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react-typescript-meteor | Sustainable, Large Scale, X-Device Design

Commitizen friendly

Start a new react project with est. lifespan: 2017Q3 -> 2018Q2


This repository uses 'commitizen', start a commit with meteor npm run commit

Precommit Hook

Before a commit is saved, the precommit script will run, for example: "precommit": "npm run test" which will run the test script.

You can skip the precommit hook from running by passing --no-verify to commit like :

$ meteor npm run commit --no-verify # equivalent to git commit --no-verify -m "message"

File Structure

├── /.meteor/                   # Meteor's configuration and build directory
    └── /packages               # List of 3rd party ATMOSPHERE libraries and utilities
├── /.vscode/                   # IDE configuration and typing build directory
├── /client/                    # Client-side only hooks
├── /docs/                      # Documentation about the repo not covered in this
├── /node_modules/              # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /public/                    # Static files which are copied into the /build/public folder
├── /imports/                   # The source code of the application
    ├── /api/                   # API (or GraphQL) server schema and data models
    ├── /routes/                # Page/screen components along with the routing information
    ├── /startup/               # Server/Client Startup Hooks
        ├── /both/              # Universal config
        ├── /client/            # Client config: routes
        └── /server/            # Server config: accounts, register-apis, fixtures
    ├── /ui/                    # 1st-Party React UI Library
        ├── /lib/               # Interface for 3rd party libraries
        └── /src/               # Bespoke components for the UI library
    └── ...                     # Other core framework modules
├── /server/                    # Server-side only hooks
├── .gitignore                  # Only use this .gitignore except for extractable modules
├── package.json                # List of 3rd party NPM libraries and utilities
└── yarn.lock                   # Fixed versions of all the dependencies


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