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PlanetX flavor of Crater

CURRENT: n/a ~~ NEXT: v0.1.0, 2017/05/15 ~~ Created 2017/05/15


alt text


  ./          - Project Configurations
  ./                  - My notes for how to use Crater
  ./                   - Changes by version number
  ./  - Overview of PlanetX vs original Crater
  ./               - Original `crater/`
  ./          - What it is the package is about
  ./                 - How I think each piece should work
  ./             - What I'm thinking along the way
  ./                 - Notes about maintaining the project

/ (this)                  - Developer Notes




Tip: anytime you type npm or npm run you could use yarn instead
Note 1: dev mode only renders a basic page on the server side; only prod mode and the built app render your routes on the server side.
Note 2: Make sure to install deps before running the app for the first time:

npm i

Then after that, startup the Dev Server

Dev Server

npm run s


npm run start

Runs the build:meteor script, which partially populates this folder, before starting the app. And open http://localhost:4000 in your browser. (It runs a webpack dev server on port 4000 and proxies to the main server)

Development Process

One of my favorite things about the crater boilerplate is it comes with flow:watch and lint:watch and npm run start (or npm run s) will auto-rebuild and HMR. For optimum visibility during development I setup my terminals in a specific way.

Create Terminal Tabs in iTerm2

  1. Primary: split horizontally (creates: Second)
  2. Primary: split vertically (creates: Third)
  3. Secondary: split horizontally (creates: Fourth)

Primary: npm run lint:watch
Second: npm run start
Third: npm run flow:watch
Fourth: $ cli (write commits, or whatever)

Dev Debug mode

npm run debug


npm run debug-brk

And then go to the usual node-inspector URL, which will be printed in the console.

Prod mode

npm run prod

And open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Disabling full SSR in prod mode

As neat as it is, full-blown SSR requires more work and you might decide it's not worth it. To only render an empty HTML document on the server and do everything else on the client, even in production, set the DISABLE_FULL_SSR environment variable:

DISABLE_FULL_SSR=1 npm run prod # or npm run build, etc.

or look in webpack/webpack.config.server.js and uncomment the DISABLE_FULL_SSR line inside the webpack.DefinePlugin. If you build bundles this way, there will be no way to turn full SSR back on at runtime.

Prod Debug mode

npm run prod:debug


npm run prod:debug-brk

And then go to the usual node-inspector URL, which will be printed in the console.



The following scripts are available:

  • npm run lint
  • npm run lint:fix (or npm run l)
  • npm run lint:watch (or npm run lw)
  • npm run flow (or npm run f)
  • npm run flow:watch (or npm run fw)

Unit Testing

npm run test

Doesn't come with crater, so I setup chai-enzyme with mocha. A HelloWorldTest.js and HelloWorldTest.test.js example is in the components directory.

Integration Testing

npm run test

This runs an integration test that successively runs dev and prod mode via the commands above, and tests that Meteor integration is working via PhantomJS and Webdriver.IO.

It also tests the docker build, so you need to have docker and docker-compose installed for the docker test to pass.


npm run build

Everything is output to the build directory. Note that npm run prod runs this before starting the app.


Note: the Dockerfile is configured to use Node 4.5, but feel free to change it in your own project.

First build the docker image (this is currently set up to tag it as jedwards1211/crater:$(git rev-parse HEAD)):

npm run build:docker

Then you can run the docker image using: (requires docker-compose)

npm run docker

And open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Multiple targets

If you need to build multiple targets, read the comments in buildDir.js and change it accordingly. Then run any commands with the TARGET environment variable set to the name of the build target. You can use process.env.TARGET in your code.

FAQ / Support


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