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Movies persons service

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  1. Configure movies_persons_db
  2. Create .env on project root dir
    Example env:

Configuration params info

if supported values is empty, then any type values are supported

yml name yml section env name param type description supported values
log_level LOG_LEVEL string logging level panic, fatal, error, warning, warn, info, debug, trace
healthcheck_port HEALTHCHECK_PORT string port for healthcheck any valid port that is not occupied by other services. The string should not contain delimiters, only the port number
host listen HOST string ip address or host to listen
port listen PORT string port to listen The string should not contain delimiters, only the port number
server_mode listen SERVER_MODE string Server listen mode, Rest API, gRPC or both GRPC, REST, BOTH
service_name prometheus PROMETHEUS_SERVICE_NAME string service name, thats will show in prometheus
server_config prometheus nested yml configuration metrics server config
db_config nested yml configuration database config configuration for database connection
jaeger nested yml configuration jaeger config configuration for jaeger connection
network movies_persons_cache MOVIES_PERSONS_CACHE_NETWORK string network tcp or udp
addr movies_persons_cache MOVIES_PERSONS_CACHE_ADDR string ip address(or host) with port of redis all valid addresses formatted like host:port or ip-address:port
password movies_persons_cache MOVIES_PERSONS_CACHE_PASSWORD string password for connection to the redis
db movies_persons_cache MOVIES_PERSONS_CACHE_DB int the number of the database in the redis
movies_persons_ttl movies_persons_cache time.Duration with positive duration the time delay between person deleted from cache supported values
base_photo_url BASE_PHOTO_URL string base url for pictures url like http://host or https://host
photo_category PHOTO_CATEGORY string category name for photos in images storage server only latin characters, without special characters

Database config

yml name env name param type description supported values
host DB_HOST string host or ip address of database
port DB_PORT string port of database any valid port that is not occupied by other services. The string should not contain delimiters, only the port number
username DB_USERNAME string username(role) in database
password DB_PASSWORD string password for role in database
db_name DB_NAME string database name (database instance)
ssl_mode DB_SSL_MODE string enable or disable ssl mode for database connection disabled or enabled

Jaeger config

yml name env name param type description supported values
address JAEGER_ADDRESS string hip address(or host) with port of jaeger service all valid addresses formatted like host:port or ip-address:port
service_name JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME string service name, thats will show in jaeger in traces
log_spans JAEGER_LOG_SPANS bool whether to enable log scans in jaeger for this service or not

Prometheus config

yml name env name param type description supported values
host METRIC_HOST string ip address or host to listen for prometheus service
port METRIC_PORT string port to listen for of prometheus service any valid port that is not occupied by other services. The string should not contain delimiters, only the port number

time.Duration yml supported values

A Duration value can be expressed in various formats, such as in seconds, minutes, hours, or even in nanoseconds. Here are some examples of valid Duration values:

  • 5s represents a duration of 5 seconds.
  • 1m30s represents a duration of 1 minute and 30 seconds.
  • 2h represents a duration of 2 hours.
  • 500ms represents a duration of 500 milliseconds.
  • 100µs represents a duration of 100 microseconds.
  • 10ns represents a duration of 10 nanoseconds.


The service uses Prometheus and Jaeger and supports distribution tracing


Swagger docs


  • @Falokut - Primary author of the project


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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