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File metadata and controls

362 lines (252 loc) · 17.3 KB

The GEDCOM X File Format


This document specifies a file format for data defined by the GEDCOM X standard conceptual model, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

The current state of this document is as a "stable draft", and as such, the document may be subject to limited changes, BUT NOT backwards-incompatible changes, according to the discussion and suggestions for improvement.

Copyright Notice

Copyright Intellectual Reserve, Inc.


This document is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. For details, see:


The GEDCOM X File Format spec specifies how to bundle up genealogical data into a file and defines how the resources within the file can link to each other. The spec includes notational conventions, the ZIP file format, the GEDCOM X resources, the manifest, data references, examples, and the GEDCOM X filename extension.

A GEDCOM X file is a bundle of digital genealogical resources, such as data that has been gathered through the genealogical research process about persons, relationships, sources, images, etc. This specification defines a mechanism to bundle all of these resources into a single file and defines a mechanism whereby each resource within the bundle may refer to other resources within the same file.

Table Of Contents

The identifier for this specification is:

For convenience, the GEDCOM X file format may be referred to as "GEDCOM X File Format 1.0". This specification uses "GEDCOM X File Format" internally.

This specification depends on the ZIP file format defined by PKWARE, Inc.

This specification depends on the GEDCOM X JSON Serialization Format identified by

This specification depends on the GEDCOM X Standard Header Set identified by

This specification depends on RFC 822 which defines the format for header fields that are used to define the GEDCOM X file manifest.

This specification refers to RFC 3986 to explain how URI references are to be resolved within a GEDCOM X file.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119, as scoped to those conformance targets.

The GEDCOM X File Format is an extension of the ZIP file format. Each resource in the GEDCOM X file is provided as an entry in the file. A GEDCOM X File MUST include a manifest file that provides metadata about the GEDCOM X file and the resources contained in it.

All resources defined by the GEDCOM X Conceptual Model MUST be represented using the GEDCOM X JSON media type as defined by the GEDCOM X JSON Format specification. As such, each GEDCOM X resource is provided within a valid GEDCOM X JSON document with the GEDCOM X Object as the root element. Each GEDCOM X file MUST contain at least one GEDCOM X JSON document. A GEDCOM X file MAY contain more than one GEDCOM X JSON document. This specification does not specify a maximum number of elements nor a minimum number of elements supplied within each GEDCOM X file.

A GEDCOM X file MAY contain resources other than those defined by the GEDCOM X Conceptual Model. Examples of such resources include images, videos, audio files, etc. For each such resource in the GEDCOM X file, a media type MUST be provided using the GEDCOM X file manifest.

The manifest is a REQUIRED entry in the GEDCOM X file that provides metadata about the GEDCOM X file and each of the resources contained within the file. The manifest is provided as an entry in the file named META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

The metadata about the file and about each entry in the file is supplied in the manifest using "header fields" as defined by RFC 822, Section 3.2. Each header field consists of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field value. Field names are case-insensitive. The field value MAY be preceded by any amount of linear white space, though a single space is RECOMMENDED. Header fields can be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at least one space character.

Header fields are grouped into "sections". Sections are separated from other sections by one or more empty lines. The manifest consists of a "main" section followed by one section for each resource in the GEDCOM X file.

The main section consists of a (possibly empty) set of header fields that supply metadata for the GEDCOM X file itself. The main section MUST NOT contain a header field named "Name".

Each section for individual resources in the GEDCOM X file MUST start with a header field with the name "Name" and the value being the name of the entry for the resource in the GEDCOM X file.

All of the headers defined by the GEDCOM X Standard Header Set MAY be used as header fields in the main section of the manifest.

Use of the following headers is REQUIRED:

  • X-DC-conformsTo, used to identify the specification(s) the file conforms to. There MUST be one X-DC-conformsTo header with the value to identify the file's compliance with this specification. Other X-DC-conformsTo headers MAY be supplied to identify compliance with other specifications.

Use of the following headers is RECOMMENDED if the metadata is available:

  • User-Agent, used to provide information about the software, program, or other application used to create the file.
  • X-DC-created, used to determine when the file was created.
  • X-DC-creator, used to identify the agent that created the file. The value of the header is interpreted as a URI Reference that resolves to the agent, possibly provided in the GEDCOM X file itself.

All of the headers defined by the GEDCOM X Standard Header Set MAY be used as header fields applicable to the resource to which the section applies. Use of the following headers is RECOMMENDED for each individual resource if the metadata is available:

  • Content-Type is used to determine the media type of the resource in the file. If a Content-Type header field is not provided, the media type of the resource is assumed to be application/x-gedcomx-v1+json.
  • ETag is used to supply a version for the resource.
  • X-DC-modified is used to supply a timestamp of when the resource was last modified.

The GEDCOM X Conceptual Model specifies that instances of data types refer to other instances via URI Reference. To support references to instances of data types within a GEDCOM X file, this section clarifies how URI References are to be resolved within the context of a file.

If an instance of a data type refers to an resource that is external to the file, such as an online resource, the URI Reference MUST be an Absolute URI as defined by RFC 3986 Section 4.3.

References to instances of data types that are contained within the same GEDCOM X JSON Document within a GEDCOM X file are referred to as "same-document references". A same-document URI reference is specified by RFC 3986 Section 4.4.

Data type instances MAY refer to other data type instances that reside in the same GEDCOM X file but in different entries within that file. Such references use a relative URI reference as defined by RFC 3986 Section 4.2.

Per RFC 3986 Section 5.1, relative references are only usable when a base URI is known. For the purposes of resolving relative references within a GEDCOM X file, the base URI is defined as the URI to the directory at the root of the ZIP file. The base URI of a GEDCOM X file aligns with the concept of the "Base URI from the Encapsulating Entity" as defined by RFC 3986 Section 5.1.2.

RFC 3986 Section 4.2 specifies that a relative reference that begins with two slash characters is termed a network-path reference. Network-path references SHOULD NOT be used within a GEDCOM X file. The resolution mechanism for a network-path reference within a GEDCOM X file is not defined by this specification.

RFC 3986 Section 4.2 specifies that a relative reference that begins with a single slash character is termed an absolute-path reference. Absolute path references are to be resolved as defined by RFC 3986 Section 5.2.

RFC 3986 Section 4.2 specifies that a relative reference that does not begin with a slash character is termed a relative-path reference. Relative path references are to be resolved as defined by RFC 3986 Section 5.2.

The following example is provided to illustrate of the make up of a GEDCOM X file, to demonstrate how resource references are resolved from within a GEDCOM X file. The example is a GEDCOM X file that contains three resources along with the (mandatory) GEDCOM X file manifest, as follows:

(ZIP) File Entry Description
bishop/tree.json A GEDCOM X JSON document containing a single person.
images/alma-birth-certificate.jpg A JPEG image that represents a digital copy of a birth certificate.
tree.json A GEDCOM X JSON document containing a person, a relationship, and a source description.


The resource in the entry bishop/tree.json in the file is a GEDCOM X JSON document that contains genealogical information about a person named Marie Bishop and her ancestry. The instance of Person in the document that describes Marie provides the value "KWCR-JW3" for its id property.


The resource in the entry images/alma-birth-certificate.jpg in the file is a JPEG image that is a digital copy of a birth certificate for a person named Alma Heaton.


The resource in the entry tree.json in the file is a GEDCOM X JSON document that contains genealogical information about a person named Alma Heaton and his ancestry. The instance of Person in the document that describes Alma provides the value "KWCR-JWS" for its id property.

The document also contains an instance of SourceDescription that describes the copy of the birth certificate of Alma Heaton that is provided in the entry images/alma-birth-certificate.jpg. In addition to information about the source such as a title, citation, etc., the instance of SourceDescription that describes the birth certificate provides the value "M8PT-4GP" for its id property.

The document also contains an instance of Relationship that describes the relationship between Alma Heaton and Marie Bishop. In relationship is described as a Couple relationship and contains an instance of Fact that describes the marriage of Alma and Marie. The relationship does not provide a value for its id property.


The resource in the entry META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is the GEDCOM X file manifest. It describes the file as follows:

X-DC-created: 2013-05-17T12:31:14

Name: tree.json
Content-Type: application/x-gedcomx-v1+json

Name: bishop/tree.json
Content-Type: application/x-gedcomx-v1+json

Name: images/alma-birth-certificate.jpg
Content-Type: image/jpeg

This section describes the data references that are used by the data instances to refer to other data instances.

The couple relationship

In the above example, the instance of Relationship contained by the document at tree.json refers to both the instance of Person that describes Alma and to the instance of Person that describes Marie. Because the instance of Relationship is contained within the same document as the instance of Person that describes Alma, the relationship references Alma using a same-document reference to the fragment id of Alma, "#KWCR-JWS". The relationship refers to the instance of Person that describes Marie by using a relative reference that includes the reference fragment id. In this case, an absolute-path relative reference is used: "/bishop/tree.json#KWCR-JW3". For convenience, the JSON snippet of tree.json illustrating the relationship is provided here:

  "relationships" : [
      "type" : "",
      "person1" : {
        "resource" : "#KWCR-JWS"
      "person2" : {
        "resource" : "/bishop/tree.json#KWCR-JW3"

The source reference and source description

In the above example, the instance of Person that describes Alma references a description of a source, which in turn references the image of the birth certificate. Because the source reference and the source description are contained within the same document, the source reference refers to the document using a same-document reference: "#M8PT-4GP". The source description refers to the image using the about property. For the purposes of illustration, a relative-path relative reference is used: "./images/alma-birth-certificate.jpg". For convenience, the JSON snippet of tree.json illustrating the source reference and source description is provided here:

  "persons" : [
      "id" : "KWCR-JWS",
      "sources" : [
          "description" : "#M8PT-4GP"
  "sourceDescriptions" : [
      "about" : "./images/alma-birth-certificate.jpg"

The filename extension .gedx is RECOMMENDED for GEDCOM X files.