive.Data.Console.exe submit C:\Data.txt C:\Data.txt TestDataSourceCategory\TestDataSourceName My_Comment ,
  • subscribe <DataSource name> <filename> [FilterRules] [separator] notify on data changing


            <DataSource name> - required parameter, forma "category\datasource name". Datasource where data will be submited

            <filename> - required parameter, name of the file where output will be dumped

            [FilterRules] - optional parameter, filter base on which client will get updates

            [separator] - optional parameter, delimeter in CSV data file(s). Default to TAB


> Reactive.Data.Console.exe subscribe TestDataSourceCategory\TestDataSourceName C:\Data.txt