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These scripts are used to generate brain surface and tract files (in .obj format, parcellated and registered) from Freesurfer recon-all and trac-all packages.

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These scripts are used to generate brain surface and tract files (in .obj format, parcellated and registered) from Freesurfer recon-all and trac-all packages.


The surface and tracts imported in Unity:

The complete pial surface read by Mac Preview:

The left-head V1 surface read by Mac Preview:

The left-head Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus (ILF) with color code RGB-RAS read by Mac Preview:


  • Python 3.x;
  • Python packages: numpy, nibabel, Pillow, PyQt5, vispy, pywavefront;
  • Prerequisites: Freesurfer 'recon-all' and 'trac-all' result packages prepared.

Prerequisite steps

Here we list a series of commands (from FSL and Freesurfer) you may need before running surf2obj or trac2obj scripts. The prerequisite steps should be conducted in a Mac or Linux environment with FSL and Freesurfer installed. If you have those data packages prepared, just skip these steps.

# run 'recon-all' pipeline; see [Freesurfer]( for more details
recon-all -i <T1.nii.gz> -s <subid> -all -parallel -openmp 8 ><subid>.log 2>&1

# convert orig.mgz to nifti format; we will use the recon-all orig space as the standard space as all following images will be registered to it
mri_convert <$SUBJECTS_DIR/subid/mri/orig.mgz> <$SUBJECTS_DIR/subid/mri/orig.nii.gz>

# to register the dti image with the orig space before you do 'trac-all' for further convenience and precision; see [FSL flirt&applysfm4d]( for more information
flirt -in <dwi_raw_b0.nii> -ref <orig.nii.gz> -omat dwi2orig.mat -cost normmi
applyxfm4d <dwi_raw.nii.gz> <orig.nii.gz> dwi_orig_4d.nii.gz dwi2orig.mat -singlematrix

# run 'trac-all' pipeline using the registered dwi_orig_4d.nii.gz images; see [Freesurfer trac-all]( for more details
trac-all -prep -c $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/dmrirc.tutorial
trac-all -bedp -c $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/dmrirc.tutorial
trac-all -path -c $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/dmrirc.tutorial

# you may also want to generate more specific surface labels in the recon-all packages; see [mri_annotation2label](
mri_annotation2label --subject <subif> --hemi <lh/rh> --label <label#int> --outdir <dir> --annotation <'aparc'/'aparc.a2009s'>

# Now you get all result packages ready:) The previous steps may take a long time and you may meet some configuration bugs. Hope you go through it well. Good luck!

Script Descriptions

  • -- read Freesurfer surface files (.pial, .white, etc.) and write .obj files from them in SurfaceRAS/tkRAS coordinates
  • -- read Freesurfer tract files (.trk) and write .obj files from them in SurfaceRAS/tkRAS coordinates registered with the surface files


These scripts are used to generate brain surface and tract files (in .obj format, parcellated and registered) from Freesurfer recon-all and trac-all packages.







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